
Nothing eventful happened during those nine months. Both sisters trained with Izuku from time to time. They sometimes went to train with Katsuki, which strengthened their bond to the point where he finds them at least tolerable.

It was the day of the UA entrance exam. We can see our little broccoli standing in front of All Might, while All might starts comparing him to before he started his training.

"Now, I shall pass on my quirk to you, young Midoriya! Eat this!" Said All might as he pulled a strand of hair out his skull.

Rin and Kazuki just stood there tryna process what just happened before they burst out laughing.


"He is ✨ traumatized ✨," said Kazuki while gesturing her hands to demonstrate sparkles.

"Eh?" Poor broccoli still hasn't processed it. "HUH?"

"You must consume my DNA for my quirk to be passed down to you. I'm sure you wouldn't want my spit now would you?" Explained All Might.

"I guess that makes sense. It's kind of anti-climactic though," Said Izuku.

"Eat it, my boy!"

"O-Okay!" He grabbed All Might's hair strand from him and quickly swallowed it. "I don't feel anything yet."

"It takes time. You need to digest it first. Probably. PFFT! I CAN'T-" Rin tried to explain but ended up bursting out laughing again.

"Just shut the fuck up," Scolded Kazuki.

"You can't tell me that you don't find it funny," Giggles Rin.

"And I hate you for that," Said Kazuki.

"Good to know. Anyway," Rin said, turning to look at Izuku. "We'll meet you in front of the school, okay? Don't by late~" Finished Rin, walking away.

~Time Skippu~

Rin and Kazuki were waiting in front of the gates of UA for Izuku to arrive. Seeing Izuku walking toward them while day dreaming, Rin starts waving him over. "Izuku! Over here!"

Izuku looks their way, waving back smiling, and makes his way over to where they are.

"What's up, you little shit," Greeted Kazuki.

"G'morning bro!" Smiled Rin.

"Good morning! Are you excited? I'm a bit nervous," Said Izuku.

"I'd say I'm nervous too but I would be lying. The only thing I'm worried about is the written exam, I'm dumb as fuck, trust me on that," Said Kazuki.

"What da fuq happened to all the shit I drilled into your head the past ten months?" Rin asked, irritated.

"It went in one ear and out the other, did you seriously forget that I have a fish memory?" Asked Kazuki irritably.

"Then how da fuq do you remember your name, and my name and all anime boys' names." Seethed Rin.

"Shut the fuck up, Sally! Stupid ass bitch no having ass- Is that Suki?" Kazuki turns to Rin, "Bye bitch, fuck you! I'm ditching your ass for a sea urchin."

"Well Bitch! Fuck you too! I'll fuckin' slap the Mcshit outta you!" Yelled Rin, watching as Kazuki made her way to Katsuki. A look of realization came across Rin's face, "And who the fuck is Sally?! Are you cheating on me?!!"

"I took it upon myself to give you a new name! Fucking deal with it, Sally!" Said Kazuki, turning to catch up with Katsuki, leaving no room for an argument.

Izuku just watched the whole thing sweat dropping. 'I still can't get used to how they talk.' 

Meanwhile, a certain Pomeranian thought that the whole thing was amusing and annoying at the same time. Katsuki thought while having a small smile on his face, 'Fucking idiots.'

Rin and Izuku follow behind Kazuki and Katsuki as they make their way into the school. They all grab a card as asked, which has a letter of their battlefield on it, then made their way into the auditorium. They all take seats next to each other in this order. From left to right, Rin, Izuku, Kazuki, Katsuki.

Pro hero Present Mic makes his way to the stage at the front of the auditorium.


Silence... Is what you thought he was gonna receive but not when Kazuki's around.

"HEYY!!" Yelled Kazuki, standing on top of her seat.


"HELL YEAH!!" You can guess who that was.



Meanwhile, we can see Rin turning the other way, pretending she doesn't know Kazuki.

'I don't know this bitch. Nope. No, I don't.'

"Here's how it's going to go down! You will all be sent to different battle centers depending on the card that you got."

A certain group looked at their cards and noticed that none of them are in the same battlefield.

Rin=Battlefield D

Kazuki=Battlefield C

Izuku=Battlefield B

Katsuki=Battlefield A

"God, fuck it, I'm not in the same battle center as any of you." Kazuki says, looking at her ID card.

"That's the point, we're not supposed to be helping each other, you moron," Rin replied.

"Shaddup," Responds Kazuki.

"Just sayin'," Said Rin with a shrug.

Kazuki groans as Izuku sweat drops at their usual interaction.

"What is life?" Kazuki asks, waiting for someone to respond.

"Oh, well, life is-" Midoriya tries to say, but gets cut off by Rin saying, "It's a piece of shit."

"Touché," Kazuki said, agreeing to her sister's seemingly wise words.

Then Kazuki took her phone out, unlocked it and started going through it. She groans again, looking irritated.

"What you lookin' so pissed off for?" Rin asks, noticing how Kazuki looked like she wanted to rip her hair out.

"The person still hasn't updated their story yet. It was getting to the good part too." Kazuki says.

