
Isabelle allowed Jane to pick dresses for her in the following days. She wore simple dresses of pastel colours. They might have been simple but the fabric was soft and light.

Her dinners with Cassian became less tense even if they didn't speak much more than usual. Not at first. But it seemed that the short conversation where Cassian managed to reassure her that she was not failing in anyway made Isabelle a little bit more relaxed.

"How was your day, Adeline?" Cassian always asked.

"Good, thank you, Cassian." Isabelle said one night which stunned Cassian into silence. It was clear that it still took a lot of effort for her to suppress her urge to call him by his title but it brought him so much joy. "How was your day?" She titled her head as she asked in the most endearing sort of way.

"Boring." Cassian answered honestly. "I don't think politics are my strong forte. I wish it was more acceptable to punch certain people."

"Sir Galleon, perhaps?" Isabelle mumbled. Cassian looked at her in surprise.

"He is certainly one of those people." Cassian smiled at her as he said it. "There are two things I should speak to you about. Firstly, my family is very keen to meet you. I've managed to deter them for this long but I don't think I will be able to carry on for much longer."

"I see." Isabelle looked worried. "I will be most privileged to meet them. I'll try my best not to embarrass you in any way."

"I'm more concerned that THEY will embarrass me." Cassian laughed. His laugh was loud and thunderous, and it shook Isabelle to her core. It made her smile in the most delightful of ways. "Second matter is different. I understand that customs in Ariadna are still quite alien to you. I wondered if you'd be happy to be coached or tutored by someone who has a good awareness of the customs and traditions that may not be written in the books?"

"I do not want to impose…" Isabelle said carefully.

"One of my family friends, the duchess from a city not that far away from our capital, she's a teacher to a lot of distinguished ladies. I wanted to ask if you'd be okay to be tutored by her before I enquire about the matter."

"If you deem it appropriate, I'll do as you wish."

"What do you truly think?" Cassian straightened out in his seat as he asked.

"I think that it would be an incredible opportunity for me to learn of the customs of your kingdom. I've read many books and I have many more to read, but there are customs that are not written in them and I can only learn them first hand from someone who has that knowledge and experience. I would be most privileged to have that chance." Isabelle said carefully.

"It is our kingdom." Cassian corrected her. "The moment you married me, you became the princess of Ariadna."

"Perhaps I misspoke. I understand the implications of our marriage and the title that I have been given because of our union, even if I am unworthy of it. However, I am still a foreigner and stranger in Ariadna. I cannot consider it my kingdom in the same capacity as if I were born and raised here."

"My people believe that people are tied to our kingdom through their care for it, not through their blood or birthplace. If you ever consider Ariadna your home, if you ever care for its people, it will be your kingdom."

"I-…" Isabelle stuttered. "I care for the people of Ariadna. I care for them as much as people of Galbore. For the few I have met, they showed me their kindness from the depths of their hearts although they didn't have to, nor should they."

Cassian watched Isabelle looking down in embarrassment. In his eyes, she deserved all the love, kindness, and care.

Isabelle caught his glance but didn't look away straight away. For a moment she looked directly into his eyes. Her inquisitive gaze seemed to penetrate right through him.

"I will ask Annette to tutor you before my family comes over." Cassian decided out loud and Isabelle nodded in agreement.

As they finished their meal, Cassian stood up first. Like the last few times, he stopped beside Isabelle, remembering something else he wanted to share.

"What activities do you enjoy?" Cassian furrowed his brows. "Besides reading, of course."

"I like reading the most." Isabelle blushed shyly. "Otherwise, I do not know."

"I see." Cassian nodded. "I wondered if you need anything else to fill your free time."

"I rather think that I can find myself plenty of ways to occupy my time."

"May I ask if you would be willing to join me one afternoon, maybe for a game of chess?"

"I am an appalling player. I can say that upfront."

"Somehow, I highly doubt that."

"I find myself to make simple mistakes under pressure. My grandfather was always rather vicious when I've lost, and that was often."

"But wasn't he a chess champion?"

Isabelle looked at Cassian with surprise. "Yes, he was." She nodded. She didn't anticipate him to know that about her or her family.

Cassian's face briefly darkened. He noticed both her hands and just now realised that she didn't wear her wedding ring. His ring didn't come off since the day they married. He wasn't even sure when she took it off and what it meant. He tried his hardest to control his emotions and return to his request. He tried his hardest not to demand an answer. He wanted to know whether she even considered their marriage to be true. But now was not the time.

