The Royal Council

The days have passed and Cassian was still unwell. The doctor made sure that the mixture didn't run out again which stopped the events of that night from reoccurring.

Isabelle still came to check on Cassian regularly but she let the maids and physicians do their job without much intrusion. Since Cassian urged her that she must temporarily over take Cassian's duties, she spend hours in the library learning all the laws and regulations. Hours turned into days, days into nights. She sat by the lamp with her eyelids heavy, struggling to read the letters which looked jumbled now. She fell asleep.

Samuel kept an eye on her, even if she didn't always notice him. On the nights when she fell asleep in the library, he moved the lamp out of the way to make sure that it didn't burn her, and dimmed the lights.

"The council meeting will be tomorrow." Samuel said to her as he caught her in the morning as she was walking down to join the servants for breakfast.

Isabelle was startled by his sudden appearance.


"Yes. Ideally, it should be you who stands in his majesty's place. I highly encourage it. Showing that Ariadna wasn't left without ruler is a good stance. It shows that our strength lies in more than just his majesty." Isabelle looked down with worry, knowing that she doesn't know enough to stand in Cassian's place. "As the royal advisor, I will stand beside you, your highness."

"Tell me what I must do." Isabelle said decisively.

"Firstly, dress up like a princess. Paper crown might be fine with the commoners but you must make an impression on the councillors. You must look and act the part."

Isabelle looked at Samuel in thought, before she slowly nodded. "Secondly, speak with confidence. I don't care how afraid you are, you must pretend that you know exactly what you're doing."

"I'll try."

"Kingdom of Ariadna relies on you. If you need motivation, do it for all the people that you seemed to have hearts of. Be the princess they want and deserve."

"Are you playing the guilt card on me?" Isabelle asked as she tilted her head.

"Maybe." Samuel's smile returned to his lips.

"Will you step in when I mess up?"

"Certainly, your highness."

"Do you think if I act the part, I will have a chance?"

"Definitely. Cassian growls at them and suddenly they act like they know what their place should be."

"I can't growl."

"Be stern and confident. That's enough."

"Do you think I can do it?" Isabelle's question caught him off guard.

"I hope so." Samuel turned serious. "I put a lot of my faith in you, princess. I am certain that nothing tragic will occur."

"Just a beheading." Isabelle mumbled. "What time and where?"

"Throne room, at eleven in the morning. Be fashionably late."

"How fashionably?"

"Fifteen minutes will put them on edge enough. But not more than that as they will feel like you're wasting their time."


"I can't wait, your highness." Samuel smiled again as he bowed and left.

Isabelle sat to the breakfast in silence, too deep in thought and worry. She caught Matilda after breakfast and looked at her with worry written over her face.

"Matilda, I need your help." Isabelle said as she closed her eyes.

"Yes, Adeline."

"I must look like a princess tomorrow. I need your help."

Matilda stared at Isabelle before she nodded slowly. "What do you need?"

"I need regal gown fitted for a princess, a royal mantle, jewellery, and a crown."

"That's not going to be a problem. All is set out for you since before your arrival."

"Is it?" Isabelle's eyes widened.

"I did say that you had clothes prepared for you when you arrived, before you insisted that you shall wear your own dresses."

"Do you think there will be something suitable in there?"

"Undoubtedly." Matilda walked back with her to her chambers and opened a large closet that Isabelle ignored for the past few weeks.

Isabelle gasped as she just now saw tenths of gowns hung in a row, each more splendid than another. Matilda walked in and picked a wooden chest. She opened it to reveal a crown and a tiara. She passed it to Isabelle before she reached for another chest, and once opened it revealed intricate jewellery. "What would you like to wear?"

"I need to look like a princess."

"You already do. You are a princess and no gown will change that." Matilda smiled.

"I need to look dignified." Isabelle smiled back at her as she placed the chest on the side, looking through the gowns. "I need to pretend like I'm the one holding the power in front of the councillors."

"I think I know what might be just right." Matilda moved to the back of the closet, pulling out a large unopened box. "I think this is special enough for the occasion."

