Bluest Blue

Cassian's POV

Cassian took Samuel's suggestion seriously. The following day he ensured to have some time free in the afternoon. He walked through to the servants' quarters where Matilda was helping other maids with the chores.

"Your highness!" Matilda was surprised by his appearance as he had a tendency to call for her. The servants quickly stopped what they were doing and bowed.

"I'm looking for Isabelle," Cassian said. "Do you know where she is?"

The hum of whisper ran between the servants. Matilda blushed to know that she now had to explain that Isabelle was Adeline to them once the Prince left.

"She's in the library. I am to come over in an hour or so, as she asked. She's still struggling to find her way around that side of the castle."

"Thank you, Matilda." Cassian gave her a nod and walked off. As he left he heard excited and curious whispers in the servants' quarters.

He didn't care much for it. His mind was set on seeing Isabelle and talking to her.

He quietly entered the library searching for Isabelle. He soon found her between the bookshelves, standing and reading a book in her hand.

"What are you reading?" Cassian asked. Isabelle was startled by his sudden appearance and she dropped the book she held in her hand.

Cassian picked up the book before she did.

"I'm so sorry," Isabelle uttered, bowing her head low. "I didn't mean to drop it. I'm so sorry, your highness."

Cassian let out a frustrated sigh but Samuel's words were still fresh in his head.

"I am sure that you haven't dropped it purposely." Cassian passed her the book back which she took unsurely.

"I'm so sorry, I am ever so clumsy."

"I've startled you. It is hardly your fault." Cassian tried to reassure her that he didn't care about her dropping a book but Isabelle looked down in shame, her fingers turned white as she clung to the book. "Am I that hideous to you that you cannot even look at me?" Cassian asked with irritation. Isabelle's hands trembled as she shook her head. "Then, look at me." He demanded. Isabelle's body shuddered. She shyly looked up, barely looking at the bottom of his chin before she looked back down again. Cassian reached his hand out which made her flinch. He hated that she reacted to him as if she expected him to harm her. He hesitated but he placed his thumb under her chin and pushed her head upwards. He was gentle and careful but yet she looked terrified. He finally got to see her blue-green eyes and her face ever so clearly. He was stunned into silence, mesmerised by the delicate features and the depth of the colour in her eyes. "Why are you afraid of me?" Cassian asked at last. His voice was full of pain which he felt at the thought that he must've been a monster in her eyes. Isabelle didn't answer, she couldn't as she didn't know the answer herself, but also all of the words were stuck in her throat. Cassian's blue eyes drew her attention immediately. Cassian let out a defeated sigh. "You have nothing to fear." He said in the gentlest tone he could, but even then, his deep voice held the power that he couldn't soften enough. Isabelle hasn't answered him, paralysed in her shock. "I do hope that your book is interesting nevertheless," Cassian said, letting go of her chin. To his surprise, Isabelle's head remain high for a few more moments as she stared at him with her eyes wide open. But then, like a mechanical doll, her head sprung down, looking away shyly.

Isabelle's POV:

Cassian startled her with his sudden appearance. It was a while since she was in his proximity. His large build hovering over her was intimidating. And his voice was like thunder. It didn't matter what he said, it made people tremble.

But… it seemed like he tried to strike up a conversation. Isabelle struggled to look up at him as she was ashamed of her attempted escape and many of her failures as his wife. They were married for a few weeks already and he didn't request her even once. She was taught that this was worse than if she have been asked for it on a nightly basis. He either didn't care for her, which would be for the better, or he was to get rid of her, which might not be as good. In an ideal scenario, he would annul the wedding, but then that would mean that Isabelle had to return to Galbore. It didn't seem that ideal anymore. In another ideal scenario, he will keep her around but have plenty of mistresses around to occupy him instead. That would have been pretty good. Ignoring Isabelle's existence without sending her back would have been perfect for her if she could be like she was over the past few weeks. And then, he might want to kill her himself. She heard plenty of stories of wives being executed. She wouldn't be the first.

The thoughts ran quickly through her head as she clung to the book to hide her trembling hands. She tried to bring her courage up to look up at him but she couldn't. And then… he touched her. His hands were large and warm and electrifying. Isabelle was stunned into silence. She laid her eyes on blue eyes. The bluest eyes she has seen. He had black ruffled hair. He had this square jaw and a perfectly fitting straight nose, thick eyebrows and long dark eyelashes.

He looked just like Atlas. His eyes were this deep blue that she had only ever seen in Atlas.

He was tall, with broad shoulders. He was breathtaking. But instead of putting her at ease, this only made things worse. Atlas was dead. She mourned him. She cried over him. He was dead. And now, she saw a spitting image of him, reminding her of the deep pain she felt. And what's worse, he was her husband. He will be a painful reminder of her first and only love for the rest of her days. Even after he let go of her chin, Isabelle couldn't look away. She was too fixated on the eyes that reminded her of the starry night sky, and depths of the oceans, and the peacock's feathers on its neck. She lowered her head and he left. She smiled at a thought of a peacock and hyacinth macaws in the aviary that reminded her of that navy blue. But something tightened in her chest. Something broke again inside of her. Her love for Atlas has broken free anew, along with all the thoughts and memories she tried to contain.