Chapter 12

Camilla's husband David is in town. He is on leave. Despite's his betrayal in early of their marriage, he is a good husband. He is charming to his wife and mother-in-law. He is a hardworking man who is attentive to his wife. He cannot get all the feeling of Camilla but he is a good listener.

When their son is asleep, he makes love with Camilla. It is been a while they don't meet each other but as always Camilla cannot concentrate because his betrayal. Although she is excited by his body. She cannot release the guilt inside her. When he enters into her she is dry and tight.

David is a gentle husband. He is considerate to her. He is affectionate to his wife. But still Camila is cold. He kisses her again and again and she does not respond. He holds her in his arms. She doesn't want this. He knows that. He understands. He is afraid and ashamed.

Camilla tries to fulfill the duty of a good wife. She starts to lick David on the chest, stomach and private parts. He feels her wet tongue and body. She doesn't feel anything. She is only satisfying her duty as a wife. His eyes are closed.

Camilla suddenly thinks of Derek, the strong, rude and powerful bulldog. He is a businessman who is like a soldier.

Derek is a dominant figure. He is a protector of women. But she is not sure. Is he a kind man or a dangerous person in bed?

But there is a dark side of Derek. He is a brutal killer when it comes to business. He can be cruel, ruthless and mean. Maybe so is he in bed?

Camilla becomes wet when she thinks of Derek. Her husband enters into her and start to thrust wildly. She feels her love making but she cannot feel him. She is not enjoying it with him but she feels the pleasure. It is her duty. She is only fulfilling the duty of a wife. The pleasure is only the result of her duty.

Camilla is thinking about Derek again.

Is she going to become a slut if she goes to bed with Derek?

She is a good wife, a good daughter-in-law and a good mother. She wants to preserve her integrity, self esteem and pride.

She finishes it quickly and reads the grid of its ceiling until dawn while David slightly snoring.

Camilla pours her a dark coffee as soon as she reaches office. She is tired after sleepless night but she has many thing to do. She calls for Mina and asks her to come to the conference room.

"What happened?" asks Mina.

Camilla says: "We are about to launch formally Project Cilla. We have just signed an agreement with the Misuni Group for financing. There is a lot of work ahead. I need you to help me."

Mina nods and smile in reply.

Camilla continues, "I am also concerned about our relationship. You are my friend and I don't want any conflict between us. I hope we can talk openly and frankly."

Mina shrugs and says: "Why do you say that?"

"I mean, I think we are going to face many challenges now. I know you are ambitious and I respect your ambition. But I don't want to see us being competitive in this way. You know what I am talking about."

Mina smiles, "It seems you have forgotten our conversation in the corridors. Did Derek promise you you will be fine?"

"What are you talking about?" Camilla becomes unsure about how much Mina knows.

"You know I am not stupid. I know what happened last week. I saw your face. And you were so worried when you left Derek's office. And whatever hidden between you and Derek. Don't risk to trust this man." Mina smiles and say.

Camilla tries to hide her anxiety. She says: "I have no problem with him. I am sure he is sincere and trustworthy."

"Now you admit there is something between you and him?" asks Mina.

Camilla shakes her head.

Mina laughs and say, "I knew it. Now tell me the truth. What is going on?"

Camilla says, "There is nothing. That was all a misunderstanding."

Mina said, "Then why did you call me here today?"

"I want to make clear that this is my project. We are partners. Whatever happens, I expect you to support me. Am I right?"

Mina nods.

"And I want to reassure you that I am not interested in anything beyond business, as long as I have my share I am happy. I am not as good as you are at business but I am very talented in finance. My suggestion is you need to review the contract with Misuni Group."

Camilla nods in response but she has no clue. She is eager to get the project but she hired best lawyer to review all the terms.

Mina sighs.

"There is something strange here," she says. "Anyway it is your project."

Camilla says: "I just want us to work together."

Mina says, "There is a lot of money at stake. I hope we can put aside our egos and work together. Let me review the contract first."

Camilla says lawyer has reviewed the contract.

Mina says: "Well, I am not a lawyer but I will read the contract with my eyes open and smell the sharks. I have been working with Japanese companies for a long time."

Camilla feels she is losing control but she doesn't believe Mina could do any harm to her work as she is confident about her professionalism.

Mina says: "I promise to be honest with you. You don't have to worry about that. And I will look out for your interest."

Camilla says, "I will send you the contract now."

Mina sighs with a untraceable smile.