You are not bound by anyone

sabelle dropped her sword and Cassian lowered his. Cassian's words were too surprising and shocking. Isabelle didn't understand how he could love her. "You are not a prisoner. You are not bound by anyone, and certainly not me. Your word is equal to mine. Your rule is equal to mine. And once you are ready, I hope that you will sit on the throne beside me, just like today, because you think of the world in a way that I do not. You see solutions beyond the surface. Today you gave a solution that would have never crossed my mind. You gave an answer to Ariadna's problems. But if you do not wish to do that, I am certain that you will do plenty of good in your own way like your idea of the healing centre." Cassian continued. "And if you're angry, take it out on me. Tell me. Speak to me. Scream at me. Swing the sword at me. Do not let it simmer in silence because I do not want you to suffer. This is your home. And for goodness sake, why would you even think that I loved anyone beside you?!" Cassian continued in an almost monologue. He was aggravated at a sole thought that Isabelle thought he loved Annette. Isabelle was silent, trying to collect her thoughts. 

"Now that you know that I'm not Adeline, you must know that I am not a dainty princess. I cannot deal with flower arrangements and remembering how to stir my tea at every instance. I am not Adeline. Nothing like her. Nor Annette." Isabelle felt a different kind of anger that she couldn't explain, fuelled by the feeling of shame but also the burning inside her that was rather inexplicable.

"You just shoved a sword at me harder than my advisor or the general, I know that you're not a dainty princess." Cassian admitted. "And I do not want you to be a dainty princess.  I want you as you are, Isabelle. I want you, Isabelle. No one else!" Cassian threw his sword to the ground with incredible force and became animated. "I want you to be happy, Isabelle." Cassian looked right at her. "I know that recently things went downhill and I understand that I am solely to blame but I will do anything to make you happy."

"What of my wishes?" Isabelle asked harshly.

"Galbore's trades are open." Cassian answered honestly. "I have the ring back and I'll return it if you ever wish for it. And I am not sending you anywhere. I never, not once, considered sending you away."

"You opened the trade routes back?" Isabelle repeated with surprise. He did tell her that Samuel was working on it but she didn't expect it to be resolved this quickly.

"You wanted me to. And as I've said, your voice is equal to mine." Cassian smiled forcefully. "Galbore is your kingdom. In this instance, your decision outweighs mine."

"Guys finish this battle. I want to see who wins!" Samuel roared from the side, reminding them of the audience that gathered now. Cassian paused as he looked at Isabelle.

"It's futile, Samuel." Cassian turned to his friend. His body relaxed in some way as he put a mask on when speaking to his friend. "At best, it's a draw. Her highness is not a match for me."

"That is not true." Isabelle said to Cassian, her anger fully dissipated. She watched Cassian, now looking at Samuel and a bunch of knights and soldiers. Even maids started to gather. There was a small crowd that observed her fight with Cassian.

Isabelle looked directly at Cassian. He briefly smiled as he answered Samuel and small wrinkles showed in the corner of his eyes. He still wore his regal wear but he didn't have a crown on anymore. His hair was ruffled in its usual disarray. His cheeks were flushed from the sword fight. He was struggling to catch his breath - he wasn't well yet.

Isabelle felt her heart change rhythm from a moment to another, as she watched Cassian in slow-motion. His perfectly straight nose, chiselled jaw, his dark eyelashes that casted a shadow over his blue eyes. "I am certain that if I continue this fight, I will pop one of my ribs again. So, it's either a draw or I am forfeiting this fight." Cassian turned back to face Isabelle. There was lightheartedness in his reply to Samuel but something heavy laid on his shoulders, hidden in the depths of his eyes. He walked towards Isabelle. "Feel free to beat Samuel up if that makes you feel better." He offered.

"It doesn't." Isabelle admitted. Her anger was wildly misdirected and she knew that.

"Is he that easy to beat?"

"Exceptionally." Isabelle said cheekily which made Cassian roar with laughter. 

"I think I'm done fighting for today anyways!" Samuel answered quickly directing the onlookers away. He didn't want trouble and he realised that whatever was happening between Cassian and Isabelle was personal and complicated.

Cassian gave him an approving nod before stopping by Isabelle. He stood right beside her, so close, merely centimetres away from her face. His eyes twinkled with excitement. 

"I hope that you didn't get hurt." Isabelle looked at him with concern, watching his laboured breathing that he tried so hard to conceal.

"I will be alright." Cassian answered as he wiped pearls of sweat off his forehead with the sleeve of his jacket. "The herbs you gave me helped a lot."

"I might be able to make an ointment soon. The plants I need are almost ready to harvest."

"Thank you, Isabelle." Cassian pinched her chin. "And for the love of God, do not be anyone else than yourself. I need you and no one else. I need your fierceness and strength." Cassian subconsciously stroked her cheek. His hands had calluses on his palm. A soon to be king who had calluses on his hands. A king who fought in the battle, leading his men, and returned the hero. The king who still trains with his soldiers and goes towards the trouble. Isabelle closed her eyes and drew a breath in.

"If you wish." She said, feeling a huge burden fall off her shoulders. Cassian let out a soft satisfied sigh.

"Shall we retreat to the castle before the rain comes?" Cassian looked up at the sky. Isabelle looked at his chin and his neck. An urge to touch and kiss his bare skin surged through her. Isabelle never experienced this kind of feeling or anything quite close to it in magnitude. It took all of her willpower to hide it. She felt her ears and cheeks burn like fire.

"Yes." She nodded slowly.

"Thank you for the sparring session." Cassian continued to speak as they've started to take the wristbands off. "It has been a while since I had a worthy opponent."

"Indeed." Isabelle nodded in agreement.

"Would you like to join me for a cup of tea before we retreat to dinner?" Cassian offered.

"That will be lovely. I had a thought I wanted to run passed you." Isabelle walked beside Cassian through the training grounds.


"The ball invites many nobles, aristocrats, and many more distinguished guests."

"Yes, that's right."

"I wish to extend the invitation to the commoners." Isabelle said anxiously. "There's plenty of space and resources to open the door a bit wider before the dawn ceremony."

Cassian went silent as he thought about Isabelle's request.

"I have no objections if you see it suitable." He said carefully but there was hesitation in his voice.

"It will likely upset a few of our distinguished guests which makes me concerned. But… I think we need to close the societal gap."

"Absolutely. Invite anyone you wish."

"Thank you!" Isabelle didn't hide her excitement as she squealed. "I think Jane will explode when she gets the invitation."

Cassian smiled as he watched a clear display of happiness. 

"Do not thank me as it is your idea."

"Sir Galleon will have one more reason to get rid of me." Isabelle said with a chuckle.

"Even if you gave him a gazillion reasons, I won't get rid of you."

"I am not a pure blood…" Isabelle uttered in sudden change of mood.

"That's such an old fashioned thinking." Cassian sighed. "Do not think much of it. Not many care about it nowadays. I certainly do not." Isabelle looked at Cassian with curiosity. He carried his jacket and cape under his arm. He seemed slightly troubled by something but also he seemed to be better post their sparring session. The corners of his lips seemed to be curving upwards.