
Cassian's eyes became darker and distant. 

Isabelle never saw him like this. In a split second he turned from a fighter and a future king, and Isabelle's husband, to a shell of a person and unresponsive.

Isabelle observed him with care unsure what to do to help and unsure what has caused it. She could've guessed though. She saw that gaze in the soldiers before. She saw it in soldiers and knights that her grandfather healed.

Isabelle reached her hand out and placed it on Cassian's hand.

"Cassian, this isn't real." Isabelle said softly, trying to remain calm herself. She learnt the ways of dealing with the knights before but she never expected to have to deal with her own husband through something like this. "Cassian, you are having a flashback. Tell me what you see. Cassian, tell me what you see." She demanded.

"The muddy field." Cassian replied slowly. His breathing sped up.

"What's on the field?"

"Stacks of dead bodies. And then… there are men. So many men." Cassian spoke slowly, his breathing was laboured. "They are getting killed. Their heads are falling to the ground. Children. Women. Civilians are being murdered just the same. The blood sprayed over me. I can taste it in my mouth. I can taste someone else's blood."

"Cassian, this isn't real." Isabelle repeated. "It's me, Isabelle. You are in Ariadna. Take a deep breath." Cassian tensed up even further.

"I can't breathe." Cassian started to hyperventilate.

Isabelle placed her hand on his chest. She was gentle. She didn't want to harm him more than m he already was. She felt his well-sculpted chest below the several layers of fabrics and how rapidly it was raising and falling. 

"You are strong, Cassian. You survived so much and now you're back in your home." Isabelle spoke softly. "You're home."

"Isabelle?" He uttered her name. 

"Yes, Cassian?" Isabelle looked deep within his eyes, never before being this close to him. "One more breath." She reminded him. Cassian tried to slow down his breathing. It took a few moments before he was able to take a deep breath in. Isabelle got up of her seat and placed her head on his chest, listening to his breathing and heartbeat. "You're not fighting in the war. None of this is happening now." She kept talking in a reassuring tone. Cassian's eyes seemed to regain clarity. His body started to relax again.

He stumbled forward and fell off his chair and onto his knees. Isabelle caught him, grabbing him by his arms. He was heavy and she couldn't keep him up much more. Barely enough. She stopped him from falling any further. He was on his knees, his head resting against her. Isabelle instinctively pulled him closer, embracing him, wrapping her arms around his head and pressing it against her. He passed out.

Isabelle screamed for help and two servants run in.

"He needs to be taken to his chamber." Isabelle dictated, huffing under Cassian's weight. They've nodded and picked up Cassian. Isabelle followed them all the way to Cassian's chamber where they've laid unconscious Cassian down.

The word must have spread at a speed of light as within moments Samuel stormed into the chamber. He analysed the situation, recognising the state o this friend. Then his gaze shifted to Isabelle who looked at Cassian with her empathetic eyes.

"Be careful." Samuel warned her. "When he gets like that he doesn't know where he is and who people around him are."

"I know. I saw it before." Isabelle admitted. "Go to Chiron and get me ginseng, lemon balm, peppermint and ashwagandha. And ask if he has sal ammoniac available."

"As you wish, your highness." Samuel bowed his head and left Isabelle alone with Cassian.

Isabelle felt lost in the large chamber. She grabbed a flannel and a bowl of water, sitting on the edge of the bed, gently wiping Cassian's face.

"I am so sorry for what you have been through." She spoke softly. "I am sorry to have mentioned it. You didn't have to and you didn't deserve to stand in that war. It was not your war."

She spoke softly until Samuel brought the salts back. Samuel took a step back as Isabelle brought the salts up to Cassian's face.

The salts worked instantly. Cassian sat up abruptly looking around in sheer panic.

"Calm down. It's okay." Isabelle spoke as calmly as she could. "You're okay." She naturally placed her hand on his chest, feeling his racing heart.

"I need to go…" Cassian tried to stand up.

"I don't think so." Isabelle said sharply pushing her hand against Cassian's chest. 

"I have an audience soon. What time is it?" Cassian said with concern at which Isabelle looked over at Samuel.

"Who is the audience with?" She asked Samuel.

"A few councillors."

"Tell them that more important matters came up and re-arrange it." Isabelle decided before looking back at Cassian. "And you must rest."

Cassian was speechless while Samuel snickered. Samuel calmed down himself, recognising the fierce princess in Isabelle that he once saw.

"As you say, your highness." Samuel bowed his head and vanished.

"It is no point in rushing to your duties if you're unwell. It'll make you more sick long term." Isabelle looked back at Cassian, reaching with a damp flannel for his face. She wiped a few sweat drops off his forehead, gentle in her action. "Now, I shall go and brew you a tea. Something to calm your nerves and help you relax."

"Isabelle." Cassian grabbed her hand. He seemed exhausted and his body was slow to respond. "I am so sorry."

"Don't be." Isabelle smiled with gentleness that Cassian never experienced before while conscious. "Have this been happening often?"

"Not that often anymore. Occasionally. Less as the time goes on." Cassian held her hand and kissed the back of it. "I-… if I get like this again, promise me that you will leave. I do not wish to harm you."

"They do say that time heals wounds." Isabelle ignored his last remark. "I will go brew you a tea. And once you feel better and are stronger my grandfather used to do something that might be of help." Isabelle sighed as she recalled the long hours she spend beside her grandfather dealing with issues just like this one.

"Your grandfather was a brilliant healer. If he passed an ounce of his knowledge onto you, you are bound to be an amazing healer yourself."

"He was no healer by trade. He knew herbs and he knew people better than anyone else. He didn't care for medicine taught in classrooms. He was with his knights, in barracks, keen to give them relief." Isabelle smiled at a memories that felt so distant. "He believed that health should be a human right, not just for nobility."

"And you took that believe with you. What do you need to make it happen?"

"I…" Isabelle stuttered. "I need healers and physicians. And Chiron. He is splendid with preparing the herbs. He has a good technique."

"Take whoever you want. Take anything you need." Cassian wobbled as he felt dizzy.

"Thank you, now lay down before I sedate you." Isabelle said threateningly.

"You wouldn't." Cassian looked at her with surprise.

"Adeline wouldn't. I would." Isabelle said with a warning. "You must rest. Samuel is going to take care of the councillors. At least for a couple of hours. I shall be back within a few minutes with a tea." Isabelle spoke sternly. Cassian looked at her perplexed but obeyed.

Isabelle rushed across the castle and brewed the tea with the ingredients that Samuel brought from Chiron.