Chapter 10



Lil Daddy apologised for everything that has happened in the past including the media coverage that partially ruined Travis reputation and his career.

"Mom fill me in on a lot of good things, school, careers, and Maggie running a business I'm so proud of you my baby girl" he directly gave a special and proud look at Maggie who was beaming with smile as well.

" but I want to hear it from you all, we can have family time with this" he grabbed four glasses handing them one each filling their glass with non-alcoholic wine and a box of pepperoni pizza.

"Chris and Travis are going major in the music industry they have up to two hundred thousand followers now and that's a lot of people" Biebie said going for the pizza as she grabs one piece.

"Travis is the influencer here I'm only a manager and special advisor trust me Travis is a banger" Chris commented right after Biebie said, Travis looked up to his mom.

"At least you get paid to be an advisor and Mom said we are too popular, which by the way you will prefer if we just focused on school instead," Travis said going for his own piece of pizza like everyone else, Lil Daddy smile.

"If I have two hundred thousand people listen to my song at seventeen I'd call myself a superstar.... What I meant to say is I'm proud of your work Travis" lil daddy said having his first bite.

"Well I want to say something tonight, we all know Dad is back which means things are going to change" Biebie cut in sharply.

"Mom! are we moving again?" Maggie asked in shock because the last time she heard about change was when they had to move from the beach house.

"No! no one is moving, Travis, Chris" Travis bit his lips he knows that tone, he sips his wine.

"I think we are too exposed right now, Snapchat, Instagram, we are not the Kardashians right now social media is not the ultimate thing"

"But is ultimate to me right now Mom this is not the 1980s, everything is social media" Maggie said taking Biebie by surprise, Travis and Chris agreed with Maggie.

"It should be controlled, minimize, do your thing but keep your dad and me from the limelight " Maggie shrugged after sharing her family dinner via her instagram story her fans are obsessed with mom's cocktail dress.

"We are performing at the Grants campaign I hope we don't have to cancel that because Dad and you don't like social media"

"No this means a lot to you and we are gonna support you me and your mom, Grant's campaign is a good one but just one photo" Lil cut off biebie, and Lil agreed, Biebie has to move it too late to back out right now.

"One photo it is"  Chris motion

"What about performing in the club Mom" Biebie stare at Travis for the longest time of her life.

"I'm still considering it" That wasn't a satisfying answer.

"Mom just say yes or no I'm hanging on a thread here-

"You ain't going to force me, are you?" Biebie retorted back.

"Sit down Travis your mom is still talking" Lil authorized him, and he slowly sat down back but frowning.

"I know your mom has been working so hard to put things together performing in the club is not big a deal, you should know she set it up with the money so if she says she's considering it, all you have to do is be patient and trusts her" lil daddy pointed out a reason.