Chat 3: meeting my new family

we walked to the east cabins first as we did I see a training ground placed close to the big house probably cuz they wanted it close to every pantheon instead of one of the east cabins were placed in a U and every building was Unique to each god or goddess this was the Greek and Roman gods in the same building like for Athena cabin would also hold Minerva in the same building we walked passed a stone building that had black smoke coming out if the top of it and I heard hammers hitting metal over the front door had a hammer and anvil carved into the stone Chiron stopped seeing me stop he smiled saying o are you interested in learning smithing I nodded I have always loved weapons and I even started to read books about Smith Chiron nodded you can talk to them later every pantheon has a god of smithing or something close to that lets keep moving I nodded as we was walked I seen some other kids in there cabins who was looking out the window when they seen me they started to whisper to each other Gimli patted my shoulder seeing the look off whatever of my face kid's word gets around fast remember that you will be the talk of the camp for a bit it's not every day a newbie comes to camp and kills a group of monsters on their first day plus you have two God parents I shrugged indifferently I don't care as long as they don't start anything with me we will be fine Gimli chuckled we stopped in front of a black cabin made from obsidian and in the obsidian was lava plus on each corner had a gold Brazier that had green fire in it I could feel the heat coming off this cabin it felt nice over the door was a gold three-headed dog carved into the obsidian here we are Chiron said turning to me go on in and check it out I nodded and walked up to the silver door the door knob was gold and plant into the silver was different gems I opened the door and stepped in it was a huge open room but there was only 4 beds all of them was at each corner of the room in the middle of the room was a circle bookshelf that had many books that looked old many of there cover looked fancy behind the bookshelf was a pillar that was shining from the LavaI looked up but I didn't see anything but a black starry sky this cabin had many gems and gold everywhere Hades is the God of the underworld but he is also the God of wealth so it makes sense his cabin would have riches in it I looked to the beds they were clean and nicely made I could tell that they haven't been used in a but except for from in the back left corner that bed was made but there were books placed around it I walked to the bookshelf running my hand over them most of them was in old Greek and for some reason I could read it most of these were about the history of monsters plus there were books about hades' powers and how his children could use some of his powers there were even more books about the underworld and what role of hides kids there were even a few books about ancient items that belong to hades and his kids I took one book of the shelf the title was how to is your powers book 1 I opened to the first page and was about to start reading when I felt something cold behind me I turned around fast to see a girl in black clothes try and grab me but she was surprised when I turned around and moved out of her reach I took two steps back this girl and I looked at each other I got a good look at her she had on black long-sleeved shirt and pants over her shirt was a black breastplate that had a gold three-headed dog carved into it she was white like she didn't see the sun often her hair was raven black like and pulled back and the sides of her head was cut shorter then the top and on her belt in the back I saw a hilt of a sword the hilt was black and the gear was twisted gold on the pommel was a black stone and in the middle of the black stone was a purple slit the girl's eyes where purple she was scowling at me and on her right hand that she had stretched out on her third finger was a silver skull ring who are you she asked her voice was tired like she didn't sleep much I shrugged shutting the book and putting it back in it's place who am I well I guess I am your new half brother the name is Hunter nekros what about you I turned to her she seemed shocked you're the Hunter that everyone has been talking about right she asked slowly I shrugged again it would seem so I simply said when she heard my words a little smile spread across her face so you're the new hot shot that literally everyone has been talking about not only did you kill two of the Ankheg but you also have two Godly parents both are the ruler of there underworld plus I heard you serviced a vampir attack it's a pleasure to meet a new brother she held out her hand saying my name is Raven I shook her hand and I could feel Calloused from training I chuckled as I did so I guess I have been the one keeping you up huh when she heard what I said her smile faded and she let go of my hand saying I guess you can say that I had dream in this dream I seen Hades and many other gods stand up to Zeus to protect his kid but I woke up when Zeus throw a lightning bolt out of anger plus the other three said they have been having dreams seeing a kid being surrounded by monsters I heard that the kids over in hela Cabin has been getting bad dreams to so let's just say you have made it hell to sleep these past few days I felt guilty but all I could do is apologize Raven just shrugged it off its not really your felt so don't worry about it silence fell between us for a few seconds like we were still adjusting to one another but she finally spoke again so will you be staying in this cabin or will you stay in the Hela cabin I shrugged saying undetermined she nodded like she understood she walked past me and pat my shoulder saying well even if you don't stay here you can always come in and read these books and you are more than welcome to train with me I nodded saying thank you she nodded and I felt Chiron and the rest were still waiting outside there was also some people standing outside of there cabins like they was waiting for something when they seem be they all simply stared whispering to one another Chiron turned to me as I was walking down the stairs so how was it and I had a feeling