Chapter 139



"I'm in a better place now Mom taking the club from Mary can't happen now she will see me coming and if she strikes it will hurt,  don't put me in that situation," Bianca said sipping the tea, she picked up her phone checking her lipsticks it was an original Fenty which doesn't move.

"Mary and her sister are blood suckers you don't have to feel like you owe them, I know somewhere in there you care so much about Mary but is time to wake up this girl will throw you under  the bus as soon as she sees any opportunity"

Bianca went back into the living room opened her purse got the lipstick and reapplied it with her phone as a mirror.

Sinks on the couch and folded her two hands into each other, Mary paid for her sins in jail three years ago which counted as something she was angry about and made promises considering now she felt like backing out probably not too soon Mom is right Mary could change human beings are unpredictable.

Bianca's phone chimes in it is Kyle calling she picks up, hello from the other end of the phone.

"Do you want to speak with Mom?" Bianca asked but Kyle declined stating she called for a more important reason.

"Okay, Kyle shoot I'm listening" Bianca's stomach dropped.

"What!!!" She exclaimed, realising she was a little bit loud She looked around her mom and Lily were busy with the iPad thinking she caused a frenzy.

"Promise Bianca after two months I can get my place" Kyle pleaded on the other end of the phone.

"Mom lives here now but there is a room" Bianca smiled at the same time in surprise, Kyle hung up after they had agreed on her moving in with them in Nigeria.

Bianca breaks the news to Lily and Mom, mom looks excited about it Kyle has always been her favourite person despite the fact she is never home.

"What do you mean Kyle is moving in with us, she didn't even invite us to her wedding In Mombasa, nor her graduation from law school and suddenly she wants to move in with us" Bianca's mom asked to be sure, Kyle returned her calls once in a while.

"It was her idea, Mom, the guest room is free she can use it, and all she does is FaceTime Lily at least they will get to know each other now"

"Wonderful Bianca" her mom admitted in excitement, Bianca loved her sister but she's trouble, a scam, love for money and getting it no matter what the consequences are.

She abandoned them and ran off to Kenya, she never had any talent or skill that generated money but she bought expensive things like shoes, and hair extensions when mom inquired so much she couldn't wait to turn eighteen and live alone.

Sooner Kyle became interested in Jewels and could differentiate between fake and real gold including diamonds it was one of her specialties perhaps she wanted to start up a business someday Jewelries would get the stake.

Bianca knew the reason she left Nigeria but swore never to mention it to their mother, Bianca never said a word or anything about what Kyle did, she always got her way with words shutting her up.