"I have a free afternoon in a week and a half. I would most like it if you'd join me."

"If you wish, your-… Cassian." Isabelle corrected herself. "I am more than happy to entertain you with my poor chess playing skills."

"That's set then. Good night." Cassian smiled.

"Good night, Cassian." She said, trying her hardest to show him that she could say his name although it barely left her lips.

Cassian left the dining room with a slightly sullen face but then he smiled. It was the first time that he had such an open conversation with Isabelle.

His smile remained on his face as he went to bed, and then the next day.

Samuel walked into his study in the morning looking at him suspiciously.

"What has happened?"

"Nothing." Cassian replied shortly.

"You are smiling while writing letters. You know that, right?"

"Perhaps I'm in a good mood?"

"Are you writing to a new lover?"

"Not at all! Samuel!" Cassian briefly scowled at him before returning to smiling. "I am responding to some of the letters from our beloved neighbours. And a few councillors too."

"Why are you smiling?"

"I'm in a good mood this morning."

"Speak or I'll assume you to be an imposter."

"Last night Isabelle spoke my name during dinner and she spoke more freely than ever before. Moreover, she agreed to spend an afternoon with me in a few days and a bit. If only work wasn't getting in my way as much."

"I saw you send a messenger out to Blamore."

"Indeed. I've listened to yours and Matilda suggestion and I asked Annette to tutor Isabelle in all the customs that she still might be unfamiliar with. Isabelle is slowly growing in confidence, even if it's not around me yet. I think that it is the right time."

"Annette?" Samuel furrowed his brows. "Is she the best choice?"

"Do you have any objections?"

"Not objections. Maybe a slight gut feeling that this isn't going to go well."

"I see. Annette has been tutoring noblewomen from entire Ariadna. Considering our friendship, I thought she might put Isabelle most at ease."

"As you wish."

"My father will be coming over soon. Then my mother and Julian will join us closer to the Spring Equinox."

"Should I prepare for Julian to put a bounty on your head, again?"

"I think we're on somewhat good terms. But remain on standby." Cassian answered with a chuckle.

"Anything else?"

"Isabelle is very keen on reading but I don't think we have any new books in the library. Can you find out what is currently popular and get her a few new books?" Cassian asked. "Novels. Stories full of adventures. I believe that those were the books that she liked the most."

"I don't think I have seen her read that many novels."


"I don't think she's reading for leisure though. She's been reading a lot about the history of our kingdom and laws."

Cassian smiled at this information.

"That's interesting. When I spoke to her last night she said something that struck me. She said that she cares as much for a people of Ariadna as for people of Galbore but yet she doesn't think of Ariadna as her kingdom because she's a foreigner. What is your take on this?" Cassian straightened up and leaned back in a chair, putting his pen down.

"Her highness is a princess consort of Ariadna. She is the princess of our people. She might not be yet comfortable to call Ariadna her kingdom, but Ariadna already sees her as our princess." Samuel said with a smile. "However, there are few that will not share my sentiment. But then, all we can do is lead by example and show her our respect."

"That's true." Cassian nodded.

"I am glad to see that your relationship with her highness is improving."

"Are you, though?"

"My perspective might have changed in the past few weeks. I admire her as our princess. I respect her. I truly see her for who she is and beyond. I suppose I was hasty in suggesting that she shouldn't be a princess of Ariadna, and in opposing this union."

"I am still not convinced that you're supporting my marriage."

"Maybe I still have a glimpse of hope that she'll realise that I'm simply better." Samuel said cheekily. Cassian roared in laughter.

"You're an ass, Sam." He concluded.

"Perhaps. I've realised some time ago that if I'm a shit royal advisor, at the very least I can become a jester."

"Probably a better fitting role for you." The servant walked in with a letter in hand. Cassian opened it immediately. "Annette will be arriving this evening." He furrowed his brow as he read it.

"She's eager." Samuel noted. His face still clearly showed that he wasn't very convinced about the idea.

"Yeah. That's good. It'll give more time for Isabelle to grow in confidence and learn of our customs before meeting my father. We both know how he can be."

"Actually, I don't think I ever asked how he was about the whole marriage thing."

"He said nothing." Cassian admitted. "When I told him of it he just nodded and that was it. He didn't comment at all."

"I'm not certain whether that's good or bad. It's very unlike your father to not voice his opinion."