he wasn't just talking about the Cabin I smiled saying one word hospitable he nodded Gimli step forward saying come on kid let me take ya to the Norse cabins I nodded we started walking to the north Chiron and Fox was walking behind Gimli and me but I felt a cold feeling run down my spine I looked behind me and what I seen was Fox staring at me, no that wasn't right she was staring throw me like she was looking through my body at my soul but when she realized I was looking at her that cold feeling disappeared and she looked away I leaned down to Gimli asking him in a quiet voice pointing at the training ground but what I said had nothing to do with training Gimli y was miss Fox staring throw me he seemed to be shocked but nodded like I just asked something simple he whispered back saying lad if I was you stay away from her till your powers develop she is a 9 tail fox she feeds off peoples power she also steals peoples powers to make her stronger so be careful I simply nodded standing up saying out loudly laughing thank you Gimli the training ground looks like fun he chuckled saying I lad it is we both looked over to it as we walked past it and let me just say it was fucking cool it was about the size of a football field maybe a bit bigger around it was a race track for horse Carriages and in the middle was sand half of the field had stray dummies and a fighting ring as for the other half of the field it had a deep pit and I assumed that's where people could fight against captured monsters many people was fighting against each other or with a dummie I saw the girl from the battle against the monster outside the camp she was fighting against another person she didn't have her shield just her sword she saw us pass but she didn't get distracted by us luckily she didn't cuz the other person swung there spear at her she blocked it as she stepped closer as she got close enough she swung her sword at the person who could not bloke since she was to close that remains me I asked as we was walking up the path when do I get my own weapons and stuff Gimli chuckled saying well the camp has a basic armory that anyone can us but those weapons are just basic if you want something special or something made for you then you will eath have to find the item your self or make it your self or have someone make it for you, for example, you have seen Sharky Sword I nodded that sword she made for by her brother cyclop that lives in Atlantis and works in Poseidon's forge with his brethren that weapon is one of a kind and very powerful apparently even Poseidon put the magic in it himself but you also have seen Drakes dragon gauntlets right I nodded again that item was made for his mother Tiamat but she had many, many items that have been stolen Drake found the Gauntlets but he had to fight like hell to get them he is still recovering from that battle still so it all depends some half-blood are given an item when they get here by there parents or when they get their first quest interesting I said stroking my chin he nodded we got to the Norse cabins or should I say long houses and like the Greek cabins these were placed in an upside down U many of the long houses were made from just simple wood of different colors and carved around the door was stories from of that God and I even seen stories of half-bloods there was depicted of epic battles some shown monsters being killed some shown war but all of them had victory and lose it was quite beautiful my eyes were shining seeing every story on each longhouse Gimli laughed seeing the excitement on my face we kept on walking up the path as we did people looked out of their cabins or walked passed us but everyone had a wild look about them like I did and every person I seen was armed and many of them had scares on them when they seen me they started to talk to one another not really trying to whisper but I didn't care we kept walking till we got to a long house that looked interesting half of it was made from white ice as for the other side it was made from black stone over the door had a torch that had a white flame Gimli moved to it like saying after you I walked up to the door which was a cool mix of white ice and the black stone I looked over the carvings on the white side it shown happy times people feasting and drinking or people being born or just people living their everyday life but on the black side it shown battle, death, blood and the souls waiting In line in front of a cold Castle I seen the story of how hela was born and her siblings and her father Loki I pulled the door open walking in wow I said walking in it was beautiful on the inside two it was open there were two floors but in the middle of the room was a huge fire pit that had a white and black flame in it around the bottom floor on the walls had even more stories be it from life or death and in the back, wallet had four bookshelves full of books over those mounted to the wall was heads of monsters hanging on the next of the monsters had black plates in these square plates were names written in white I looked up and in the middle of the ceiling over the fireplace carved into it was a woman head on the white side she was normal but on the black side her face was a skull and her eye was glowing red on the second floor was 6 rooms one of the rooms I could tell didn't have a owner but the other 5 did also placed randomly around the rooms walls was amor stands or metal shields hanging on the wall over each room one of the shields where blank this had no design or anything this was the one over the empty room as for the other 5 shields they had a design to them one had a white and black skull carved in the middle around it was black or another one shown different fights with monsters for the third one, it showed a Ying yang fishes but the ying fish a white skeleton, and the yang fish was a black skeleton behind them was a moon the fourth shield shone a gladiator arena and that one gladiator won his fight this gladiator had a skull helmet over his face so could not see his face but in the middle, it showed this gladiator racing his weapon pro the sky his weapon was a jagged sword the faith and last shield looked on complete like that person hasn't finished it yet the door slammed shut behind