
While Isabelle spoke with Samuel, Artorius went to see his son.
"Father." Cassian welcomed him unenthusiastically, distracted with work.
"I have decided that my visit will come to an end tomorrow afternoon. I shall depart and I will return with your mother before the ball. She is looking forward to meeting her daughter-in-law."
"I see. Did you gain what you needed from your visit?"
"I did indeed. I've learnt what I needed to."
"What was it that you needed to learn?"
"I wished to meet your wife, the princess consort."
Cassian looked at his father but didn't ask any more questions. It was futile to try to learn of his father's schemes.
"Do you know if Julian is planning to come to the spring equinox?"
"Probably. I cannot say for sure."
"He needs to mature up if he is to rule the kingdom." Cassian grumbled.
"Perhaps." Artorius smiled not giving him a hint of his decision even if he shared it freely with Isabelle.
"I cannot be here forever." Cassian grumbled.
"No?" Artorius tilted his head.
"I have a wife…" Cassian said in a quieter tone. "I wish to be able to dedicate her more time and my attention. And it is not my responsibility. Julian is the first in line to the throne. I agreed to help but it isn't fair if I do his job for him."
"You're right. It isn't fair." Artorius agreed as he held his cane. He smiled at his youngest son who seemed irritated with his duties but which he fulfilled diligently. "What is happening with Galbore? Why are the trades limited? I didn't hear of any political issues."
"Did Frederick and Albert forgot to report?" Cassian sneered at his father's distrust. "I have an issue with the royal family. Normally, they wouldn't be any of my business but they became one when I've married Isabelle." Cassian let out a long sigh.
"Is it personal?"
"In some sense. What would you do if someone hurt mum? If her family hurt her?"
"I would probably do the same. As much as we should rule fairly and be just, we must also follow the heart once in a while. I hope all goes well when you meet king Edgar."
"I am going to postpone it for a few weeks as I need to recollect myself. I fear that I will rip his head off otherwise."
"That's smart."
"Dad…" Cassian hesitated. "I love Isabelle and I wouldn't ever do anything to harm her. You must know that. She stands above all."
"Why are you telling me that?"
"Because you accused me of wrongdoing and I needed to clear it. I don't want you to think…" Cassian blushed. "Although, I am glad that you defended Isabelle, I wanted you to know that it wasn't necessary."
"Cass, I shall give you the only advice you'll hear from me. Pay attention to the detail. Your actions and inactions, however small, bear weight that others have to carry."
Cassian nodded in agreement even if he was uncertain of the exact meaning of those words.
His father left not much later, leaving Cassian to deal with more paperwork.
They once again all met over dinner where Annette seemed to scowl more than usual at Isabelle and Samuel, her gaze increasingly spiteful.
It didn't escape Samuel who smiled as softly as he could at Isabelle and tried to entertain the conversation at the table, pretending that Annette didn't bother him. Isabelle was still quiet, anxious about being in the room with Cassian, Annette, and Artorius. Each for a different reason.
Artorius announced the end of his visit to Annette and Isabelle. Annette didn't show much care for it besides an acknowledgment whereas Isabelle showed some upset.
"Your majesty, I have prepared an ointment for you to take away." Isabelle spoke quietly to the king, making their conversation impossible to hear for Annette. "Would it be acceptable if I bring it to you tomorrow morning with your morning tea?"
"As long as you bring some of those delicious biscuits as well." Artorius chuckled.
"Absolutely." Isabelle nodded eagerly.
"Samuel, I have heard that you are helping Isabelle with some learning." Artorius inquired Samuel who sat on his other side.
"I…" Samuel stuttered as he didn't realise that Isabelle disclosed their conversation to the king. "Yes, your majesty. Her highness is a particularly gifted person and showed interest in a lot that I do. I offered to support her interest. If she wishes, we can have more structured lessons as we had rather sporadic conversations so far." Samuel hesitated before he added. "Her highness dealt very well with some issues within the court when his highness was a little unwell and that's when I've realised that she is very capable of dealing with the kingdom matters."
"Do you mean the time when he fell off the horse because he was rushing home and broke several ribs?" Artorius asked. Isabelle looked at Samuel with concern as it sounded as if he revealed some dirty secret.
"Yes." Samuel nodded.
"I've heard that you stood up to sir Galleon, Adeline. Good going."
"Thank you, father." Isabelle turned crimson red.
Cassian might not have heard the conversation on the other end of the table but he still noticed Isabelle's cheeks changing the colour. His gaze was so attached to her that he didn't even realise that Annette was talking to him. Realising that she wasn't paid enough of attention, Annette decided to act further.


The following day, Isabelle brought the ointment to the king along with the tea and biscuits and entertained his last conversation.
After the tea, they had breakfast with Annette, Cassian and Samuel joining them.

Isabelle least expected Samuel catch her after breakfast.
"Your highness, here's an invitation to the tea." He passed her an envelope with the red wax seal, winking at her.
"Thank you, sir Asselin." Isabelle was confused by the level of his formality and why he passed her a fancy envelope in front of so many servants. Isabelle retreated to her chamber before she opened the envelope whilst alone.
Samuel's neat handwriting stated something she did not expect. He found out that Annette was trying to sabotage not only Isabelle and Cassian but she had people informing her of Isabelle's doing throughout the castle. Samuel suggested a way of dealing with it which Isabelle wasn't too fond of but she decided to trust him. He didn't offer anything inappropriate, just a lesson, which he timed and publicised in a way that could have come across secretive. He was trying to mislead Annette into actually believing that he and Isabelle were having an affair, while then proving otherwise if it were to travel to Cassian as it was obviously untrue.

During the lessons with Annette, Isabelle struggled to not think of the invitation for a late morning tea with Samuel but Annette quickly drew her right back into the present with the most unexpected question.
"I seem to have misplaced my amber earrings. Have you perhaps seen them?" Annette asked with pretend innocence. Isabelle looked up from the embroidery piece and tried to put on a mask.
"When did you lose them, your grace?" Isabelle asked, deciding to pretend that she knew nothing. She didn't want to give Annette the satisfaction.
"A few days ago, I think."
"Hmm… I will ask the maids if they found anything, your grace."
"It's a shame. It has been my favourite pair."
Isabelle accidentally pinched her finger with a needle drawing a droplet of blood, which stained her silky thread. She was embroidering beautifully coloured birds like the ones she saw in the aviary. Isabelle knitted her brows as she looked at her damaged work. As uncertain she was about Samuel's plan, she was now certain that she needed to find a way to expose that Annette couldn't be trusted.
After her lesson on travel etiquette where Annette advised Isabelle to always travel with black clothing ensemble in case of the sudden death of the royalty. Annette spoke at Isabelle as they've embroidered their pieces.