Chapter 3

Camilla is busy with Project Cilla. It is an acquisition of an real estate in London.

She is researching on the project and is getting ready to do some site visits.

She is excited about the project. She has always had an interest in the subject matter of real estate. Real Estate is one of the core business of Purly Group.

Derek has no news.

She is trying to figure out what has happened.

Why was Mr. Xavier so eager to help her?

Has Mr.Xavier been waiting for this opportunity for quite a while?

Does Mr. Xavier know about the photo?

It is difficult to understand.

These questions flash in Camilla's brain but she manages to concentrate on her job.

She tries to analyze the situation by herself.

She has done some analysis on her own.

Firstly, there is no evidence that Mr. Xavier knows about the picture. If he did, he wouldn't have helped her.

Secondly, if Mr. Xavier knew, he would have made use of the opportunity to blackmail Camilla and get rid of her. But he didn't.

Thirdly, Mr. Xavier is a very powerful man. He could have easily gotten rid of Camilla through any means possible. But he didn't.

Fourthly, Mr. Xavier is an enigma…

The woman wearing very short skirt and low cut blouse appeared in headquarter is very suspicious and her image constantly appears in Camilla's brain. The mystery woman can see her and destroy all her rationality.

While Camilla is puzzled, a short hair, dazzling woman with purple Prada storms in her office like a war goddess.

"Hi, I am Mina. I heard that you were assigned to the project Cilla. You know I have been working on this project for 2 years and now you are in charge. Is that fair?" Mina seems unhappy.

"Of course," answers Camilla.

"What do you think of the project?" asks Mina.

Camilla is nonplussed. "I really don't know anything about it. Only some research is done."

She lies.

"That's not true," says Mina. "You don't know the details or the importance of the project. Do you know who our client is?"

Camilla shakes her head.

"I don't know why Derek ask you to lead the project, you are too inexperienced." Mina says.

Mina is wearing a short dress and high heels. Her legs look perfect and sharper than Camilla. She is obviously taller and more elegant. Camilla feels inferior.

Mina half closes her eyes and pretends to be deep in thought.

"I believe in karma." Mina says. "If we do evil, bad things happen to us. Good deeds are rewarded. That's what I believe. What about you?"

Camilla is startled by Mina's word. Does she know about the photo? Camilla lies she has a call to make and left the office. She lies too much recently.

Mina watches Camilla leave the room. She smiles and thinks to herself.

There is an old saying, "The best way to find out is to ask."