Princess of the people

After they folded the rest of the bedsheets, they slowly made their way across the castle. Samuel's quarters were in the West wing, at the opposite end of the castle to Royal Chambers. Isabelle hesitated, hovering her hand by the door, ready to knock.

The door swung open with Samuel right behind it.

"I thought that you might have decided to become the crazy princess after all." Samuel said as a welcome. Jane furrowed her brows behind Isabelle. Samuel's gaze landed on the maid, then he smiled widely. "Come on in. The tea has been just brewed." He invited her inside while holding the door. Isabelle walked in unsurely, glancing over his quarters. She walked into the living room which had two doors, one leading to his bedroom and one to his study.

She sat down cautiously where Samuel has pointed. Jane stood a few meters away, in silence. It was almost startling to have her this silent. Isabelle didn't think it was possible.

Samuel gracefully poured them tea. His movements were like one of a cat. He was swift but smooth.

"So, what sparked your interest?" Samuel tilted his head as he sat down.

"The political relations of Ariadna. I wish to learn more about this kingdom. Perhaps, you could prove your intellect and teach me what you know."

"So not his majesty's secrets?"

"No. His secrets are his to share. I wish to know of Ariadna's politics." Isabelle insisted although it was hardly truthful. She did feel an unspeakable urge to learn of Cassian and all of his secrets.

"If you want to play pretend, so be it." Samuel placed his cup down on the table and crossed his legs. "I'll start by satisfying your curiosity. Last time, at the summit, we were having some drinks. I've had a few too many, along with the king of Valarie. It's just that he held up much better than I did. I've irritated a Prince of Herold and we started a fight. King of Valarie stepped in to help me and it escalated to a brawl. It ended up with many bruises and the Prince's broken arm. As you suspect, king of Herold wasn't best impressed. It has been made clear that if I come anywhere near him, his son, or Herold, he will imprison me. Maybe even execute me."

"How did you irritate the prince?" Isabelle asked directly.

"I've told him that he had a small manhood." Samuel chuckled at his answer.

"Immature, as expected."

"Hang on. I've said it as a response to his remark on his majesty. He looked down on his highness because of his involvement in the war, so I've commented that he wouldn't have the guts to do half as much as our prince because he has the small manhood." Samuel clarified.

"Speaking of war." Isabelle started unsurely. "What business did Ariadna's army have in defending Galbore?"

"None." Samuel answered outright. "Our prince would argue that all wars need to be ended and we are ought to help it, but really, there was no political reason. If it were true, he would have been much more involved in Herold's and Preyina's conflict too. But then, there isn't as much of the bloodshed there. A lot of their work is strategic. Something Galbore isn't that good at."

Isabelle bit her lip. She didn't like her kingdom being criticised.

"What are current politics in Ariadna like?"

"Complex. Your marriage with his highness was meant to ease off some of the tension with Galbore but frankly, it hasn't done much. King Edgar and his council are not keen on working with us to ease off any trading routes or create any partnerships. But it's not a conflict or outright disagreement. It's rather a lack of agreement that makes us wary. Valarie is our biggest ally. They have the most alike ruling to us. Our relationship with Preyina is fairly non-existent. And with Herold it is quite bad. And it was bad since before I broke prince's arm."

"You didn't say YOU broke it."

"I thought it was rather irrelevant." Samuel shrugged.

"So, Valarie is the only known ally?"


"What trades does Ariadna have with Valarie?"

"Many. From harvest to jewels. We have an almost completely open route. We have a border check but only to see if there's any suspicious individuals. For comparison, our borders are pretty much sealed with Preyina and Herold. Any individual planning to cross needs a special permission."

"Hmmm…" Isabelle contemplated on the new information.

"I'm surprised that you're not inquiring about Galbore." Samuel tilted his head again as if he studied Isabelle.

Isabelle didn't want to admit that she was aware of her father's eagerness to conflict and avoidance of any agreements. He considered it weak and admittance of the defeat, almost as if he sold off Galbore to someone else. But she was still sheltered from the current affairs and she slightly hoped that her marriage will change it. She wasn't surprised that it didn't.

"I thought it to be in bad taste." Isabelle replied quietly.

"You don't seem particularly surprised." Samuel noted.

"I do not know much of Galbore's politics. It was not a topic I was permitted to indulge in."

"Permitted?" Samuel raised his brows.

"It is certainly not a topic for a princess. I am aware that I am breaking a protocol and I will accept any fitting punishment for it."

"Punishment?" Samuel's mouth dropped open. "What punishment is there for showing interest in politics?"

Isabelle went silent as she realised his surprise.

"Thank you for the tea." Isabelle said as she took the last sip out of her cup.

"What was the punishment?" Samuel repeated.

"The punishment for defiance as stated by the laws of Galbore." Isabelle uttered as she stood up and started walking towards the door.

"I've never heard of it."

