Cassian’s apology

"I am very sorry. I am sorry if it seemed that I wasn't interested in you. I am sorry if I've made the wrong impression. I am so deeply sorry."

"As I've said, apologies are not needed." Isabelle repeated as she reached into her pocket. "I do assume that this was not from you either. It is not your handwriting." She passed the letter that she received in the night to Cassian.

Cassian read it, still on his knees, his face turning deeper shade of red. His hands were shaking visibly. Many words on the paper were true but they were not his. He would have never been brave enough to display his true feelings so bare.

"Who did you get this from?"

"It was delivered to me through the night by a maid. I suspect that the intend was that I was meant to be there and see…" Isabelle'a voice vanished. "I think that her grace asked one of the servants to write it for her as this is not her handwriting."

"It is not a letter from me."

"I know. As I've said, I realised very quickly that this wasn't your handwriting. I wasn't going to act on it. It was delivered to me while I was still in the library. I was on the way to my chamber when things happened. I know this wasn't from you as I've spent many hours reading through your notes."

"Even you worked out Annette before I did. It took me years to really see her for who she was."

"I'm sorry that your friendship ended because

of me." Isabelle said quietly.

"My friendship ended because my trust was broken. I cannot be friends with someone who is intentionally hurtful to me or my wife."

Isabelle looked down again which worried Cassian further. Following his father's advice, he paid attention to every small detail. To her lips curving down, to her gaze, to her fidgeting fingers.

"What bothers you? Please, tell me."

"I do wonder if you're being too harsh to the duchess."

"Too harsh?"

"She acted out of love for you…"

Cassian went silent momentarily, unsure how to respond. He knew that Isabelle was kind hearted but right now she was beyond hurt and she still worried for someone who wronged her.

"I am married, shouldn't this be enough to show her that I am not reciprocating those feelings? If she truly loved me, shouldn't she let go when she knew that I didn't share the same sentiments?"

"How could she know?" Isabelle asked instead of answering his questions. "In her eyes, you were stuck in a marriage with me against your will and she came along to save you…" Isabelle looked at Cassian with worry. "Please, your highness, get up."

Cassian face was still sullen as he looked at Isabelle hopefully.

"I do not need saving." Cassian spoke at last. "Please, let me repair the damage. I'll fulfil any wish you might have."

"A wish?"

"Anything. I need to do something for you to make the amends."

"I don't-…" Isabelle started.

"I beg you."

"Can I have three wishes?" Isabelle asked with fear.

"As many as you want."

"Reinstate the trades with Galbore." Isabelle said decisively. Cassian gulped and opened his mouth but then closed it again without another word. He slowly nodded. He hated that request but he understood it.

"What is your second wish?"

"If you are to get rid of the wedding ring, please return it to me." Isabelle fidgeted with her fingers nervously. "It was a ring that I have inherited from my grandfather. My father knows nothing of it. I swapped the ring prepared by my father for that one before our wedding ceremony. It has a high sentimental value so please, do not give it to my father. I wish to have it back."

"Get rid of the wedding ring?" Cassian repeated. "I wasn't going to get rid of it."

"I saw that you took it off…"

"No!" Cassian raised his voice defensively. "I have misplaced it when I have attended to the fire. I haven't gotten rid of it. I was searching for it. I am sorry that I have lost it. I didn't tell you because I was worried that it'll upset you. I am looking for it. But… if you wish, I can return it to you as soon as I find it if it has so much value to you."

"Only if you wish to get rid of it. Not otherwise." Isabelle shook her head.

Cassian nodded before warily asking. "What's the last wish?"

"If I ever anger you, do not send me back to Galbore. I beg you." Isabelle said with fear written all over her face. "I rather be executed or banished anywhere else."

Cassian took a step forward and grabbed Isabelle's hands bringing them up to his chest as if he tried to hold them near his heart. "You will never be able to anger me enough for me to send you away or… execute you?" Cassian swallowed heavily. "There is nothing you can ever do to deserve that kind of punishment…" Cassian closed his eyes momentarily. "May I ask why did you think I removed the wedding ring?"

"Because I have embarrassed you when I went to extinguish the fire. Besides… Annette."

"Embarrassed? You filled me with pride over the care you showed for the people of Ariadna."

"But you were angry."

"Because you could have gotten hurt. I was angry over your carelessness, not the noble deed you did. It was an impulse. When I saw you come out of the smoking building with the hems of your dress on fire, I was angry that you risked your life. But… I am so immensely proud of what you did and that you are my wife. There is nothing you can do to embarrass me."

"I don't know. The blue hair isn't helping my case…" Isabelle smiled weakly.

"It's stunning." Cassian sounded sincere as he touched the strand of blue that rested on Isabelle's shoulder. "Will you forgive me?"

"There is nothing to forgive, your highness."

"I do not wish to hurt you. I do not want to be a reason for your sorrows." Cassian planted a kiss on the back of Isabelle's hands. Instant electricity rushed through her as Cassian's warm lips touched her skin. He heart started racing and her head started to feel light.

"Your highness, sorry for intrusion, but there's a letter from his majesty, the king." A messenger interrupted them. Cassian reluctantly let go off Isabelle's hands and looked over.

"I-…I-… " Cassian stuttered for the first time since Isabelle was his wife. He didn't seem to want to go yet.

"You have duties to attend to, your highness." Isabelle smiled softly trying to be reassuring. "The kingdom won't run itself."

"I am so sorry." Cassian mumbled before he turned away and took the letter from his father. He opened it immediately and his face somehow turned paler. "I need to find Samuel. I am so sorry, Adeline. I will speak with you shortly, I promise. And I will fulfil your wishes as soon as." He said before he run off, a new panic written on his face. Isabelle looked behind him with concern. She worried that something bad has happened to the king or the queen. She tried to distract herself by hiding in the library and dealing with the ball planning. After lunch she went out to the city with Jane as her company to look at the stalls and suppliers that could provide the castle with decorations and many other things for the festivities.

"Your highness!" Mary bowed deeply in front of Isabelle. Isabelle blushed in crimson red remembering that she did not yet look through the piles of gifts and she didn't send the 'thank you' notes yet.

Isabelle welcomed the people that she started to recognise and with Jane's help she managed to find and order everything that she had on the list. Unfortunately, as ball was in less than two weeks, she needed to find different vendors than those that supplied the castle with their products or services in previous years. But all seemed to be slowly falling into place.