Chapter 13



Biebie gets out of bed joining him in the shower comforting him to let it go what's important is he's here with them, they could've sentenced him to life, and she sacrifices for the happiness of the family the last thing she's going to let him do is to feel weak and resentful about himself. The kids will never know who truly they are and she will make sure of that.

"You need to rest, you are home now which means everything is cool and over, Travis will have his father back which means I have to run the club while you stay back home for a while with them, at least a start for a father and son bond what do you think" she made a lot of sense, of course, he has to lay low because the feds are still up on their ass, and family is important.

"What!!?" Lil exclaimed in shock grabbing a towel with his long strides he was at the closet so fast his body sprays collections and skincare were all brand new and set in the closet, which give him a sense of hope that he was no longer in the shithole. He glared at them before returning the gaze to his wife who was standing at the bathroom doorway.

"You can't go out back on the street the feds are already on our back with Agent Lawrence dead is hard for us to keep track of them especially when he opens his wide mouth confessing you belong to the modern-day mafia, not only did it cost the Russian fallout we are a suspect for the tribe gang, they believed we blew them off"

"I can't stay home all day how about when they go to school and watch TV, cmon No" Lil resisted taking out clothes from the wardrobe Biebie take a deep breath before talking.

"Except you want to go back to jail this time I wonder what you will explain to Travis it was that made you go back to jail, we have a family to protect, a business to run, is sacrifice honey we have to sacrifice to enable our family to keep breathing and out of the goddamn news" She heads back into the shower to bath, surprisingly she came out fast unlike her.

"What's new," Lil asked she didn't answer until she was done while Lil patiently waited.

"The gun deal has been terminated, our Chinese connect is still trustworthy," she said applying serum to her face as she spoke.

"How did you keep that end of the deal because the Tribes make it known I wasn't getting any supplies no more," Lil asked fully dressed in his pyjamas.

"The guns are no longer our business that almost sends you to jail and like we know Solomon is going to rot in there, you're safe" Biebie remind him of what she has to do.

"He wasn't that innocent honey, besides the tribes were on the verge of losing everything, first their leader ran into exile after his wife was brutally killed, the tribes were already at their end and Solomon is the only heir to keep the tribe linage, do you still believe people who want to be involved in a gang that their leader is rotting away in prison" Biebie explained, wearing a night outfit that look very sexy to bed. She climbed on top of him kissing him, he kissed her back straddling her back.