"The woman, whether a wife or a daughter, should be punished for defiance by belting, whipping, or rod beating. The defiance can be considered as an undesirable behaviour, interest in any subjects or matters beyond the intellectual level of a women, and any behaviour considered inappropriate or displeasing by the husband, father, or male figure." Isabelle quoted. Samuel quickly scribbled her words down. "If the offender repeats her wrongdoings, after the third time a call for an execution can be made by the male figure."

Isabelle gulped realising that she definitely angered Cassian more than three times already.

"That's highly unsettling." Samuel mumbled. "Well, I know you said that you do not wish to know his highness secrets, but I think I'll share just this one. There's someone very dear to him that he spend years writing the letters to, even on the battlefield, almost daily." Samuel smiled as he said it quietly so that Jane couldn't hear it. He hoped that his tone of voice would be enough to imply it to be Isabelle herself. But it wasn't. Isabelle looked at him with her wide eyes, trying to comprehend what he just told her.

"Thank you, Sir Asselin." After a moment of silence she spoke and then left with Jane in her tow.

"Adeline, what was it that Sir Asselin said to you so quietly?" Jane asked outright, not feeling an ounce of shame.

"I do not know. I think he thought it to be a secret but I don't think I understood it." Isabelle lied.

"Oh, that's a shame." Jane looked genuinely upset about her inability to have another story.

Isabelle excused herself and went directly to her chamber where she decided on a bath. Matilda brought her dinner which she barely touched, too focused on her thoughts surrounding Galbore's and Ariadna's relationship as well as the secret that Samuel has shared.

Isabelle didn't have any interest in going to the fair as the morning came, but her promise to Jane still stood. She dressed herself lazily.

And after breakfast she went with Jane down to the city, walking together side by side.

"I hope that you're not running off again, princess." Samuel passed by them on his horse. Isabelle scowled at him. She didn't need a reminder of her past deeds. She was yet to be executed for it. Or perhaps, she should've taken a carriage and run off completely, as per Cassian's suggestion.

"We're going to the fair, Sir." Jane answered quickly.

"Kingsley promised not to lock you up again if he comes across you by the border. He was sincerely apologetic for it after the last time." Samuel continued. Isabelle looked down in embarrassment. "Although, Jasper still is holding a grudge about the scratches."

"He launched himself at me. It was self-defence." Isabelle said sharply which made Samuel laugh.

"If you say so, your highness." He bowed his head before bidding his goodbye and riding off in a different direction to them.

"He is not quite like I expected." Jane spoke after a moment of thought. "He seems rather rude."

"He lacks any form of tact, that's certain." Isabelle answered as she looked behind him.

She didn't think much about the knight she hurt before as she was too preoccupied with the punishment she was to receive. Now, she felt guilty that they had a misfortune of trying to stop her when she attempted her escape.

She was surprised that Samuel didn't try to stop her or that Jane insisted on taking her back into the city after what she has done. She expected to be locked up, at the very least. Not to mention the execution that hasn't yet happened.

The city centre was beaming with colourful decorations and noises. Even more than the last time Isabelle was here. The scent of food, sweet and savoury, carried through the air. The cheerful music echoed between the houses. And the crowds gathered to play games and watch performances.

Isabelle's eyes widened at the artists blowing the torches as if they breathed fire, and at the acrobats that bend backwards into the most unnatural poses. She was taking it all in with the full intent.

"Now, as last time, his majesty made it clear that you must buy yourself anything you wish." Jane said as she pointed at the pouch hidden under her cape.

"Don't be silly, Jane. Whatever could I want?" Isabelle asked directly.

"I'm sure that we will find something." Jane smiled. "Unless you want me banished from the castle."

"Don't be ridiculous." Isabelle looked at Jane in utter disbelief. "His highness surely won't banish you for not spending money."

"Do you want to risk it?" Jane tilted her head and looked at Isabelle provocatively. Isabelle shook her head. She walked along with Jane through the dense crowd, recognising the woman that gave her the necklace.

"Good morning, Mary." She smiled at her.

"Oh my goodness, your highness." Mary curtsied.

"Please, there's no reason for formalities." Isabelle tried to stop her. She didn't want to draw any attention. "How is your stall doing?"

"Well, as always." Mary smiled at her.

"I'm so glad to hear that. Your magnificent creations should be recognised."

"Well, since his highness ordered custom jewellery to be made it has been more than busy."

Isabelle went silent. "Oh, did he?"

Mary just realised her misstep. "Perhaps I shouldn't have said in case it was meant as a surprise. Please forget my words."

"Don't worry, Mary." Isabelle tried to be reassuring. "I'm glad that his highness recognised your talent."

"Thank you, your highness."

"I hope that you're being rewarded generously."

"Beyond generously, your highness. Thank you." Mary bowed her head again.

"Where did you learn your craft?"

"My father was a whitesmith and then he focused on jewellery. He taught me everything he knew."

"He must be truly proud of you." Isabelle smiled at Mary as she watched her get animated.

"Oh, certainly. He left me his entire workshop to use once he retired. Now, I'm teaching my kids everything I know."

"How old are your kids?"

"Seven, eight, and ten. The eldest is definitely the most interested in it. The youngest always has head in the clouds."

