Teveaking the Greenhouse

Isabelle's intend on finding the right substance to help Cassian grew. She hid in the library once again, taking stacks of books out and scanning through them. Before the night completely set she decided to force Cassian into resting by resolving all of his planned meetings and activities the next day. Samuel keenly supported her through this.

The next day she went to find Matilda, some time after unsuccessful search for the right kind of book.

"Matilda, where can I find more books?" She asked with the energy that was not matched by anyone else in the servants' quarters.

"Have you read all the books in the library?" Matilda asked with a yawn.

"No. But I need books on mixtures and elixirs and… I cannot find what I need among the books in the library."

Matilda thought carefully but not knowing the answer she led Isabelle towards Samuel.

Once Matilda repeated Isabelle's request, Samuel went silent as he thought deeply.

"I know just a place you might want to investigate." Samuel said slowly. This time, he led the way, stopping by Cassian's study and grabbing some keys from a drawer of his desk.

"Are you certain that you should be taking these?" Isabelle questioned Samuel.

"His highness holds the most precious things in the locked drawer. This was not there so it is very much for my access and your whims."

"Where are we going?" Isabelle enquired as she trotted behind Samuel with Matilda following them both. 

"One of the unused chamber near the royal quarters."

Isabelle didn't ask any further until they've stood in front of large wooden door. Samuel keenly unlocked the door, which showed some resistance from a long time of disuse. The door creaked when opened, pushing a layer of dust with it.

The room within revealed a stunning study combined with a laboratory. 

"What is this place?" Isabelle asked as she gasped with excitement. 

"This is a study that once belonged to his highness' grandfather. It is currently unused and might fit your needs perfectly." Samuel smiled.

"A bit of dusting and it will be perfect, your highness." Matilda agreed encouragingly. 

"Will Cassian not mind if I use his grandfather's study?" Isabelle asked anxiously.

"There is no point in letting it go to waste." Cassian appeared in the doorway. "I was wondering what this commotion was about but I'm glad it is for a good reason." Cassian's eyes landed on Samuel. "You rummaged through my desk again."

"For a good reason this time."

"Good." Cassian sighed. "Matilda, can you make sure the room is swept this morning and ready for Isabelle's use?"

"Cassian." Isabelle interrupted him. "I would prefer to do it myself."

"As you wish, Isabelle. Now, let's get some breakfast. It is going to be a long day ahead. Many many meetings, that's for sure."

"Actually…." Isabelle hesitated. "I took a liberty of almost completely emptying your schedule today. There is a single meeting that I have left but everything else was re-scheduled or resolved by letter." 

Cassian looked at Isabelle dumbfounded.


"You must rest when it is needed. And it is needed. The more tired you are, the more frequent your…." Isabelle stopped mid word, recognising that she spoke of Cassian's vulnerabilities in front of his subjects.

"Well, then, I am sure that there is plenty more to be accomplished." Cassian smiled. "Do you need assistance with the ball planning?"

"No." Isabelle blushed and shook her head. "All is under control. Ball and your royal duties."

"What shall I do then?" Cassian asked in despair.

"Rest." Isabelle smiled as she said it. "But firstly, breakfast."

Cassian offered her his hand which she accepted. It was a little awkward to hold his arm as their walked. She felt the bulging muscles under the few layers of fabric. She smelled Cassian - his earthy and citrusy scent made her feel comfort of a home.

"Thank you for letting me use your grandfather's study."

"The castle is yours to use. Any part of it is open to you." Cassian said softly. "Thank you for dealing with my business. Although, I am troubled without having an immediate task at hand."

"I can find you a task if you so desire." Isabelle smiled. "Your father said that you rarely got stuck in books because you wanted to run outside as soon as you could. Why don't you do that? Go and breathe some fresh air after breakfast. And no, do not go towards the barracks or training grounds. Perhaps a walk in the garden?" Isabelle suggested.

"Perhaps." Cassian sighed. Cassian reached his other hand to hold Isabelle's hand that was wrapped around his arm. His fingers rubbed her bare ring finger in some deep thought. "Do you think…" Cassian started.

