A New Character

After agreeing to help her out with the movie. Kazuya went back to his own apartment to think some stuff up and make some initial plans. He didn't really get the time to explore the seal's abilities yet either, so he planned to do that later tonight.

'Should I make a subsidiary company for Nexus that works to make movies?' That was what Kazuya was thinking right now.

'I have the knowledge that would shame anyone in the entire film industry… I could easily make non-innovative and safe movies that would easily rake in millions at the box office. But they wouldn't be anything special. It would be boring as fuck doing that. Or I could just help out Chizuru with her movie using the money I make from the company and launch a decent film.'

Kazuya was in a dilemma.

'If I make my own agency and production company, Chizuru would be managed by my people. On the other hand, if I release a good movie with her then I'll have to pay attention to her situation with the people that she works with eventually. So much stuff to think about…'

He had to consider quite a few things when it came to Chizuru's movie dream and it would be something of a make or break for her career.

About half an hour later, there was a knock on his door.

It was Chizuru.

"Come in." Kazuya opened the door and pulled her in.

"The way I see it, we have two options right now. This is something very important. Do you really want to be an actress?"

"Huh? What do you mean? Of course, I want to be an actress." She was confused by his question.

"What I'm asking you is whether you want to be an actress or do you just want to show a movie that you starred in, to your grandma?"

Chizuru fell silent at that question.

"…I-I'm not sure." She had a sort of guilty look on her face as she looked down.

"Just tell me what you think." He gently rubbed her back.

"I mean… Being an actress has been my dream for like, forever… And now… I don't know. I'm confused, Kazuya!" She leaned her head on his shoulder.

"It's all right… Let's go slowly. We'll first make the movie for your grandma, everything else comes later."


"I thought of something about the movie storyline."


"We could write about your grandma's story. About how she became an actress, her struggles, her competition, everything. What do you think? It would be an endearing story for your grandma. To know that her granddaughter starred in a movie, and that movie was about her life story."

"That sounds like a great idea…"

"You wanna go meet your grandma today? We can talk to her about this plan of ours, and get her permission on whether she minds us using her life story as the script."

"It's fine. You don't have to come. I'll talk to her myself. I haven't been able to meet her alone for a while either."

"As you wish babe." He kissed her forehead.

Kazuya waved her goodbye as Chizuru left and walked back to his apartment. He was deep in thought about the equipment that needed to be rented.

'Should I just create a subsidiary company for Nexus?'

As he was walking by his other neighbor's door, it slowly creaked open and a slender hand grabbed at his sleeve, abruptly pulling him into the house.

As he was distracted in his thoughts, he wasn't able to react and the next thing he knew there was a cute girl straddling his lap, her face inches away from his.

The most incredulous thing that Kazuya noticed was that she was wearing a sexy police uniform. It was far more revealing than it should've been and was probably a sexy cosplay outfit as he deduced.

There was also a fox ears hairband on her head. Lastly, there were two ribbons attached to her hair that went to the sides of her face.

She seemed to be breathing heavily, as if in heat.

Seeing such a sight, Kazuya's brain shorted and had to restart.

When he finally came back to his senses, the first thing he did was turn the tables on the cutie and put her under him.

"So… miss officer. May I know what my crime is?"

"Master?" She seemed to finally come back to her senses and subconsciously called him master.

"Okay, what the fuck?" Kazuya got up and was about to walk away from her but she grabbed his t-shirt and begged, "P-Please wait…"

"This is very weird. I already have a girlfriend, I'm not planning to fuck anyone that makes a move on me." Kazuya shook her off.

"W-What?!" She froze as if she had an abrupt realization.

"I'm so sorry!" She immediately took a seiza position and apologized to Kazuya.

Kazuya who was about to walk out stopped for a second and decided that it was too troublesome for now

and opened the door, about to walk out.

"Hey!" She clung to his arm.

"I even apologized. Why are you still leaving?"

"You seem too troublesome. And while I would've been very interested in this situation, I'm very much occupied with other things right now."

"Pleaseee! At least listen to me! I have no intention to do anything with you. I just want to hear your story. It seems so interesting." By the end of her sentence, she seemed to have stars sparkling in her eyes.

"Can't you watch some TV or something? There are such interesting shows going on. Go watch Netflix."

"I can't! I'm out of content to consume. I've already watched everything that's there to watch." She seemed to have a dark and lifeless look in her eyes.

'Did she quarantine herself for two years or something?'

"So you've decided to meddle in your neighbor's life because it seems so much more interesting than yours?"

"Um, Hum!" She nodded vigorously.

"And what's with the sexy cosplay? It's like you're trying to seduce a quickie out of me. Especially, with you calling me master out of nowhere. I will use those handcuffs on you if you want." Kazuya pointed to the cute furred pink handcuffs at the side.

Instead of blushing in embarrassment, she seemed to be idolizing him even more after he said that to her.

"Umu! I knew I was right. I have to call you my master from now on!"

"All right…" Kazuya decided to get rid of this girl for now since he had work to do.

He picked up the handcuffs and with experienced hands, cuffed her hands behind her back while pulling the cuffs through a pipe that was going into her radiator. That way she was stuck there with no way to stop him again.

She was too starstruck to realize what Kazuya did. She was too occupied with the way he picked up the handcuffs and walked to her, to be able to realize anything else.

By the time she realized the situation, it was already too late.

"Hey! Let me go!" She struggled a little.

"Let's hope that you can access the keys to those handcuffs. See you later." Kazuya ignored her pleas for help and left her there before walking out and closing the door.

'I'll check up on her in an hour or two…' Kazuya might have had fun bullying her but he wasn't going to leave her like that. She seemed pretty immature and might not actually have the ability to get out of those cuffs.

'Although these sex handcuffs are made to be much easier to open…'

He went back to his apartment and started looking for a good provider for the camera and equipment. He decided that he wasn't going to set up an entertainment subsidiary for Nexus and would be doing it solo.

'Since she herself isn't sure whether she wants to continue acting, why invest so much to create another company if she might not even continue to act.'

Kazuya was deciding on the budget for the movie.

'How much capital do I have available… That's the question.'

Kazuya first checked his personal account which gets a monthly dividend from all his applications transferred to it.

'Holy…' Seeing that string of zeroes, Kazuya was a little flabbergasted before remembering that it was all in yen and calming down.

'Billions of fucking yen…'

He didn't usually check the amount of money that he got after the first month since he didn't feel the need to do that as he didn't have any heavy expenses.

'I can hire a damn good film crew with this. That's honestly all I need…'

Kazuya was planning to direct the movie himself and only needed the crew since he can't work with 10 different cameras alone.

He was confident in his capability to write a good script and pretty much everything else. He only needed to get a good film crew and location permissions.

After seeing his budget, Kazuya had more than enough confidence to make a literal blockbuster starring Chizuru.

'Biopics are a delicate genre… It can either be amazing or really boring… It all depends on the writer who'd working on the script of the movie.'

'I need to talk to Chizuru's grandma for quite a while… I need to know her story and everything. I'm kinda glad that I published the novel writing AI quickly, it's going to be a big help with the script.'