me as soon as I took three steps in and the white and black fire burst up it got bigger my eyes fell onto it when they did the fire burst again and I heard a female voice it came from all around me this voice was cold but lively but every word was repeated in many creepy voices they said welcome welcome too too your know home your home bathe yourself in the fire fire bathe prove to all that you are my son prove that your my son son son the voices stopped but I could still feel something watching me or was it many things I could not tell I walked up to the fire I ran my hand throw it what I felt wasn't warmth no it was cold I looked up to see the woman's face looking straight down at me like she was waiting I shrugged saying y not I have never been one to be scared of a little cold I simply walked into the fire which was bigger than me when I did immediately when I did I could not see anything out of right eyes I saw darkness out of my left eye I saw light my body was being attacked by cold but I simply closed my eyes, not in fear but to concentrate I could feel this cold seeping into my body and it was heading to my soul I didn't try and fight it even if I did there would be no point I wasn't strong enough to fight it off the cold touched my soul when it did the cold didn't feel cold it felt comforting and warm like a mother hugging there child and I heard a cold females voice say my pore child I am sorry you had to wait this long to meet your family you have been alone for so long it's understandable if you're angry with us but your siblings did nothing remember that I cchuckled saying mother I can't be angry even if I didn't know it I was never alone you and father watched over me even though I still don't understand y you waited till now to claim me and to bring me here but I can't be angry for being too weak to defend myself but from here on out I am done feeling weak I will train till the skin falls off my arms and even thin I will keep training till my bones are iron and my body like rock she didn't saying at first but after a few seconds she started to launch the sound of it was warm and beautiful there's that fire that made you stand and fight against them monsters o gods you are definitely are a mix between Greek and Norse stand strong my son your path will be filled with danger and test cuz you are son good luck we will be watching you with that a hand grabbed the back of my shirt and pulled me out of the fire I blinked adjusting to the light I was laying on the ground looking up to the woman's face it seemed happy when I looked at it then from over me a hand reached down I took it they helped me up I looked to this person he was a tail big man he was taller than me by a full head his arms and legs looked like rocks he was a brown skin man he had scares all over his body there was even one jagged one going across his head from one temple to the other he has black dreadlocks that go down to his shoulders he had a friendly smile on his face and his eyes where gold but his right eye it was gold too but the rest of the eye was black instead of white he had on a no sleeved black shirt and badge pants but on his back was a jagged sword he was probably 20 years old as I stud up he gripped my hand tightly saying good to meet you bother you can call me triple P what do we call you I smile not showing any pain on my face and I gripped his hand tightly back definitely not doing anything to him but making me feel better you can call me Hunter mate good to meet you triple P but y did you say we before he laughed letting go of my hand he clapped saying it's good y'all can come out when he said that from 4 of the rooms talking to the eagle looking down to us was 4 people the only room that had no person was the gladiator room but I assumed that was triple P room jumping down from the room that had the skull on the shield was a woman she was probably 17 she had on a gray sweater and gray sweat pants I did see any weapon on her but over her left eye was scare lucky she still had her eye both eyes where blue but the rest of her right eye was black like triple P she had her hands in her pockets and hud up but the hud could not hide the snow-white hair under it she walked up to me and extended a hand looking me over saying you can call me White I shook her hand and holy hell her hands where ice cold her skin was about as white as her hair pleasure I said smiling she didn't smile she kept a neutral look about her but she did give a little nod next person to jumping down was from the room that had the shield showing different battles with monsters he landed on the ground without making a noise he was tain like me he was probably 5'10 he was built like a runner and a football player mixed into one he had on a black long-sleeved shirt and green pants that had a shit ton of pockets he had black hair that was pulled into a Mohock ponytail the sides of his head was clean shaven and on each side of his head was a tattoo of a raven sitting on a humans skull he was probably 20 same as Triple P his eyes where dark brown but the rest of his right eye was black like the other two on his hip was short sword and on the back of his belt was a dagger both looked Norse in design he walked up to me giving me a little smile we shook hands he said you can just call me brother K or big brother I nodded ok brother K good to meet you he nodded next jumping done from the ying yang room was a girl probably same as me she bad on a black kimono this kinono had designs of poisons flowers on them she was definitely Chinese but her body was lean and I seen muscles her skin was white and her hair want down her back to her lower back its color was quite a cool half of her hair was white like snow the other half was black like obsidian it was quite beautiful she wore a smile on her face but her eyes were sharp both eyes were green and same as the other 3 the rest of her right eye was black I didn't see any weapons on her but that doesn't mean there wasn't any she walked next to brother K and reach her hand out we shook hands pleased to meet you Hunter you can call me Yang she was probably 20 same as Brother K and triple P I nodded its a pleasure miss Yang we let go of each other's hands and I gave her a small bow she