Isabelle opened it and was stunned into the silence. The dress was a deep green colour with delicate thread of gold embroidery shaped into vines and flowers. The layers of tulle run into a cape.

"This is stunning." Isabelle said at last.

"His highness picked it specifically for you." Matilda said smugly. "Along with this." Another box was passed to Isabelle. Isabelle was equally outstanding when she opened it to find jewellery like never before. An epaulette shaped into wings with small gold feathers perfectly sculpted. It matched the intricate shape of her crown.

"Why?" Isabelle asked.

"I suppose that he anticipated that there will be occasions when this will be suitable."

Isabelle stared at the dress, crown, and jewellery in astonishment. It was beyond regal. It wasn't just formal. It was stunning, intriguing, and eye-catching. It screamed confidence.

It was everything that Isabelle was not. She didn't understand why his highness would ever get anything like this for he but then she remembered that it was intended for Adeline. Adeline wouldn't give it a second thought. Although she wouldn't like it as much. She liked fluffy dresses of pink and yellow and enormous gems dressing her up.

Isabelle stared at it for a while before nodding. She needed to be like Adeline although she could never match her.

The next morning, with help from Matilda and Jane, she dressed in the gown, placing jewellery around her neck and shoulders. Her hair was partly braided, with gold threads in her hair, and a crown was placed on her head.

Matilda used charcoal to draw a line on her eyelids which drew attention to her green eyes even more. She put rose-coloured powder on Isabelle's cheeks, and a tint of red on her lips.

Isabelle looked at her reflection not recognising the person looking back at her. For the first time ever she dressed up in accordance to her title.

Matilda smiled at the sight and Jane gasped.

Isabelle felt overwhelming guilt. She didn't feel that she should be in the current position.

Matilda led her to the throne room which she didn't even see before today.

She entered the room feeling the dread over the upcoming scrutiny. The weight of the dress and the crown were particularly noticeable.

The two seats at the end were intimidating. She never sat on the throne. She never sat beside her father. It felt like blasphemy to even think about it. To even be here. She stood motionless, seeing the faces of the old councillors who already analysed her.

Samuel stood beside the throne, awaiting her. He looked up at her and his eyes widened and mouth dropped open. Isabelle wanted to laugh at his reaction but she remained composed.

Looking at him was a good distraction from the rest of the attending men. She walked slowly, carefully pacing herself, towards the thrones. She stopped before them, and without thought she bowed in front of the empty throne belonging to Cassian. She could only imagine how he presented himself on it.

She straightened up and took the two steps to the right where Samuel waited for her. She sat down on the throne as gracefully as she could. The councillors stared at her blankly.

"May we pay our respects to her highness, Princess Consort of Ariadna." Samuel said loudly as he moved to be in front of Isabelle. He kneeled and bowed deeply, and all the councillors followed his suit. A room full of men kneeled before her. She waved her hand and they stood back up. As Samuel straightened up he gave her a reassuring smile. She was going to be fine.

"We conjured here today to discuss the matters of Ariadna." Isabelle started. "I am standing in the place of his majesty, Prince Cassian Yvelone of Ariadna, and I intend to carry out the duties on his behalf. It is the first time I am sitting before you. My wish for today's meeting is to reach mutual understandings and resolve any dire issues." Isabelle held tightly onto the gold armrest to hid her hands trembling. Her voice didn't show her nervousness and dread. "May we commence."

"Your highness, first on the agenda is his highness injury." Councillor said towards Isabelle. "We need to decide on the way to communicate it to outsiders."

"Conceal it." Isabelle decided. Samuel shifted uncomfortably. "His highness is recovering well. Before long he will be able to attend to his duties. Conceal any news of his injury. The kingdom is only as strong as it's leaders. It is not necessary to worry the people of Ariadna, nor is it advantageous to disclose this to other kingdoms. Even friends and allies can turn against you when they see your weakness."

"As you wish, your highness." The councillor hasn't argued. It was a surprise that her answer was accepted without a single question.

"Second issue is that due to the bad harvest last summer, we are about to face famish."

"Prepare for it. Start rationing whatever remains." Isabelle decided. "Ensure that court has the same rations as the rest of the people. Use royal storage to support any struggling families. Employ mathematicians who can work out the portions accurately. Ensure that we preserve more in case the spring comes late."

