Meeting Her Grandma (2/2)

He grabbed her hand with both his hands, "You don't have to worry grandma. I know my priorities. I don't plan to neglect my personal life for my goals. I promise."

"That's good. I think that you'd be the perfect person for little Chizuru. She is very bad at accepting her weaknesses. She hides them behind an extremely strong suit of armor that is her strong persona. On the inside, she's still that clingy little girl. One could say that she's already an accomplished actress, living her entire life as an actress. But she can't keep up this act forever. One day she'll… break, and she'll need someone to whom she can show her true self. That's why I need to ask you something…" She brought her other hand above his hands.

"Anything grandma."

"I ask you… please." She bowed her head to him in her request, making Kazuya uncomfortable but he didn't have it in him to stop her, "Please. Take care of our Chizuru."

He could feel her hands shaking.

'It must feel sucky for her to be Chizuru's last family and be unable to help her in her time of need… I guess that. I shouldn't lie to her if she's being that earnest with me.'

"…Grandma. I'm… not sure if I love Chizuru… But I know that she had immense importance to me. If something ever happened to her… I don't know what I'd do. I've gotten so used to seeing her every single day that if I don't see her, I find myself calling her up to see where she is. We have this thing we do every week where I go over to her place and we cook together and eat…"

"I know. She told me that it's something that she has a lot of fun with." She smiled.

"I promise you that I'll take care of her. No matter what happens. She is very dear to me and I'd be disgusted by myself if I let her get hurt."

"Those words are enough for me Kazuya. Now I can go in peace… I know that my granddaughter is in good hands."

"W-What? Grandma?" 'Is she acting?' Kazuya thought.

"Hehe~ I'm just kidding. I still have some life in these old bones of mine."

"Don't make that kind of joke grandma. Chizuru might have me but she still needs her grandma. More than you might think." Kazuya smiled at her antics.

"I understand Kazuya-kun. Now bugger off. She's probably waiting for you to come out. Don't keep her waiting. Also, stop avoiding your grandmother. I know that you're mad at her for scheming that thing in the hot springs but It's been months. She's missing you, bring Chizuru to meet her if possible."

"I'll… think about it, grandma. Good night." With that Kazuya left the ward.

Kazuya didn't know but someone was listening to the conversation. When he was about to leave the room, she ran away.

"You were with her for a long time. What were you talking about?"

"Nothing in particular. She just handed your legal guardian rights to me. You're technically in my care now."

"Haha, very funny." She rolled her eyes at him.

They walk home together and separate with a usual "Bye".

Kazuya walked into his apartment.

'It's been a while since I've played any games. The training for the algorithm is still going last for like four more days.'

Kazuya turned on his console and was only playing for a few minutes before his doorbell rang.

'This late? Is this supposed to be a booty call?'

Kazuya opened his door and saw Chizuru still in the same outfit.

"Changed your mind about spending the night with me?"

"You wish…"

'Is she hesitating about something?'

"What is it? Spill."

"I lost my keys." She looked away, embarrassed.

'Wait… This was what she came to my door for back when we'd just met. She was just too embarrassed to tell me back then. Talk about repeated offender…'

"Come on in." Kazuya invited her in first thing.

"Thanks." She directly walked to his balcony door.

"I'm pretty sure that your balcony door is locked."

"How do you know that?" As if she was a cat that got stepped on its tail Chizuru looked at him with a hiss and narrowed cat eyes.

"I didn't try to break into your apartment. You were the one that told me." Kazuya rolled his eyes at her.

"Oh… Okay. But I still want to check, it wouldn't hurt."

"If you say so. Do you want me to cross the fence?"

"It's fine, I got it."

'I can't miss such an amazing opportunity to ogle at her ass.' Kazuya followed her out.

She was trying to climb over through the side of the fence.

'Damn, her ass is at the perfect angle to do so many things…' Kazuya is lost in his perverted fantasies.

Suddenly, her foot slipped and she was about to fall down the balcony.

"All right, no more playing independent lady for you." Kazuya was already there and grabbed her waist, pulling her back.

When he pulled her back and admonished her like a naughty child, her face flushed in embarrassment and she looked down.

After pulling her back, Kazuya went over the fence himself.

"Give me your hand." Kazuya extended his hand toward her to pull her to him.

"…If you're going to that side, then you might as well check the lock yourself. Why do you need me?"

"…Fair point." He checked the door.

"It's still locked."

"Fine, just come back. I'll call the landlord."

He jumped back over and looked at Chizuru.

"You know… This is the first time that you're in my apartment."

"That's not true. I came to your other apartment that day when we ate chicken wings."

"I meant this apartment. The one right beside yours."

"I guess that's true…"

"Come on in, make yourself at home, I'm going to go back to my games."

He walked into his apartment and sat back down on his newly bought couch in front of the TV.

Chizuru was still on the balcony, making the call, while Kazuya started the next round.

When she came back in he was still focused on the game.

"The landlord isn't picking up. I need to find a locksmith."

"Mhm." Kazuya didn't say anything since he was in the middle of a competitive match and was focusing on that.

Chizuru sat down beside him because she wanted to rest for some time before leaving.

"You could stay at my place. I doubt you'd find any locksmith at this time, it's almost 11. You'd probably end up staying in a hotel for the night." Kazuya finally turned to look at a tired-looking Chizuru that was melted on his couch.

"Plus, you don't seem like you have that much energy in you."

"It's been a long and tiring day. I had two dates before I met you so my schedule for the day was jam-packed."

"Come here." Kazuya grabbed both of Chizuru's arms and pulled her toward him while putting his legs on the couch.

He sat her between his legs and hugged her stomach with the controller still in his hand.

"What are you doing?"

"Getting the both of us comfortable. Now put your head on my chest and close your eyes." Kazuya put his hand on her forehead and pulled her into his chest before running his fingers through her hair, giving her a light massage.

"Haah~ Why are you doing this?" Chizuru succumbed to the comfort and leaned back completely on him, turning her face to the side, and looking at the TV.

"Cause your grandma told me that you're a clingy crybaby and-"

"She did what?" She got agitated and tried to pull herself off of him.

"Stay right here." He pulled her back since his arm was still around her stomach.

"Yeah, she told me. Not like I needed to know in the first place."


"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Lemme play my game." Kazuya turned his attention back to his game and started another round this time a non-competitive one and muted the sound.

Meanwhile, Chizuru was confused, 'What the hell? …Forget it, it's not like this is the first time. His arms are pretty comfortable.'

She decided to stop being so stuck up and made herself comfortable in his arms.

'Stop wiggling woman!' Kazuya complained internally and kept playing his game.

They stayed like that for about half an hour by the time Kazuya finished 3 rounds. It was a holiday the next day so he wasn't planning to sleep too soon.

Chizuru was pretty comfortably settled in his embrace, he messed around with her every once in a while when the controller vibrated and put it over her stomach. Her cute giggles with pleas to stop were enchanting and soothing for his tired soul.

"Kazuya?" She called out in a small voice.

"Mhm. I'm listening."

"Do you mind if I spent the night here?"