Arrival of the King

Cassian was bothered by Annette again when he heard a distant laughter. He recognised it instantly and looked out of the balcony.

Even from this distance he could recognise Isabelle riding a horse. Although 'riding' wasn't quite the word he would use. She was in complete sync with the animal, gliding through the courtyard as if she flew.

Her laughter made Cassian's heart skip a beat.

"I mean, doesn't she care how much I'm putting into those lessons? She has been out since before dawn, apparently. Probably rolling around in a mud like some farm animal." Annette complained behind him. "Honestly, I'm so sorry, Cassian. I'm just so frustrated."

"Take a morning off and re-focus. You need a break as much as she does."

"But your father?"

"I'm sure we'll manage. Besides it's only been a few minutes of delay."

Cassian smiled at the sight of Isabelle, but his eyes darkened as he noticed Samuel. She would laugh with anyone beside him.

Isabelle took the equipment off Midnight still talking with Samuel freely.

"What's his name?" Isabelle pointed at Samuel's horse.


"Oh. That's beautiful."

"It is." Samuel agreed. "It was actually Cassian who named him. He gave him to me when I was appointed as a royal advisor."

"I see. You must've done something quite extraordinary to gain such level of gratitude."

"I wouldn't say so. I guess Cassian is just very generous."

"He is." Isabelle agreed. "Thank you again for showing me your secret spot. I appreciate it."

"Thank you for accompanying me. I always rode solo so it was a nice change."

Isabelle bid a very quick goodbye and run inside the castle, rushing to her room where she refreshed herself and dressed up, replacing the scarf with a wig.

She run into the dining room, curtsied and apologised before taking her place by the table. Annette seemed to be fuming but Cassian was again his quiet self.

There was something different about Isabelle though. She smiled as she ate as her mind was still replaying the e beauty of the sunrise.

Their breakfast was interrupted by the servant with a letter on a silver tray. Cassian didn't hesitate in opening the envelope. He read the letter in silence, his face changing as he pursed his lips.

"I hope it isn't any bad news, Cassian." Annette spoke up reminding them of her presence.

"My father is on his way and will be arriving this afternoon." Cassian said at last as he looked back up. He saw panic flash through Isabelle's face. "I will welcome him myself but I think it would be appropriate if you see him during either the afternoon tea or dinner." He spoke to Isabelle.

"Of course." Annette answered before Isabelle could.

"I trust that you can occupy yourself until then."

"We will go over the appropriate greetings and a few topics for a small talk." Annette decided.

"I think you should be okay continuing your lessons as normal throughout my father's stay. I doubt that he will require much more additional time."

"Of course." Annette nodded. There was something in her mannerism that Isabelle disliked. She didn't try to pay attention to the fact that Annette sat closer and closer to Cassian along the table over the past few days, and now she was on his right side. "Do not worry, Cassian. I believe that we can manage." Annette placed her hand on Cassian's as if she tried to calm him down. Cassian move did away discreetly. Isabelle caught it though and she misinterpreted Cassian's action in thinking that he just didn't want to show off in front of her. She thought him to be quite considerate because of it. She didn't know that Cassian was uncomfortable with Annette touching him, regardless of their friendship, and that he hated her fingers touching his skin.

A few hours later, Cassian walked out of the castle as the carriage rolled up the road towards the main entrance. As the carriage drew to the stop, the staff rushed around bringing a step and aiding a dignified man out of it. Cassian had a remarkable resemblance to his father who had many more creases on his once very handsome face and silver hair that once was a light shade of brown instead of Cassian's black mess.

"Father." Cassian welcomed the man with cautiousness and limited emotions in a form of a faint smile on his lips. He wasn't sure how well the visit will go, nor did he know what his father's intend was.

"Where is my daughter-in-law?" Kind Artorius asked straight away. Not even a word of welcome or greeting to his son. Cassian pursed his lips as he offered his arm to his father as he still took the step down out of the gold carriage. His father limped for many years now, seeking support of a brilliantly sculpted cane.

"She's taking some classes right now. I thought it might be good to give her that time today before she meets you."


"Because she is nervous to meet you." Cassian said honestly.

"Unnecessarily. You must know that she will be as dear to me as my own child." Artorius said honestly. "You went against every bit of advice to marry her. If she could make you love her, then I cannot imagine there's anything she should be worried about."

"I agree with you." Cassian smiled as he thought of his wife. "She does not have an ounce of bad in her. Her kind heart means that she's worried about making a good impression and she's worried about how you will perceive her. Besides…" Cassian hesitated.


"I wanted to warn you that Isabelle goes by the name of Adeline right now and I'd appreciate if you could use that name instead when speaking to her."

"Adeline?" Artorius furrowed his thick and bushy brows.



"It's a long story involving the king of Galbore and one of his cunning plans."

"I see. I must hear it throughout my visit, but for now, I hope I can rest."

"Is your leg bothering you again?"

"Not the worst it has been but I've seen better days."

"That's unfortunate."

"I'm sure meeting your wife will be a good distraction."

"Don't be hard on her though." Cassian asked in a begging tone as he led his father inside and then up the stairs to the bedroom where his father was to stay. It was a floor below the royal quarters to make it easier for his father as the stairs were particularly challenging to him and one of the reasons why he retreated to the countryside.

"Why are you so worried?" Artorius asked as he looked at Cassian from the side.

"She's very dear to me, father. I cannot not worry." Cassian responded.

"Have your feelings not changed since the marriage?"


"I thought that something must've happened."


"You were meant to speak your vows during the spring equinox, and you have changed the plans for that."

"If I must be truthful, I feel like Isabelle struggles a little in adjusting to Ariadna. I didn't want her to be under the pressure right now as she's learning to navigate our culture and customs." Cassian spoke quietly so that no one else could hear him. "How did mother adjust when she first moved?"

"It took some time. But she has visited her home plenty in the first few years of our marriage. It only changed once her brother took a throne and the war emerged. She didn't condone the bloodshed and hasn't spoken much to her brother since."

"Isabelle has visited her cousin recently and as she returned I felt that things were better for a short while but soon after they seemed to deteriorate again."

"It takes time." Artorius looked at his son from the side and recognised the worry that he was trying to conceal. His son's feelings were obvious to him. It wasn't hard to work out that he loved his wife.

Artorius settled in a comfortable chair and had a tea with Cassian, before he needed to lay down to recover from the journey.