Chapter 35: They come knocking part 3 final- a snake in knight armor

Yes indeed come closer I screamed at this point the Templars was only a few years away from me every one of them in front of my had there weapons drawn and pointing down at me they wanted to skewer me on there Spears sadly for them that wasn't the plan I felt a mind connect to mine it was Bull he screamed ready Sir a huge crazy demonic smile spread across my face as I raised my bident in the hair I grasp the shaft with both hands the tip at the end of my bident started to glow brightly I slammed my bident in front of me screaming you shall not pass the second my bident hit the ground a bright green veins shot through the ground the army stopped charging they was looking around intensely but nothing happened for one second two second it was so quiet it was like the world its self was waiting to see what would happen the third second passed one of the knights yelled he is bluffing charggg kabooooooom the ground in front of me exploded in a green fire ball and the ground caved in do to the wait on the knights half of the Army feel into a huge cavern my shadow demon blocked all the rubble from the explosion but I also had my wings wrapped around my body just in case hahahaha and in my honting demonic voice I said welcome to your grave I hope it's to your liking but if it isn't I am sure my friend here would love to assist you and throwing him self over the edge and landing next to me was a huge set of black armor over one shoulder was a red cape that had a three e headed dog on it and strapped to his back was a fucking huge sword under this armor was clothes and black as night the only thing you could see of his face was his glowing red eyes throw the slits of his helmet the last thing of note would be the two white horns on the sides of his helmet he was at least 8 to 9 feet tall and thick as fuck I heard him let out a little click click which sounded like when you get cold and your teeth start to stutter that's exactly what it sounded like but I heard a voice in my head but of course master I would love to assist them to falling into eternal sleep I nodded are all the ones in the hole dead I seen him glance back into the hole but then he shook his head his armor creaking no shall I assist them master I nodded yes go for it he let out a happy click click as he jumped back into the hole I seen him literal land on someone all I will say is that persons body made a terrifying crunch I started at the rest of the Army a crossed the hole I yelled what happened you to scared I heard that woman yell go around the fucking hole kill that heretic that awakened the army there horses thundered around the hole that's when I heard a very familiar voice behind me yell shield wall I glanced behind me to see Layla forming a Shield wall in front of the wall its self with a group of 100 and it quickly was formed we have trained for this shit I walked next to Brightstars body I touched it and the shadows rapped around his body and I shadow walked back on top of the wall Slade ran next to me saying Sir there about here we are waiting your orders I turned around yelling artillery ready fire and like that 4 cannons want off next group ready I yelled ready Sir someone yelled fire I yelled and like that 4 more cannons want off Pup take command yes sir I turned around and looked to Evelyn I pointed to Brightstar body saying take his body and take with the others to see what funeral rights are she nodded and took his body which was still wrapped in my shadow I turned around to see half of the Army had been blown apart from are cannons but they was about on the shield wall I looked to my felt to a woman called Sea she was a daughter of Amphitrite Sea can you stop the horses she side I can try but I ant a child of Poseidon so they may not listen I smiled if they don't listen then spook them so they throw there riders off there backs she smiled o I can do that certainly she walked to the front of the group and she clapped her hands around her mouth and she let out a siren scream it was terrifying the horses whinnied scared and most of them throw there riders off there backs and ran off a few straight-up died out of fright wall some wasn't scared at all but that was only a hand full of them easy enough to change that with a few bullets I nodded at Sea who smiled back at me good job lass I heard Slade yell take aim at the ones on horses fire and like that the echo of guns range through the area and lest just say all the ones that was still on horses wasn't any more I heard Layla same Slotter against the bronze shield she had in her hands as she yelled charge cut down these Templar dogs and like that the shield wall surged forward at the fallen enemy who was still recovering from being thrown off there horses I looked passed this army passed the hole and there sitting on horseback was the three jailers and 2 of Brightstars commanders they had a small group of 20 protecting them each one of them had black robes on over there chain mail armor I guessed these was the jailers people I looked to Bill who was just standing slightly behind Slade his arms crossed and a prod smile on his face looking at Slade leading the troops I walked next to him saying want to have some fun he looked over to me with a huge grin do you even need to ask I chuckled nodded round up a group of 20 seasoned warriors he laughed done he looked behind us as he let out a load whistle and moving behind us was a small group of 20 Bill looked to me saying at your command sir I laughed turning around to this group saying we be storming there commanders in the back be warned they have a Lamia in there ranks so who fucking knows what else are yall fucking ready some cocked there guns some pulled out different weapons but they all nodded at me I nodded good and jumping behind me was my shadow demon holding my shield I undid the top strap to my sickle sword