Episode 16

Bella POV

"Chris what are you doing here?"Nana asked sounding pitiful

"Cut the pretense bitch" I said immediately

"Babe can you hear them call me a bitch" she said holding his waist. Chris pushed her away from him and said to her "I overheard you saying you own meDid I hear you right?"He asked

"Yes baby I'm your girlfriend"she answered

"Hey we broke at the school cafeteria Have you forgotten?"He replied and I laughed out so loud that she felt embarrassed

"Oh no she might not remember let's remind her blockhead"I said to her making a mockery face and Roxanne pulled my shirt slightly telling me to stop. I jerked her hand off my shirt

"Chris you've embarrassed me enough and you Roxanne I'm coming for you "she cleaned her tears and walked out

Roxanne ran after her crying"Nana I beg of you let my aunt out of this situation please"

Chris held her back and asked "what has your aunt got to do with this?"

Roxanne removed his hand hastily from hers and said "stay away from me stay away from whatever belongs to me"she ran out of the room

Chris was dumbfounded "she's not happy"I said and tapped his shoulder. We followed Roxanne….

It's almost 30 mins we were still hiding she seem so angry. We could not go closer to her so that she'll not loose it on us

"How do you think we can protect Roxanne from Nana?"Chris asked

"Did James tell you anything?" I asked

"Yes he did"

"Wow hmmm since you know already. Nana is really going to harm aunt Bethany if you stop her"

"Wait who is aunt Bethany?"He asked looking puzzled

"Then what did James tell you?"

"He only said I should protect Roxanne what exactly is going on?"

"Wow okay you heard already Roxanne didnot want you to get involved so I told James not to tell you about it. Nana is threatening Roxanne"I said feeling like I betrayed my friend

"My goodness did you say threaten? I need to get somewhere" he said and left in a hurry "Please don't let Roxanne know I told you" I shouted after him "sure"he replied

I walked up to Roxanne "hi bes"I said and she smiled differently. I looked around and then to her table "you drank.. how did I not notice?"

"I can't stop thinking about him. But why can't I be with him?"She asked and started crying

"C'mon bes let's go to our room the second orientation is starting very early tomorrow we need to sleep early James and Chris are on it and your aunt is safe" I said carrying her to our room.

After few minutes of the struggling to make her stop crying, she slept off hugging me.

James POV

Chris called me earlier this evening asking me why I asked him to protect Roxanne.

"Dude it's your problem that brought her into the kind of situation that she is now and she needs to be protected"I told him

"So who is Bethany?"He asked

"She's someone you don't need to know"I replied immediately

"Your girlfriend told me"he said after few seconds of silence

"She told you what?"

"About the threat"

"She asked me not to tell you so why did she tell you?"I asked surprised

"She thought you told me"

"Okay fine so what is going to happen about nana? I took care of her aunt's security already"

"Thanks man How's the company?"

"The company is fine but the workloads are tiring " I said falling tiredly on my office chair

"As expected. You should hire a personal assistant soon" Chris suggested

"I'll try to hire one soon. So what are you going to do with Nana?"

"I'm going to talk to her" "you had better" we bade each other goodbye after some business talks.

Nana POV

"I'm so going to deal with this Roxanne if she doesn't leave my Chris" Nana said pacing around the room

"Nana calm down" Lila said after getting tired of hearing Nana's worrisome voice since she entered the room "relax this girl is not a threat to your relationship after all you said she loves her aunt and you have her as our target right then calm down" Lila said

"I have this uneasy feeling since she got into greenwood " nana said

"You just like bothering yourself over a minor issue. This girl in question is a scholarship student and needs to attain a particular grade to avoid her withdrawal. You know people in greenwood why not make her fail and leaves greenwood for you? C'mon wise up bitch" Lila said while pressing her phone carefreely

"Wow Lila you're a worse bitch why haven't I thought about that? Wow that's the best idea. Thanks Lila "nana said hugging Lila

"What are friends for. After removing her from the picture, you can face Chris squarely " she said releasing herself from the hug

"Yh that's the plan now so we can let her be for now" I said smiling wickedly. We both laughed into nothing

Suddenly we heard a knock at the door.

"Are you expecting anyone?" Lila asked

"No Chris lodged into another hotel room" I said and went to check who it was at the door

"Chris hmm you're back right?"

"Nana let's meet after the orientation tomorrow" he said and turned back immediately. I ran into the room happily

"Chris wants to meet me tomorrow after the orientation" I said jumping around happily ad fell on the bed

After few minutes, I ran out and knocked on the next door (Roxanne's room) and said "Chris wants to see me tomorrow"

"Fuck you" Roxanne friend said and I laughed "Roxie and her bitch friend should not cry for mercy when I have my boyfriend back"

Bethany POV

I've been feeling unsafe since I met James and Kathy at the hospital. 'As soon as Roxie is back from the contest, we should relocate to a safer place.' I thought. 'It's not going to be fair for her but I have no choice than to keep us safe.'

I stood up and walked to my room. I laid on my bed and yawned then I heard some noise in my carrot garden. I opened my window and the noise stopped. I slept back after few minutes.