Mysterious Guests

In the Jade chamber, Ningguang was sitting on her chair, occasionally tapping the armrest with her fingers.

A few hours ago, Rex Lapis gave Qixing a message that a very important guest had arrived in Liyue. She must be given the utmost respect and the highest quality accommodation possible.

'To make Lord Rex Lapis contact us out of the blue like this, is she an archon? Or maybe an archon's familiar? With the description given by the Lord, it doesn't seem to match any of our intelligence.' Ningguang frowned.

Why would such an important guest visit Liyue all alone, without any official notice to the Qixing? While she could think of a few possible situations, she was unable to form a proper conclusion. The amount of available information was too little.

This kind of unpredictable situation made her slightly uncomfortable.

"Lady Ningguang, the person you wanted to keep a lookout for, has appeared. She's walking on the road towards the shipyard with a little girl." Biwen, a Tianquan secretary, informed Ningguang.

"Immediately inform Keqing and Ganyu to receive the guest." Ningguang stood up and prepared to leave the Jade chamber.

"As you wish, Lady Ningguang." Baiwen was surprised to hear that the three of them would personally receive this guest. She couldn't remember any foreign or diplomatic visitor who'd get this kind of treatment from Liyue Qixing.




"So, how do you feel?" Ruby asked Kusanali. She had already cleared the rainy weather when they returned to Liyue. The comfortable and warm rays of the sun made a beautiful rainbow across the sea.

"I feel… light. Free of the burdens that had been pressing down on my shoulders. For hundreds of years, I've dreamed about this moment. But… that's all I could do… dream."

Ruby and Kusanali sat down on the edge of a wharf at the port and watched the ships slowly fading away from the horizon.

"It seems a few people will be here soon to receive us." While Ruby wasn't as absurd as her mother, who reached the point of absolute omniscience across all of creation, Ruby was pseudo-omniscient within the realities she currently dominated with her authority. She knew every little fact and secret of Teyvat. The thoughts and actions of all the creatures in this world were constantly pouring into her mind every moment, yet this absurd flow of information couldn't even occupy one billionth of her mental capacity.

"Hmm." Kusanali gave a slight nod, not caring too much about the approaching party. She kept observing the sea silently.

Ningguang, Keqing, and Ganyu arrived at the port with some guards. As they approached the two of them, they were surprised to see their guests sitting like this.

Facing this unexpected event, Ningguang became serious, 'Sure enough, she has a  unique temperament, definitely not an ordinary person like us.' She whispered to Keqing, "I'm afraid our guest isn't that simple. Be mindful of your conduct."

Keqing nodded. Ningguang ordered the guards to stay in position and went ahead with only the three of them to greet Ruby and Kusanali.

"Hello, esteemed guests. On behalf of Liyue, we, the Qixing, welcome your arrival. I am Ningguang, the Tianquan of Qixing."

"I'm Keqing, the Yuhenq of Qixing. I hope you had a pleasant experience in Liyue so far."

"I… I'm Ganyu, the general secretary of Qixing. Nice to meet you."

The three introduced themselves one after another.

Ruby stood up and turned around to face them, "I'm Ruby Liv. And this is my companion, Nahida. No need for you all to be so formal. I'm not here for a diplomatic visit."

Although they had some information beforehand, they were still surprised after seeing Ruby's face. They didn't expect that the guest of Rex Lapis was going to be this young.

Ningguang curiously observed her. But when she glanced into Ruby's eyes, they seemed to stare back at her without the slightest ripple. Ningguang felt everything about her was exposed, her thoughts were nothing but an open book to the other party. This situation of being seen through without any resistance, she dreaded this sensation. Even in front of Rex Lapis, she didn't have this feeling. Ningguang quickly lowered her eyes, not daring to look at Ruby again.

The other two didn't notice Ningguang's change in expression.

"In that case, would you like to inform us of the occasion of your visit, and whom do you represent?" Keqing asked.

"My dealings are only with Rex Lapis. As far as you're concerned, I'm here for sightseeing. And about me being a representative…" Ruby chuckled and then swept her gaze over three of them, "Trust me, you'll sleep much better at night if you're kept ignorant about what I represent. But if you're still curious, ask your Lord. Tell him that he's free to disclose my identity to Qixing if he dares to do so."

Ruby was quite satisfied with how Zhongli handled her affairs. So naturally, she won't be too hard on his subordinates.

"Miss Keqing, if it's convenient, please lead us to our accommodation. My companion is tired and would like to rest." 

"Of course, it would be my pleasure. Please follow me." Keqing nodded and showed the way. Ruby took Kusanali and followed behind Keqing.



As they left the vicinity, Ningguang finally felt relieved and took a deep breath, "Ganyu, did you feel anything?"

"I couldn't detect her bloodline. She didn't even have any elemental aura or vitality within her body, as if she wasn't a living being. Another anomaly is that she doesn't seem to breathe. Using these facts, we could assume she's a puppet or an artificial human. But I don't think it's as simple as that. She might be a higher life form than the Adepti, so I couldn't feel anything."

"And what about that little girl?"

"She seems to be an elemental life form, possibly a divine being. But that's all I could feel." Ganyu replied.

"I see. Please contact Lord Rex Lapis. I'd like to discuss the identity of this guest."

"Very well. I'll convey the message." Ganyu nodded and then left.

'It seems I need to double down on my intelligence efforts. A lot of things have been slipping out of my hands lately.' Ningguang sighed and left the dock with the guards.




[Notes: Qixing is this governing authority of Liyue. The 'Tianquan' and the 'Yuhenq' are the members of the Qixing. Baiwen is a personal secretary of the Tianquan, in other words, Ningguang.]