chapter 51



Lily and her grand mother are seeing a movie on Netflix together when the door bell rung.

"I'm coming sweetie" her gram said going to get the door.

Lily continue watching as she eats her popcorn and sip her Coke Zero.

"Dad!!" Lily noticed her father walked  in ran into his arms, they both hugged for the longest seconds.

"How are you doing sweetie" he pecked her on the cheek he asked after putting her down.

"Bianca isn't home" her gram cut in.

"I'm fine, I got an A in quantitative reasonings I should show you" lily brag, before her father could response lily was out of sight to the bedroom.

"I'm here to see lily thought I passed by to drop the news before it get to you" he said both of them keeping a serious face it was prove he was not welcome here.

"That you are finally dragging her ass to court for full custody, I know what men like you are capable off" her gram said angrily.

"She's my daughter and her future is important to me, we both know Bianca is out of job I can't risk her welfare here she doesn't have any  future here.....

-mind your tone gentleman" gram pointed a finger at him as she step in front of him but withdraw when lily reappeared in the living room giving her dad the book, he smile as he flips it open.

She did so well in all her test and homework.

"This is great sweetie, tell me what I should get you.....ah ah ah ah I think I just got the best idea a trip" he said as he glance evilly  at lily gram.

"But dad I have to go to school we are still in session and you have to tell mom first" lily said. He's dad hated that part to ask Bianca permission anytime he wants to spend quality time with her.

Gram smiled looking proud how lily handle it.

"Sure I can do that but first we have to celebrate how about pizza and ice cream"

"Hey!" Bianca said from the door he's always getting in here whenever she's out.

Lily hug her mom.

"Mom! Dad wants us to go on a trip is that okay" Bianca squat down to match lily height, she tug her hair around her ear as she kiss her.

"You still have school how about daddy and I talk over it maybe we can scoop up a date how about that" Bianca said calmly.

"Okay, can I watch my movie" she asked.

"You can in your room, and guess what mom order for you on your test, I told you good grades tons of know the good part" lily shook her head negatively but desperate to know what her mom got for her and from the look of their relationship her dad was jealous. He groaned and stuck his two hands in his pocket, he only take advantage whenever Bianca is in financial problems, whatsoever not always involving in lily life only occasionally but lately he has being spending a lot of time around especially the custody legal battle that he wants full.

"You should ask, tell me what I can get you right now-

"A doll, playhouse, a car, games, I know something a book" Bianca beyond proud that her daughter ask her to get a book.