was shocked and did the same to me the last person was the youngest out of us he jumped done from his room but he messed up the landing so he fell back onto his butt the other four chuckled seeing him get up embarrassment written tall over his face he was probably 13 small kid he had black spiky hair he was white-skinned and had ok muscles he had on a black shirt that had a band on it and a simple black pants his eyes was a dark blue but the same as the other 4 the rest of his right eye was black he walked up to me his head held hi like he owned the place and stopped in front of me he held out a hand I took it you can call me big brother Pike or big boss Pike it's a pleasure I chuckled say I ant calling you either of those sorry little Pike as your elder brother I will just call you Pike he glared at me the other four was trying to holding back from laughing Pike yelled you think your big shit cuz you got two God parents ok I challenge you to a Duel what do you say about that you but before he could say anymore Yand did a hand-chopped hitting him on the head Pike yelled but stopped talking glaring at her rubbing his head so what do you think triple P ask will you become are 6 members I looked at each one of their faces Triple P, Yang and brother K had hope in their eyes as for White she had indifference on her face as for Pike he had denial in his eyes I side holding the suspense over their heads I could tell they didn't like it so I finally said y not this place seems lively but just know I will be going back and forth from both Cabins most of them nodded as they understood but Pike asked y would you want to go back to them Greeks we are stronger than the Hades cabin is Yang chopped his head again Pike asked what angrily glaring at her rubbing his head, Yang simply said you have only been her for a few months so you have only met Raven who is pretty passive but the other 3 siblings are strong enough to give P a run for his money ant that right P she looked over to him triple P simple nodded Pike was shocked but nodded like he understood triple P stepped forward and put a hand on my shoulder saying well welcome to the Hela cabin and welcome to the family brother the last empty room is yours so is the shield we all train with it so do whatever you want with the room and it I will go tell Gimli and Chiron I nodded as he walked passed I simple said watch out Fox is out there so he stopped in his place hearing my words he side and nodded at me and he opened the door and left Brother K walked up to me saying your room has clothes in it for you so you can change out of that he pointed at the temporary clothes I had on I nodded thank you I walked to the ladder that leads to my room I claimed up it and what I seen was normal a nice bed placed on the back left corner next to the bed was a table and chair it was in the middle of the back wall at the end of the bed was a dresser that was preset against the wall on the right wall had an empty armor stand next it was hocks to hand and weapons up but the right wall was empty I was on the side with the black stone do my walls was black and many of my stuff like the bed and desk was black I opened the dresser and I pulled out a pair of blue jeans and a simple red and black button-down shirt on top of the dresser was different shoes but I picked the black lace-up boots I changed into my new clothes triple P came back for the clothes I borrowed from the big house I have them to him I pulled on my boots as I was lacing them up Triple P voice yelled out dinner time everyone gather up I stud up rolling up my sleeves to my elbow as I walked to my rooms edge and with a little jumped I landed on the ground as I was rolling my last sleeve up I looked up to see everyone looking at me shocked what I asked Brother K laughed saying you look good kid who are you trying to impress I shrugged saying I have no one to impress Brother K if I did then I will need to start train cuz I believe auction over words and looks plus y shouldn't I look like a baller when I feel like it what's the old saying if you look good you feel good triple P nodded as he understood do Yang Brother K just shrugged laughing White asked is that true she looked to Yang who whispered something to her and that indifferent look started to had from her eyes like something cot her interest Pike rolled his eyes saying who cares if you look good if you can fight in it there's no point wearing it Triple P and I started to laugh hearing him shore kid what ever you say I said getting in line Triple P nodded and he lead us out of the Cabin and towards the big house other cabins were doing the same we all walked to a huge outdoor eating area over each table was a gods sine we sat down day are table in front of us was a bronze cup and plate both was empty at the front of this eating area on a stage was where the camp heads eat Chiron walked onto the stage when he did everyone got quite welcome new and old faces to another meal with friends and family we race see cups to the gods and don't forget to make a food offering to the gods in the fire place and in front of him a fireplace appeared everyone got up with their plates and got in line to offer food to the gods Triple P turned to me seeing my confused look seeing food appear on peoples plate just think about what food you want as long as it ant to crazy it should appear same with your cup sadly no alcohol though I nodded a few minutes passed till it was my groups turn I was last everyone scrapped some of their food into the fire and they would whisper something but only the gods heard them it was my turn I had three think modem rare stakes I scrapped two of them in and I whispered for my parents thank you for my new siblings nothing changes and there was no response but I felt like something heard me we sat back down at are table we eat are food I made Raven sit with us cuz she was just sitting alone at the Hades table the others was happy to let her sit with us we talked and jokes till night soon came we all want back to are Cabins full and smiling I claimed my ladder into my room I took of my boots I sat them down next to the bed I took off my shirt and pants I claimed I to my bed as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out.