Chapter 23: Ghosts

My new eyes told me that there was something terribly off about the town of Hinstone as our group walked into town I felt strangely like we were both surrounded by people, and strangely like we were alone. I spoke to nobody in particular, "Looks like we will not be trading in this town we'll have to move on ahead to the place on my map. We should be close to the end of this continent soon, and after Ainsgoath we will have to travel by ship to the next one." Bastrin pointed out, "Seems that way doesn't like like there is a soul in this place, but weirdly enough it would seem that this place was recently inhabited." Hinstone seemed similar to the place I had encountered first on my journey abandoned, but this place seemed like the people living her had left even sooner. Rena confirmed my theory once she pointed to a billboard in the center of town, "hm looks to be wanted posters and they have postage dates on them seems like they were put up only two days ago."