Episode 19

Tyler POV

I hopped in a cab and told the cab driver to head to the hospital that my sister was sick. "Okay" the cab driver said and started driving. I brought out my phone and sent my live location to James and Chris with the pictures I took at my house.

I looked up for the first time since I entered the cab and saw the driver was not on the route leading to the hospital. "Which route is this?" I asked him as I was getting anxious

"It's a new quick route since it's an emergency. I said to used the short route will be better"

"Pls don't. Use the normal route or I'll report your page on your app right now" I said showing him that I was on his cab app. He turned back immediately to the normal route

After few minutes, he made a call and was nervous. I asked him if all was well and he said yes.

I asked to use his phone that I had to made few calls and my phone battery won't be sufficient.

I went to his call log and saw that his last two dialed and received call was an unknown number. I saved the number on my phone. I made a call with Chris, deleted Chris' number and returned his phone. "Thank you. You can have the balance to yourself" I said as I alighted the cab.

I ran off the hospital reception and asked about my sister. The nurse I met was the woman that said she had a thing with my father's wife and she said my sister is in her ward.

"Take me there I've forgotten the way there" She led the way there and acted shocked when my sister was not in the ward.

"Where is my sister?"

"Don't cause a fuss here ,Tyler. Meet me at my house by 5pm. Your sister is safe. Pls don't involve the police" she pleaded and she was about to tear up. "It's fine I won't" I walked out of the hospital thinking of what I was doing was the right thing.

Chris call came in and he said he was almost at the police station. "Meet me at my house"

Chris POV

I saw Roxie and Bella sneaking around nana and her friend. I knew immediately that James have them that assignment. James is not only a business strategist but also plan strategist. He's smart. He already called me and said he suspected that the lady at the hospital was related to Roxanne and she knows about the kidnapping. He said that if I reported the case to the police that she was going to go to jail and it would ruin my future with Roxanne so I shouldn't.

James already called the nurse at the hospital that she should tell Tyler not to report to the police. James was even aware of the kidnap but he said the nurse did not reveal those who were behind the kidnap so he was going to find out himself. So I'm heading to Tyler's house to get the staff records.

"Tyler I'm almost at the police station " I lied

"Meet meat my house " he said

" okay" I headed to his house. This competition is not for me. I'm only here because of Nana even though I wanted to be here but it was because of Roxanne.

"Tyler why are you not reporting the case?" I asked feigning about knowing why.

"That nurse at the hospital said I should meet her at her house this evening that she knows about my sister's kidnap. Can you imagine?" He said worried. "That poor girl doesn't deserve this kind of treatment. She needs her transplant in less than 48 hours"

"Tyler don't worry she's going to be fine"

"I some masked guys custody "

"Hold yourself together for your sister. James is working on it. We are almost close to knowing the person behind it all." I said consoling him

"Does he still need the staff records?" He asked

"Yes he needs it"

He stood up to bring it. After few minutes, he brought out the records they were so dusty.

"The new staff records are now computerized. The old ones were documented. So here are they"

We started checking through. After few minutes, we found a staff records about the nurse at the hospital.

Name of employee: Anderson Bethany

Age: 27

Date of birth: 12-09-1977

Year of service: from 2004 - 2019

Post: chief maid to Master Tyler

Name of employer: Miss Johnson

Amount paid monthly: $15000

"Wow she was even paid as low as 15000 USD dollars. Snap it and send it to James " I told Tyler

He snapped it fast and sent it.

Immediately, James saw it he videocall.

"Guys when you get to miss Bethany house. Don't fidget. Just act along you'll meet armed men there. It's a plan to kidnap you guys too Buh they are all on my side now."

"Oh I hope we are doing right thing " Tyler said

"Stop being lazy" I said hitting his shoulders

"So from the staff records, I confirmed miss Bethany knows your father's wife and might have a thing against her. I'm thinking she's probably been blackmailed or threatened right now" James said

"She mentioned something about moving because of my father's wife when I met her initially " Tyler said

"This is a whole big complicated mess" I said

Back to the hotel

Roxanne POV

The host called us all for an emergency meeting and said the contest has been canceled for some reason that cannot be disclosed. That we should dismiss the hotel premises in 48 hours. I'm so tired of following Nana around right now. I even followed her to the toilet. "Bella check on James let's know what is going on on his end"

"Hi James"

"Hey babe"

"How's Tyler's sis?"

"Everything is under control."

"Okay" Bella said

"James do you know about the contest dismissal?"

"Tyler's dad must have been behind it. I don't know about it. So when are you going home?"

"Tomorrow morning "

"Roxanne what about you go to Bella's house instead"

"Why? I need to see my aunt. She's home alone and probably bored without me"

"Okay fine bye " he hanged up immediately

'What's wrong'