"Well, we need dreamers and craftsmen. I'm sure they will all find their paths in life."

"Thank you for your kind words."

"Do they get to enjoy the fair?"

"Indeed, they're watching the puppet show by the fountain."

"That's fantastic." Isabelle bowed her head as a goodbye before continuing her way through the crowd.

Jane pulled her over at one of the stands where you threw a ball into the milk can. After a long insistence, Isabelle caved in and played.

Isabelle turned all red as she stood at the spot with a set of five balls to throw.

"You can do it!" Jane cheered on as she took a spot beside Isabelle.

Isabelle watched the target and analysed it carefully before she made the first throw. Whilst Jane missed by at least a meter, Isabelle managed to get the first ball in. Jane cheered even louder, drawing lots of attention. Jane managed to miss the remaining throw whilst Isabelle scored again.

"Two balls in! One more and you have a small prize. Get all five and you'll get the main prize!" The man who run the game shouted. Isabelle focused and managed the third ball in.

"Three balls!" The man shouted so loudly that it started to gather attention of passerby. The crowd started gathering around them.

Isabelle managed to get a fourth and fifth ball in which resulted in many cheers. The prize consisted of a huge basket of toys and sweets. Isabelle barely could carry it.

She looked at the kids nearby who watched the basket with envy. She opened it there and then and offered each child a toy and a sweet until the basket run empty. If she could, she would give every child all the gifts, toys and chocolates that ever existed. Their laughter and gratitude melted her heart.

"Perhaps you should have kept some for yourself?" Jane said as she looked at the empty basket. "Or shall we buy more chocolates and toys for us?"

"If you wish to buy anything, buy the sweets and chocolates for the kids who haven't received any yet." Isabelle suggested. Jane looked at her with surprise.

"You wish to buy chocolate and toys for the kids?"

"They will be much happier with it than I will, and their happiness makes me happy." Isabelle shrugged.

"You heard her majesty." Jane said sharply to the man by the stand nearby. "All the chocolate you have, sir." Jane paid with slight dissatisfaction. But seeing Isabelle's gleaming smile eased her mind. Isabelle helped to give out the chocolates to all of the kids.

Then, Isabelle came near the fountain and started watching the puppet show along with the crowd.

The puppets were made of wood and rags, with hair pinned on top of them awkwardly and faces painted on slightly askew.

"I'm a prince of this land and I will protect you all." The puppeteer spoke in pretend voice with the male character. "But then it has changed. The prince went to war and thought not only men but monsters." He narrated the sorry as he moved the puppets around. "Once he returned, he was I'll for seven full moons. The king of faraway land thanked him by giving him a princess." A new puppet in puffy dress was shown. "I am a princess of Galbore and I will marry you but… I need twenty thousand gold pieces, a thousand jewelled dressed, and a crown so big that it won't fit on my head." The kids started laughing. Jane looked over at Isabelle with worry but she started laughing at it too, especially as the prince puppet started bringing all those gifts to the princess. "And now, I want a dragon egg!"

"A dragon egg?" Isabelle furrowed her brows before laughing again. The puppeteer came up with more and more ridiculous requests for the supposed princess.

"I am the prettiest princess in the world, bow before me."

"Is that what everyone thinks of me?" Isabelle asked Jane.

"It's just a bit of fun." Jane said as she turned red.

"Now, let's find our new princess!" The puppeteer decided as he looked at the crowd. "Who do you think actually fits the title of being a princess of Ariadna."

"Shall we go?" Isabelle asked Jane who seemed embarrassed.

"You!" The man pointed at Isabelle. Isabelle froze.

"Me?" Isabelle asked in disbelief. Only her luck would have that they would pick her out in the crowd.

"Yes." The man nodded as he grabbed her hand and pulled her to the front. "Oh, you fair maiden. Will you be the princess of our people? We choose you."

"Yay!" Kids shouted in unison. Jane still looked terrified knowing that they didn't recognise Isabelle as an actual princess and that it was possible for them to offend her.

"I will accept this title only if every child here shouts 'hurray'." Isabelle announced with a smile on her face.

"Will you shout 'hurray' for our princess?"

"Hurray!!!" Children cheered for her. Isabelle knew well enough that she bought their support by giving them sweets and toys not much earlier. "This is the lady that gave us chocolate!" Some child shouted. "She's our princess."

"Well, then, I must oblige." Isabelle bowed her head and the man placed a cardboard crown on Isabelle's head. "I promise to not demand a dragon egg from our prince. Although, I'm certain he would be brave enough to try and find one in the far away lands." Isabelle was pulled by the kids and young men and women into a dance circle which she enjoyed fully.

As the music stopped, Isabelle was all flushed in red and out of breath. She noticed a familiar pair of eyes in the crowd - Samuel. He disappeared before she could approach him. She was worried of what he were to say about her behaviour. Dancing with the commoners was certainly not appropriate for a princess. Adeline would have never even walked into the city and she was still to pretend to be her. She would have never spoken a word to a commoner, or anyone who wasn't of noble origins.

But when she looked around, all she saw was happy faces.