
It was a normal day for the Taiga sisters.

Kazuki with her online classes.

Rin with her dumbassness.

Rin was chilling beside Kazuki as she had her online classes going on. (She was sitting out of the frame of course.)

Kazuki's p.o.v.

"Imma go make food. Waddaya want?" Asked Rin as she got up.

"Pancakes." I responded.

"No please? What happened to your manners?" Joked Rin.

"Can you make pancakes, please?" I asked politely.

"Yeah, sure. Gimme a minute." Answered Rin as she went to the kitchen to prepare food for the both of us.

As she left to go make breakfast, Sensei continued with his lesson.

"Miss Taiga. I see that you aren't paying attention. Could you unmute?"

"Sure." I said as I unmuted.

"HOLY MOTHERFUCKING SHIT!!! WHAT IN THE NAME OF FUCK IS THAT??!!" Yelled Rin. Right when i unmuted it. My luck sucks.

"Miss Kazuki?" Asked sensei.

"Gimme a sec." I said and ran to the kitchen, my mic still unmuted mind you, to check what the fuck made my sis scream like that. Was it a big roach or something?

"HOLY SHIT!!" I screamed as I reached the kitchen to see her getting sucked into some sort of portal.

She sees me standing there and says;


I run to grab her and try to pull her out. I almost pulled all of her out but I saw something move in my peripheral vision.

"UGLY PIECE OF-" I curse out, seeing a big ass roach. Jumping at the sight of it, losing my footing and getting pulled in with my sister.

"YOU MORON! WHY DID YOU JUMP?!" Yelled Rin angrily as she got sucked in.

"BITCH, YOU EXPECT ME TO JUST STAND THERE IN FRONT OF THAT ROACH?!" I yelled back exasperated, getting sucked in as well.

"DUH! NOW WE GON DIE CUZ O' YOU!" Yelled Rin annoyed.

"BITCH! I SWEAR-" I got cut off being completely swallowed by the portal and then everything goes black.