Chapter 26: Comparison

Nanon's POV

"That's it. Get out of my house Fah!"

Ohm was yelling loudly and Chimon opened the door without knocking. This idiot never locks his door I thought but didn't say anything.

He was shocked to see both of us. "Hey you two are here together! Did you sorted out your issues?" He asked excited to see us. He went knocked his bedroom door. "Fah, my friends are here. Come out" he called her in calm voice.

"Then, how did you guys patch up?" He asked grinning widely. Fah came out and smiled politely and stood next to him.

"Shut up Ohm. Why are you yelling at her?" Chimon was glaring at him.

"Yeah, when you are out you are always like baby that...but in your home you are fighting like this?!" I asked shocked. I didn't expect him to fight with Fah.

"You shut up! You don't even know what we are arguing about, so keep your opinion with yourself!" He said annoyed.

"What happened Fah?" Chi asked to Fah.

"Well...I want to have kids and have a complete family with him. I have been asking for quite some time but he is not agreeing." She said teary eyed.

"Baby don't cry na" Ohm said wiping her tears.

"Why Ohm? I know you also like kids, don't you want your own kids?" I know I am crossing the line but I had to ask.

"I like kids. But I love her. I know about pregnancy, how much women suffer because of pregnancy, the physical changes, body pain, morning sickness, labour delivery changes, sleepless nights....the list goes on! I don't want Fah to go through all this" he said firmly. Fah was listening to him with surprised face. Her eyes was filled with love. Chimon just smiled hearing Ohm.

"Moreover every household, every couple have some problem. Life is not like movies." Ohm said and pulled Fah near him with his hands on her shoulder, "She is my love. I may fight with her but I will never hurt her" he said and kissed her forehead. Fah was blushing hard now.

"Huhhuh whatever. Atleast lock the door when you are fighting next time" Chimon said passing them to sit on the couch.

"You too...don't barge in like today. Have some manners and knock the door" Ohm retorted.

When Ohm said about fight between every couple my mind automatically went to the fights I had with Chimon. Few were silly fights. Some were serious and one such fight lead to divorce.

"Non, what are you daydreaming?" Ohm smacked bringing back to reality. "Nothing" I went and sat next to Chimon.

He gave them invitation and informed about his bachelor party. We spent an hour in his house talking about his engagement party and some random topics.

We left his house and Chi was driving to drop me. We were in comfortable silence.

"Ohm has changed a lot! He is more responsible now" Chi said driving. I hummed and nodded in response. I know Ohm will be good father. In the past I have seen how much he cared for during her entire pregnancy, he even fainted seeing her in labor! I chuckled remembering that. Suddenly my phone rang breaking the silence. I checked the caller and it was Puimek.

Seeing my reaction, Chimon got excited, "Come on, put it on speaker" he was excited. I was having a hard time to deal with this. I remembered how he threw the mobile on my face when we tried to kiss. This is too much to handle! I did as he told.

"Hey Non, I was busy, now only I saw your call. Why did you called me?" she spoke happily.

"Hi Puimek. I want to ask something" I said stammering. Chi was encouraging me to speak.

"Hhmm what you want?"

"Are you free this weekend?"

"That depends on what you are going to ask" she was brutually honest and I chuckled.

"Do you remember my friend Chimon, you met him on bar that day!"

"Uhhmm that small cute guy?" She asked with doubt after thinking for few minutes.

"Yeah...him. He is getting married soon, this weekend we are having his bachelor party."

"Why are you saying this to me?" She asked confused.

"Can you come with me to the party?" I let out a breath after asking. Chimon patted my shoulder encouraging me.

"But I don't know him will be awkward" she had a point. Chimon mouthed silently to convince her.

"I will be there with you...don't worry: I said and waited for her response. After few minutes of silence, she finally spoke.

"Ok fine. I will come" Chimon broke into a big smile same as me. If this was my husband Chimon, I would be dead by now. Wait, why am I thinking about that life? Why am I comparing?

"Hello Non, are you there?" Shit..I forgot she was still on call.

"Hah yes Puimek, I will send the location and timing. Bye" I said and cut the call without even hearing her response.

Chimon smacked my head. I looked at him, confused "it is rude to cut the call like have a long way to go" he sighed mocking me.

"She agreed to come" I said grinning.

"Yeah...her bad luck. I feel sorry for her" he has not done with his teasing.

I came home and was waiting for weekend. I was ready to impress her and with Chimon helping me, I know it will turn out good.