Rin sighs, "Let me guess, a Gonkillu story?"

"Why'd you even ask?" Kazuki says, showing her phone to Rin with the story on the screen.

Rin hummed as she looked at the story.

Poor Izuku was sitting between them the whole time.

Then Bakugou decides to butt in their conversation. "The fuck is Gonkillu?"

"Oh nothing, just a ship I'm obsessed with," Kazuki responds.

"A ship? As in a ship you use for transportation?" Izuku asks, being the innocent broccoli head he is.

"Nope," Rin says. "The kind of ship Kazuki is talking about is different. It's when you think two people make a good match, as in romantically. You basically ship them together," Explains Rin.

"Oh," Midoriya says, "I think I get it now."

Katsuki interrupts their conversation saying, "Shut the fuck up, you idiots. Pay attention."

"My bad," Said Rin, turning back to the front of the auditorium.

"And you! The group in the back!" Some seemingly random dude at the front turned towards them, "Stop talking in the middle of the explanation. It's very distracting! If you came here on a field trip then I suggest you leave, as this is not a place to be playing around!"

Rin don't take no shit from no one, "First of all! How dafuq did you even hear us from all the way down there in the first place? Nobody seemed bothered enough to complain about it but then here you are! And second of all! Who the fuck do you think you are, scolding us about what we're supposed to be doing?! And third of all! Mind Yo Fuckin' Business!"

You can hear Kazuki's voice in the background be like, "Yeah, what she said!"

You also got Katsuki whistling while thinking, 'Pfft. Bastard shoulda saw it comin'."

Walmart version of Sonic was standing there still tryna process all the words that Rin threw at him.

"What? Got nothing to say to me?" Said Rin feeling victorious, "Thought so."

"Why are you so vulgar?!"

"That all you got from that?! Again! Mind Yo Fuckin' Business!"

Katsuki snorted.

As this was going on, you can hear a few snickers from the kids sitting around them.

"I bet his dumb ass feels humiliated," Said Kazuki, chuckling.

Katsuki is having a very hard time hiding his laughter.

"I'm losing brain cells just looking at you, so can you please sit the fuck down?" Kazuki commented.

Katsuki is losing it at this point,

"So am I, so please sit your ass down," Adds Rin, "I said please. I'm tryna be polite to someone who don't deserve it. As you can see, I'm tryna be as civil as I can at the moment."

Katsuki was having the time of his life wheezing at what he was witnessing, 'This is the funniest shit I've seen in my life!'

Not like he'd say it out loud though.

Meanwhile, we got Izuku over here, who was extremely shocked to find his one and only childhood friend laughing his ass off to the idiot sisters' shenanigans.


"Yes sir! Thank you!" Said 'Examinee 7111' as he sat down trying to ignore the roast he just got from our dear heroine.

After the explanation, they leave the auditorium, on their way to their respective buses that led to their respective battlefields.

"Good luck, my dudes! I know ya'll gon pass, but just in case, y'know?" Said Rin.

"I'm probably gon fail but whatever," Joked Kazuki.

"And if you do, I'm locking you out of the house for a week," Threatened Rin. "Anyway, bye Izuku, Kacchan."

With that, Rin left to get on her bus.

"Asshole," Said Kazuki as she left to get on her own bus.

Izuku sweat drops at all this, again.

Katsuki just snorts at the whole exchange.

~Scene change+Time skip~

As Rin got off her bus, she made her way to the gate that led into a fake city.

'I still don't know where UA gets their money from.'

Rin started to stretch a bit to warm up for safety purposes.

"AND START!" Present Mic yelled.

Since Rin already saw this coming, she ran into the fake city looking for robots to destroy.


As he finished, students ran in, and started destroying robots left and right.

Rin made her way a bit deeper into the city, as less people would be there to distract her.

'Okay! Let's get the show on the road!'

Was Rin's last thought as she started attacking the robots surrounding her.

She ran to the first one, jumped on top of it and punched through its head, tearing its circuits causing it to malfunction.

'This is easier than I thought.'

A robot tried attacking her but she managed to jump off in time and was able to web its feet and deliver a kick to its face, knocking its head off its body.

This continued on for a while until only a few minutes were left.


As Present Mic said that, Rin started to feel the ground shake, as a big shadow started to cover most of the area that she was at.

'So, they decided to use the zero pointer after all.'

Thinking it would be fun to try to stop it, and that she would get extra points, she went to cover the thing from head to toe in webs. She started running up the walls, and shooting webs all over it to stop it from moving. She reached the roof of a building, jumped toward the Zero pointer, and continued to run toward its head. When she reached it, she started punching through its red eyes and started to randomly tear a bunch of wires and managed to stop it before it could destroy more buildings and potentially injure someone.

"Phew! That was a close one," Said Rin as she jumped off the robot with the help of her webs.

As she landed on the ground, she turned around to admire her handywork.

"A work of art if I do say so myself," She said as she looked at the webbed and destroyed Robot.


"Well that was fun. I lost count of the points I collected," Said Rin as she made her way out of the field.

~With Kazuki~

Kazuki made her way off the bus, following the path that led to the fake city.