"My ring is in my dresser." Isabelle answered the non-existent questions. Cassian looked down at her in surprise. "I took it off because I didn't feel worthy of being a wife of a prince."

"I was going to ask whether you'd like to go horse-riding." Cassian said with his eyes and mouth wide open. "Isabelle… I-… what?" He stuttered.

"It is not your fault, Cassian." Isabelle chuckled at her ridiculousness when she arrived. "You must understand that I have been send here in place of Adeline. I felt unworthy of you because I tricked you."

"And now that we cleared it?"

"I am worried that I might lose it." Isabelle admitted.

"I shall get you a thousand rings if you lose each and every one of them." Cassian reassured her, squeezing her hand in a reaffirmation. 

"Hmmm… one ring will suffice." Isabelle declared. "And horse riding sounds rather splendid. The woods around Ariadna are stunning and rich. But I am slightly concerned about your physical wellbeing. Perhaps a stroll today if you feel well enough?"

"I shall be quite okay. Thank you for your concern." Cassian smiled as he pushed the dining room door open. The food was served as they arrived filling the air with sweet and rich fragrances.

Isabelle didn't realise at first why the food seemed to smell so good at first until she sat beside Cassian and noticed a different set of dishes to their usual. 

"What is this?!" She exclaimed in surprise.

"I have hired a cook who was previously working in a Galborian family. Hopefully, he cooks Gakborian dishes well enough to satisfy you." Cassian announced with satisfaction. Isabelle started sobbing from overwhelm which was the reaction that Cassian did not expect. "I'm sorry. Do you not like it?"

"I love it! It's just…" Isabelle wiped her tears. "I haven't eaten many of those dishes since I lived with my grandfather. They reminded me… of my childhood."

"Would you like to share some of the memories associated with this food? Only if it isn't too upsetting." Cassian asked carefully.

Isabelle contemplated the offer and with her soft voice she told Cassian the stories of her grandfather, laced with happiness and woes. Cassian listened attentively, keenly adding more food to Isabelle's plate, glad to see her improved appetite.

After breakfast, Isabelle forced Cassian to go outside, but truly, it was a stroll with Cassian having her hand wrapped around his arm.

Braving it, Isabelle led Cassian to one of the farther sides of the garden.

"I did wonder who did the greenhouse belong to." Isabelle spoke cautiously as they walked closer to it.

"My grandfather and my mother." Cassian answered. "My grandfather was a healer and my mother was interested in growing everything pretty." Cassian looked at her. "I've heard that you set up some space there."

"I did." Isabelle lowered her head, worried whether she overstepped.

"That is truly fantastic. Would you like to show me what you did?"

Isabelle nodded as she led Cassian to now familiar space. She opened the door and mix of floral aroma hit them in the face. The plants grew all the way from the floor to the ceiling, filling nearly every gap they could. They were meticulously organised but also somehow they grew wildly up the strings and nets that Isabelle prepared. There was something near enchanting about how these plants intertwined with each other in a perfect harmony. Cassian was rendered speechless, his mouth agape and eyes relentlessly moving from plant to plant trying to capture everything.

Isabelle waited in anticipation for Cassian to say something, standing coyly towards the end of the greenhouse.

"Isabelle, this is…" Cassian tried to vocalise his awe but no words could describe it.

"There is still a lot of work to be done." Isabelle said quickly.

"This is magical." Cassian managed to say at last. "In the short time that you have been working here, you not only repaired the greenhouse but also somehow you grew a foliage beyond anything I've seen."

"It was a combined effort." Isabelle admitted. "Samuel helped me with the fixes and Matilda and Jane helped with finding pots and strings. Chiron helped me find some local plants that could fulfil the same purpose as the ones I knew of in Galbore."

After being promoted, Isabelle explained to Cassian properties of each plant, including the flowers. Each had its use and brought plenty of benefits. They spend the rest of the morning with Cassian admiring Isabelle as she shared her interest, not willing to admit that she just fulfilled his deepest dreams.