"The royal storage?"

"I do not wish to have my stomach full whilst children in Ariadna are starving. Our future lies with our people and we need to take care of them. And I would be truly ashamed if it was my will to have my stomach full in favour of a child." Isabelle said it with such a force that the councillor backed down.

"The remaining matter is that of our political relations. We must host the foreign sovereigns in the castle soon."

"Postpone it. This can be done in the spring."

"We may have to provide the reason."

"Because I have decided so." Isabelle's voice left little room for discussion.

Once councillors left the room. Isabelle slumped back on the throne and let out a long sigh. She felt the burning gaze from her side. Samuel stared at her with his eyes still wide open.

She just realised that he hasn't spoken a word throughout the meeting.

"Your highness." He kneeled before her again.

Isabelle was surprised by his actions. She knew that he put on a show when the councillors were there, but now that they were gone it was unexpected for Samuel to continue his pretend respectfulness. "You showed them that you're the real princess worthy of this throne."

"They will try to find a way to get rid of me." Isabelle said with yet another sigh.

"Why do you say so?"

"I left them no choice. They cannot argue with me. And I'm sure they dislike me for dictating them. And the fact that I'm taking away their privileges by placing them in the same bracket as commoners."

"You were chosen to be the princess of the people."

"At a fair game, not the real life." Isabelle mumbled.

"You ARE the princess of the people. You chose them over luxury and comfort."

"It's only natural." Isabelle admitted. "What about you? Which of my rulings do you despise?"

"None. You're the wisest there is."

Isabelle laughed loudly at his flattery.

"Excuse me, I need to get out of this horrid dress." Isabelle stood up and started walking away, not expecting Samuel to follow her.

"It suits you." Samuel walked a step behind her as he said it. Isabelle looked back at him with surprise.

"What does?"

"All of this. The regal wear, the crown, the confidence of a ruler. I am not in doubt that his majesty will be pleased of this change."

"As soon as his majesty is well, he can return to his duties. It is not my wish to continue this." Isabelle said knowing full well that she lacked the confidence to be able to stand up like this all the time. Now that the adrenaline started wearing off, she was starting to feel dizzy. She went pale.

Samuel looked at Isabelle with admiration. He wasn't certain that she would be up to the task and he was ready to step in when needed.

When she walked into the throne room, she was no longer just Isabelle. She was the princess. She looked and acted the part.

She carried herself with grace and dignity that he never expected, nor did he ever saw in anyone else.

Maybe this is what Cassian saw in her before and what made him fall in love so deeply with her. Maybe that's why she stole his heart so easily. Samuel barely could keep his heart in check. It skipped several beats as she walked from the door to the throne. His respect towards her was genuine. His word to Cassian that he will protect and obey her was true. Even truer now.

The timid girl that he was used to was no more. Or at least she showed that she's more than that.

He thought her beautiful before but now… now her beauty was beyond his words.

She was the Princess of Ariadna. She was the princess of the people. She was the leader the kingdom needed.

"Your highness, you did splendid today and I can sincerely say that people of Ariadna chose their princess well."

"They didn't get a choice." Isabelle laughed at Samuel's ridiculousness.

"They celebrated you at the fair as one of their own. No matter what, you are the princess of Ariadna and you deserve this title."

"I think you should abstain from further flattery, sir Asselin." Isabelle bowed to him before walking away, truly keen to take off the crown that felt alien on her head, weighting her down with the guilt over ever wearing it.

Samuel very quickly learnt that Isabelle was right when one of his own servants came into his study a few hours later passing him the notes he gathered after overhearing the councillors speaking.

The councillors expected Isabelle to be a puffed up princess who had no interest in the kingdom or rulings. She proved otherwise and now she was becoming problematic to them. They disliked that a foreigner had a rule over their kingdom.

They started conspiring in hope to remove her from the throne.

Samuel thought about it carefully and for a long while. He wasn't sure whether he should let Isabelle know of this. She anticipated it, he knew that.

In the end he decided that he will keep it away from her until after he works out the councillors exact plans.