Sparring Session

Samuel was by the field arranging the equipment that he had prepared. He has taken off his distinguishable cape and was dressed in a plain set of brown trousers and blouse with leather vest on which was the same shade and style as Isabelle's.

"I was getting worried that you weren't going to come." Samuel said as soon as he spotted her.

"It takes a while to get out of the corseted dress that is pretty much pinned to your body." Isabelle huffed.

"What's the reason for the scarf?"

"I have no choice."


"Well…" Isabelle blushed in embarrassment. "The serum to lighten my hair might have not quite worked as intended"

"Did all of your hair fell out?" Samuel teased her.

"No." Isabelle shook her head.

"Show me."

"It's so much worse." Isabelle looked around warily to make sure that no one was near and then she took the pins out and removed the scarf. Her hair cascaded down from blue to white in perfect waves.

Samuel was speechless. What Isabelle saw as embarrassing, he found absolutely mesmerising. Her hair shone in silver strands, and blue was deep in colour like an ocean. She looked otherworldly. Isabelle quickly started putting the scarf back on before anyone else spotted it. "Anyways, you'll find me wearing wigs for quite a while."

"You really don't have to." Samuel said seriously.

"Oh come on. I look as if I just came out of the pond."

"Yes and it's fantastic."

"I suppose that it's not as bad as it could be."

"Why did you lighten it?"

"Other option was to cut it off."

"Why?" Samuel inquired further.

"My dark hair made me look like a Galborian a smidge too much."

"Who said that?"

"Her Grace."

"This is a load of bullshit, Isabelle." Samuel was clearly angry.

"Shall we get on? I'm on tight schedule." Isabelle grumbled instead of acknowledging Samuel's anger. She already knew how outrageous Annette's statement was but she at least tried to help it, even if she failed.

"Light or heavy? Short or long?" Samuel threw her a pair of gloves before he pointed at the swords laid out in a neat row.

"You pick." Isabelle placed the gloves on her hands, tightening them around her wrists.

"Sure." Samuel picked the sword closest to him, purposely choosing a heavy longsword that he expected to be too heavy for Isabelle to be able to handle well. He wanted to rest the true extend of her skills.

Isabelle then picked the same type of the sword that was beside the first one and she readied herself.

She was too focused on Samuel and his perfect smile, his hair that was half in a bun and half flowing in thick brown waves, his thick stubble on a perfectly shaped jaw, to notice the figure on the edge of the training grounds that was slowly approaching and watching with curiosity.

Cassian noticed Isabelle being pushed back a few moments later and her losing the fight as Samuel victoriously pointed the sword he held towards her chest. Cassian sucked his breath in as he was worried that she was hurt but his worry wasn't needed. Samuel helped her up almost instantly and she walked a few steps away, clearly fed up with the sparring session and herself. It was unlike her to make such a simple mistake.

What Cassian saw was Isabelle who landed on her bum in the muddy puddle. She gasped with a surprise as the wetness touched her skin through the cloth.

She wasn't in the mood to push around and fight. She felt beaten down enough already.

"You're not paying attention." Samuel said with disappointment. "You're absent-minded."

Samuel's words sounded exactly like what her grandfather used to say, a stinging reminder of how far those memories were hidden and how deep they were buried.

"I don't think I can do any better today." Isabelle answered honestly as Samuel helped her up. His grip was strong but yet delicate. He was definitely experienced around women and how to treat them.

Isabelle went on to take her gloves off, feeling unenthusiastic about the sparring session. She used to love doing things like this. She used to not mind mud in her boots or scratched in her clothes. But now she was truly self-conscious.

"Ahhhh, yes. You're jealous of Annette because she's been more in your husband's chamber than you have." Samuel retorted.

"Samuel!" Isabelle gasped, her mouth dropping open. Samuel's words struck a note with her.

"I need a challenge. Come on, don't take it easy with me!"

"A challenge? Are you sure you can keep up with me?" Isabelle asked as she tilted her head, turning to face him. He provoked her enough and he knew it when she re-tightened the gloves on her wrists and then picked up the sword again. There was a new found determination in Isabelle's eyes.

"I can certainly try." Samuel laughed.

"You can certainly try." Isabelle agreed charging at him. Samuel barely deflected before she landed another hit. His face flashed with surprise as he didn't anticipate the speed or the force that the metal clanged with a moments later. The resonating noise rang in his ears and the swift movements whooshed right before his face.

Isabelle swung the sword with ferocity that left Samuel with no chance of attack. Whilst Isabelle's breath was still steady and rhythmical as she cut through the air, Samuel barely kept up, feeling excited and terrified of the power wielded by the woman before him. He recognised very quickly that his life was in her hands. With how she yielded the sword, it was obvious that she aimed for his sword and not him and didn't intend him harm but if she did it wouldn't be a challenge for her.

Isabelle cornered him by making him continuously dodge her slams. Any escape impossible. With the last swing, the cold steel touched Samuel's neck. It reminded him very quickly of Isabelle's skill and fierceness.

"Fantastic, Isabelle!" Samuel started laughing.