"True. He did try to visit since the day of the marriage but I did tell him that I want Isabelle to be at ease in her new home first before he barges in. He did listen, but I think he's growing impatient."

"I'm not surprised. A few weeks of wait is already beyond his usual extend of patience."

They spoke a while longer before Matilda brought Cassian breakfast. She looked at Cassian warily as she placed a tray with food on his desk.

"It does look terrifying, doesn't it?" Samuel asked her.

"Thank you, Matilda." Cassian ignored Samuel's remark. "How is Isabelle this morning?"

"She's fine, your highness. She just went down to our quarters for breakfast. Jane is accompanying her today. Seeing that the weather is quite nice this morning, I believe they plan on spending some time outside."

And Matilda's words were true. After breakfast Isabelle took a basket of freshly washed bedsheets to hang outside, with Jane as her company who carried another basket.

Jane, as always, talked a marathon, at which Isabelle smiled and nodded.

The day was sunny, a warm sunshine heated the Earth after the winter, and warmed up the breeze. Isabelle didn't have to bother with her cape, her light dress with long sleeves was enough to keep her comfortable.

The birds were singing in a distance, and first flower buds appeared on the edges of the garden. Snowdrops showed in the grass, and daffodils and crocuses.

Jane went to finish the rest of the wash of the bedsheets leaving Isabelle alone to hang what was left. She was in a good mood, humming and soon singing quietly. She haven't felt that way in a long time.

She hung yet another bedsheet which twirled wildly in a breeze, but suddenly a shadow appeared on the other side. She tilted her head curiously, instantly anxious. Only for the sheet to be moved and for a very familiar face to appear before her. Cassian. He was beaming with a smile.

"Oh, good morning, your… Cassian." Isabelle curtsied lightly to him.

"Good morning, Adeline." Cassian looked at her, mesmerised by her very beauty which shone more in the warm sunlight, her eyes in particular. "You were singing just now."

"Oh, I'm sorry if it bothered you."

"Not at all!" Cassian shook his head. His dark hair strands somehow fell more untidily on his forehead than before. "I just don't think I recognised the song."

"I'm not sure what it's called. It's a song I overheard a lot when I was younger. It always reminded me of sunny days, just like today."

"Keep on singing, Adeline." Cassian said softly. "It puts some birds to shame."

"Please, I cannot accept such a level of flattery." Isabelle blushed.

"I haven't said which birds." Cassian answered as he raised his left brow. Isabelle looked at him, watching fine lines by his eyes with amusement. Then she let out a brief chuckle.

"Indeed, you haven't." Her smile was bright.

"May I help you?" Cassian offered as he walked up to the basket with more bedsheets.

"Oh no, you can't! It's not suitable for a prince!" Isabelle protested quickly.

"Whatever is suitable for a princess is also suitable for a prince." Cassian answered shortly as he picked up the white sheet. Isabelle looked at him dumbfounded.

"That's ridiculous!"

"Is it?"

"Perhaps you should start wearing dresses instead." Isabelle grumbled which made Cassian laugh.

"I probably should. I think they would be quite fitting. Don't you?"

"You might think so. I wonder whether Sir Galleon would share the same sentiment."

"Certainly not, but I would do it just to see his face."

"Now I understand why Sir Asselin is your first advisor." Isabelle said as she shook her head.

"I thought of demoting him to a royal jester as per his own recommendation." Cassian laughed as he hung the large sheet, and Isabelle joined him. Cassian turned towards her as she finished hanging the last of the sheets, spotting a petal of a flower stick in her hair that was only half braided this morning.

He moved and grabbed it. Isabelle looked at him with surprise. Her eyes were a deep colour of green, like emeralds. She didn't shy away as he expected but rather smiled at him as she noticed the petal in between his fingers.

"I suppose I should be more careful." Isabelle turned to fully face him.

"Flowers in your hair definitely suit you." Cassian said as he leaned down picking a light purple crocus. He moved so incredibly close when he placed the flower in Isabelle's hair, in the braid just above her ear. He brushed her cheek with his hand. He tried to resist it but he couldn't. He needed to touch her soft skin.

Isabelle blushed in embarrassment and looked down.

"I'm afraid that I have business to attend to this fine morning. I would have much more enjoyed hanging the sheets for a while longer but I have an audience that I must attend. Annette will be arriving this evening so I will make sure to introduce you."

"Oh, thank you." Isabelle's smile weakened.

"Have a good day, Adeline." Cassian still had to resist saying her actual name.