Chapter 14: Audition

Puimek's POV

I came early to the audition location. I took my mobile to send the message about audition to Nanon. How stupid of me to foget about informing him. On top of that I called at late night to inform about it. He might have slept because he didn't answer. I can't expect everyone to be late owl like me.

After sending the message, I could hear the car horn, by now I am familiar who it is.

Mr.Singto came with his usual dazzling smile. Many may not believe, but he is the most friendly director in the industry. He cares for everyone. As long as you are perfect in your work, you can enjoy working with him.

"Puimek, shall we start? We have to finish early. I got some other things to do" he said.

"Yes sir. There are nearly 30 participants. We can finish soon." I said and left to call the participants.

When I came out I could see many young men and women, with their dialogues practicing, some were taking care of their looks. I gave the instructions in loud voice to be clear for everyone.

"Come inside only when its your cue. Switch off your mobile and be relaxed." I said and turned back to go in.

"Puimek..."I heard someone calling my name in crowd. I came to face with Nanon. To be honest I was really surprised.

"Hey I thought you would not come!" He just smiled.

"I thought to give a try" he said hopefully.

"Ok then, all the best" I turned to go back to my work.

"Hmm Puimek? Can you do a small favor?" He asked.

"Sorry Nanon. I don't do recommendation" I said firmly.

"No Puimek, I didn't prepare any scene to act now. Can you give any scene to prepare?"

"Oops...Sorry Non, many of them will ask for recommendation so I thought you were also going to do the same" I said apologising.

"Its alright Puimek"

"Here prepare for this scene." I sent a draft of a scene from my mobile.

"But it has female part also" he said checking the scene.

"You prepare for the male part. I will handle the female part" I said.

"Then come we shall practice it together" he said smiling.

"This is my story. I can recite the dialogues in my sleep. Also I have other works to do. Now get out of my hair." He looks so stunned. Was it because it was my story? Whatever, while he was distracted I went back to work.

The day went little fast. Some were really outstanding in their performance. Some were nervous and had small struggle. Before I knew it was Nanon's turn.

He came in, politely greeted Mr. Singto. He was looking around nervously. I asked him to be seated on the chair placed in the centre.

"Ok, what's your name?" Mr. Singto asked him.

"Nanon" his voice was barely a wispher.

"Ok Nanon, have you prepared the scene? What scene you are going to enact now?" He asked little friendly trying to make him comfortable.

"Br..breakup scene" God why is this boy trembling? No one is going to eat him. He was sweating profusely.

"Is it your first time?" it was Mr. Singto. He nodded in reply.

"Ok Mr. Nanon. Just relax. Forget we are all here. Think you are alone, get into the character and perform well" he said and Non looked towards me. I just smiled assuring him. He adjusted his seat and took his mobile and kept as if he was speaking in call. The scene was breakup through call so he got ready apt for that.

I started reading for female part.

"Hello Jeni" he said getting into the character Mek.

"Hey Mek, how was today's match?" I read for Jeni's part.

"I lost" he said sad and dissapointed.

"Ok fine, we can see it next time. You are not injured right?"

"What difference will it make if I can't win? Why do you ask?" He raised his voice as if he was frustrated.

"Why are you shouting? I am asking because I care about you." I read as if feeling little hurt.

"That's my problem. Your love and care." He said and took a deep breath and then continued.

"Jeni, before you came in my life, boxing was everything for me. My dream, my love, my focus was only boxing. But now..."he took a deep breath and his voice was trembling. "But now my focus is only you. I have won and lost in previous matches. But never, not even once I thought of failure. But now I am afraid of failure. I am scared what if I got injured and never get a chance to live with you? This fear is defeating me even before I enter the ring. I can't leave my dream for you. Its better we part ways." He said portraying perfect emotions.

"Mek listen don't be in a haste. Let's meet. We can talk about it" I said.

"No" he raised his voice. Then with a soft voice almost choking back his tears he continued, "if I meet you in person, my heart will definitely need you. I am not brave enough to meet you"

"Ok, but can you really forget me and move on?" I said my part.

His face was showing many expressions in a flash of seconds. He let a small tear drop from his eyes and acted as if he cut the call.

Then he quickly went to give a small smile with expectant eyes.


Nanon's POV

I can't believe it. I did it without messing up.

I was expecting for everyone's reaction.

"You are a natural Nanon. Let's be in touch. We will contact you after discussion" Mr.Singto said. And I can't help smiling wide.

"Really it was good" he said and to my surprise he started clapping. Soon Puimek and some crew members inside also started clapping.

God! How much I missed this applause! After many years I am hearing this. I felt happy after a very long time. This was because of Puimek. At this moment, she looked different. No I saw her differently. She was something more than friend, I don't know whether it like or love.

I felt as if my heart was saying she is the perfect one for me.


"WHAATT? FUCK YOU AND YOUR STUPID HEART!" Fiat was yelling near my ear and Arm was trying to calm him.

"Calm down Fiat," Arm raised his voice and Fiat went silent. Arm put his hand on my shoulder. With friendly smile he said,

"You don't love your husband, you are not happy with this marriage. Then you met someone who you like. Now you want to live with her. There is nothing wrong in it"

He said.

"No P. What I did was wrong. I should not have feeling for someone when I am already married. It is wrong. I admit it." I said and there he goes with his smile again.