Chapter 24: Guilty

Nanon's POV

I felt ashamed of myself to insult him. He is such a wonderful man. He then moved and stood in front of another portrait. It was Chi's mom. He let out another sad tear.

"But I was fully concenterated on my dream and forget to take care of her. She supported my dream and never expected anything from me. She loved me more than herself. But I failed as husband. I couldn't be with her even in her last moment. When I finally made my dream come true, she was not there to witness it" he held the photo frame in his hand and cried. I don't know how to console him so I stood there silently.

Slowly, after calming he continued, "From then Chimon is my whole world. I made sure I never repeated what I did to my wife. I was always there for him when he needed me. Now he is going to get married! I can't believe my little boy is all grown up now" he said smiling. He was so emotional now. All thanks to alcohol.

"I know Pluem's father for more than 10 years. Pluem is also good guy. But I can't help being worried for him. Chimon will be happy right?" He asked me with hopeful eyes.

"He is a good boy. I know him from his childhood. I believe he will be perfect for my son. I know he will keep my Chimon happy..."

Sudden memory flashed in my mind. He was so confident I would keep Chimon happy. There was no doubt in his eyes. How much this man trusted me to say this to my dad and allowed his only son to marry me. But what did I do? I hurt his son and broke his trust. I was a failure in front of him. He may not know but I know how I hurted his beloved son. I felt a pang of guilt. This second chance is like a guilt trip!

"Non, what are you thinking about?" He slightly shook me to bring back from my thoughts.

"Huh? Nothing uncle" I managed to smile. But I can't.

"Sorry, I am getting drunk and boring you" he said gently caressing his wife's face in the portrait.

It was overwhelming to face him now. "Sorry uncle" I apologised to him. Though he don't know why I am sorry but I felt I should really apologise.

"Huh? For what?" He asked confused. "Uncle can you give this to Chi?" I said and thrusted the card in his hand. I can't explain anything to him so I just left without saying anything. He was calling me but I didn't stop. I rushed out of his house.

I went to start my bike but I stopped seeing another car at the entry. Chimon and Pluem got out of the car. Looks like they haven't seen me. I went to talk to them.

Pluem was talking about something very excited. I stopped walking when I saw him kiss Chimon's cheeks. He was surprised but didn't oppose. He quickly excused himself and went inside.

I also came back silently. I started my bike and left the place. My mind was clouded with so many thoughts and feelings.

First, I was very ashamed of belittling uncle Off. He has done so many good deeds without any expectations.

Second, why did I feel uneasy to see Pluem kissing Chimon? They are engaged and I have no right to stop them. But I felt like it was some kind of harrassment! I wanted to go there and stop Pluem. Am I jealous?

When I came back to my house, my father was talking with my mom. I thought of going inside silently to not disturb them. But I got curious when a certain sentence came from my father.

"He is not fit for anything! It was really waste of my money to made him study engineering!"

"But he loves acting! Can't you see how determined he is? He even opposed you and stood firm in his decision."

"It is not determination, it is his bratty behaviour"

"Really? How many times you have seen him acting like a brat? He is your son for godsake! You can't accuse him of something he hasn't done"

"Now what do you want me to do?"

"Speak with him, though he doesn't say or shows he also misses you. And this place is home! You can't ignore each other when you are staying under same roof! Families don't work like that."

"I am not going to speak. End of discussion. One more time you try to compromise, I am moving out of here" on saying that my dad went to his room. My mom was crying silently.

I went inside my room and locked the door. I felt completely tired and weak to move. I just sat leaning on the door. I recalled my parents' conversation.

Did my dad hate me that much for trying to live the life like I wanted? Am I not a good son if I didn't obey them? Am I making my mother worried for me? Am I burden here?

Millions of questions popped up in my mind and my eyes started to well up with tears.

It was like someone crushing my heart, I needed to say all these to someone. After few minutes of crying, I took my mobile to call Chimon. He was the only one who came to my mind at this moment.

But I stopped. Eventhough he is my friend he also has his own life. He is not obliged to clear up my mess or listen to my rantings. Tears started to well up again.