My crush have a girlfriend

Song (Aaryan Shah ft renegade)

Maggie picked out the lunch she needed as she carried her tray heading toward their regular area, spotted Christian and Cairo with a bunch of other friends filling their spot, Maggie watched the new crew for the longest two minutes of her life, while Cairo's relationship with Christian grows stronger by each day, she thought by now he be done with her like Travis always does to his flings. she has expected them to break up, covered by the school gossiping blogs.

Christian looked toward the counter Maggie was still standing staring at them so Cairo's eyes followed She smiled sheepishly.

"There is space if you want" Cairo waved as she said, her two other friends looked up from their phones as well but turned away giving their phones back attention.

Maggie looked at Jess who scooted a space for her, at least she was alone and on Chris's end crowded Cairo kissed him deeply to distract him, well she was not going to wait for Christian to finish kissing her girlfriend and then ask her to come over

she isn't used to eating with other people except her siblings so she settles with Jess.

"Wicked sister in law" Jess muttered, Maggie exhale sniffling.

"We kinda not like each other and he's not my favourite brother....speaking of the devil" Travis appeared around Maggie and kissed her on the forehead before making himself comfortable in one of the chairs.

Jess's stomach dropped and her heart beat rapidly making her terrified, although she couldn't define the feelings that rushed her adrenaline whenever she crossed part with Travis. Sometimes it scares her to make her feel good, what's happening she wonders about two famous people sitting at her table.

what is he doing here I mean whenever she sees him alone the fright that comes along with it makes her rethink why on earth she stole six figures if she is not careful she might have a heart attack because of him.

Maggie snapped her fingers to make sure Jess wasn't daydreaming.

"Are you okay?" Maggie asked, Jess nodded, and she drank the whole of her orange juice grabbing her bag.

"Are you leaving?" Travis asked but she jumped at the question freaking out, she played it off by tugging her hair around her ear not to look too obvious, Anytime he opened his mouth she fear something relating to her crime might spill out if you feel so uncomfortable should change school before the exam council a voice said in her head but she shook it off, shit not only is she far behind applying to some other school who knows how long it will take before she's recognised.

"Uhm, yeah I have things to do, see you around" Jess walked out, and Maggie looked at Travis and shook her head.

"What did I do" Travis defended himself he then realised the reason why Maggie sat with the new girl was because Christian was busy having fun with Cairo and her set of friends.

"I don't know she was cool talking to me until you showed up" Maggie replied with a frown is hard to have Travis back when it comes to pretty girls and Jessica was one.