
Roxana sat motionless in her bed, feeling perplexed of Asher behaviour, she could not fathom his thought which is deep as the ocean. This is the first time she experience this kind of feeling to someone, he is like an enigma which drawn her even more towards him. She quickly send a message to Evelyn, she figured Evelyn will have the answers to her question.

Roxana : "Hey, Can I asks you something? "


Evelyn : "What is it? "

Roxana thought for a moment and decided to tell her honestly.

Roxana : "I think I'm in love"

Evelyn : "WHAT? SERIOUSLY? "

Evelyn : "Who is the lucky guy?"

Evelyn : "Do I know him? "

Evelyn : "Please, please pretty tell me"

Evelyn looked really excited as she send her messages without stopping. Roxana thought for a while and decided to directly talk to her face to face as she really can't explain her relationship with Asher.

Roxana : "I can't tell you his name now, but I really have something to ask you but I can't explain it at the moment, so I'll talk to you tomorrow. "

Evelyn : "You will have to tell me in full details."

Roxana : "Yeah, Goodnight. "

Evelyn : "Goodnight ."

After chatting with Evelyn, Roxana went to sleep peacefully.


Roxana was walking to the cafe to meet Evelyn, while thinking to herself whether she should really tell Evelyn or not about Asher. According to her observation of him, she perceive that he wouldn't really like her talk about him to others.

She entered the cafe and quickly search for Evelyn through the crowd and quickly found her sitting in the middle of the table while waving at her excitedly. After coming to this city, Evelyn is the only friend she had. Even though she's rich, Evelyn never mingled with others rich students, it just she changes boyfriend like she changes clothes, in a word she's a playgirl. But Roxana didn't judge her as everyone has their own choice to live as they want, so the both of them got clicked, as Roxana was also Evelyn only friend.

"Hey",Roxana greet her and took the seat across Evelyn.

Evelyn scrutinized her for a whileand said in an excited voice," Spill it out now. "

"Well, let me orders something to drink first", Roxana said in a begging tone.

" Sure "

Roxana quickly order an espresso with her favorite black forest pudding desert. She turned to Evelyn who was still looking at her which made her sighed. She tried to organize her words before she disclose to her about everything.

"Well, I went out with him yesterday, I thought he would say something about us", she paused, "You know like about us dating or something else, but he didn't even say anything, now I'm not sure whether we're even friends."

She continues, "What even more strange is that he called me yesterday night, we talk for a bit until he heard Rian asking me to go on an outing with his friends this weekend when he suddenly demand that I shouldn't go."

Evelyn eyebrows rose up slightly and probed her, "And you agreed?" to which Roxana nodded.

"How can you agreed when you're uncertain of his feelings?" Evelyn voice rose up a bit.

Evelyn was about to say something when the staff of the cafe approach them and brought Roxana orders. Now, Roxana wasn't in the mood to eat after she heard Evelyn.

After the staff left Evelyn seriously advice her, "Ok,it doesn't matter even if you agreed, but Roxana this is a good chance for you to find out about his feelings."

"Really? " Roxana asked in a doubtful voice.

"Of course, I'll help you." Evelyn said proudly.

"But I think he like me too, it just I'm not sure why he didn't say anything", she said uncertainty.

" Roxana, You're really innocence in a relationship, if a guy doesn't make his feelings clear to you it means he's not serious." she advised her.

Roxana face was pale as if she didn't want to believe in Evelyn words. All the things Evelyn said make sense but Roxana still believe Asher isn't like what Evelyn assumed. She's sure he like her, but something is stopping him. Hence, Roxana decided to listen to Evelyn and agreed to go to the trip.

"What should I do? " she inquired Evelyn.

Evelyn just smirked at her and smile.