to make it easier to pull it out I turned around smiling like a mad man my eyes feel on that group in the back and like that I stepped into the shadows dragging the others with me we appeared in the center of that group and like that all hell broke loose the second we appeared guns want off screams of pain and the clashing of weapons range all around me I simply walked through this chaos with a huge smile on my face my glowing green eyes was locked on the woman who Brightstar called Ruby but I will call her Lamia sense that's what she is a shape shifting legions say she lures children in with her sweat voice and devoured children but there was another similar story where she was described as a shape-shifting creature that disguises itself as a beautiful woman that seduced young men only to consume them later in both cases she consumes flesh from those she lures in with her enchanting voice and beauty so she most defiantly needs to die or she will be even more of a problem it was odd she wasn't looking at me she was still looking towards the wall but my instincts where screaming at me she was so I played it safe I pulled out my navy colt and boom my gun want off but the Lamia leaned back very unnaturally a humans back isn't supposed to beened at almost a 90-degree angle but I didn't let that entrance be I simply shot again this time I aimed for her lower chest area but a shield moved and blocked it I clicked my tongue at the Templar who was holding the shield he was part of Brightstars Army I could tell by his armor and the colors of the cloth he had on but no matter he wasn't going to stop my again do to the blood chain that wrapped around his arm and he got pulled off his horse so did the rest of his buddies except for Lamia she straightened her back I beard her back popping but no matter I fanned 2 move shots at her and this time she was able to swat one bullet away but the second hit her in the shoulder the force of the bullet pulled her off her horse she screamed and flailed around angrily on the ground I noticed the arm that I cut off had regrown I quickly reloaded my pistol as I walked towards her with each step I rotated the chamber in my pistol which made a satisfying click noise and with each click a spent found fell out and hit the ground I stopped in front of her closing my chamber as I spun my pistol on my finger before pointing it at her my hammer made a click click noise as I did she looked up to me shaking in fear and in a beautiful sweat scared voice she said don't kill me please I will be a good girl I promise I laughed shaking my head your mind games and tricks won't work on my Lamia I am quite immune to your feminine charms besides I already got a woman who out classes you in every way so just die and I was about to pull the trigger when the Lamia screamed out in Layla's voice please Hunter no don't this made my hesitate subconsciously that's all the Lamia needed she twisted on the ground her lower body becoming a snakes she smacked my gun out of my hands with her tail as then she lunged at me with that gnarled curved blade the Lamia hissed out you fool die half blood but right before the blade could reach me someone clapped and I switched places with my shadow demon who had appeared behind her just before the attack in his hand was my shield but he didn't raise it nor would he have time anyway the Lamia blade passed harmlessly through his chest he looked down at the blade then he looked up to the Lamia with a huge angry smile on his face he shook his head like he was disappointed just before uppercutting her in the face the Lamia slid back her helmet flying off her face as she slid back I didn't let that change go to waste I thrust my budent at her chest but her chain mail blocked my blade no matter I simply spun around with my bident and clocked her in the head with the shaft she slithered to the side as she held her bleeding head I walked next to my shadow demon the Lamia looked at her hand and seen her dark green blood that stand her hand she looked up to me her eyes bursting in red flames how fucking dare you she screamed and a wall of force cane from that scream I slammed the end of my bident into the ground and dugg my feet into the ground pushing through the shock wave which only lasted a few seconds I started at her I could see her lips moving but I didn't hear anything my ears was ringing it was so fucking load I felt something warm rolling down my ear and neck I reached up and whipped my neck and what I seen was blood my blood she ruptured my fucking eardrums I looked back up to her my eyes burning brightly in anger and a snarl spread a crossed my face the Lamia disappeared in a burst of red fire I felt a burst of warm air come from my back I clapped my hands switching places with my Shadow demon a sword was thrust through his chest he looked down to the sword and his happy joker smile was gone what replaced it was a angry frown his green eyes burst in anger he spun around shield bashing the Lamia in the face I seen sharp teeth fly out of her mouth I picked up what looked like a snakes Fang that was at my feet something dropped off it I quickly pulled out a vile and put it in it then put it back in my bag my bident disappearing forming back around my neck Lamia screamed in anger seeing what I just did I pulled out my sickle sword and throw it at her she leaned to the side easily dodging it she laughed which sounded beautiful you missedsss she said mockingly I chuckled did she was confused before her eyes want wide she whipped around raising her sword she blocked my shadow demon who was holding my sickle sword but he wasn't done after she blocked his over head slash he shield bashed her back Lamia slid back in front of me I reached into my bag and pulled out a chain mace the handle was made from a dark wood and wrapped with a dark leather there was a spike at the bottom of it and at the top of the handle found around it was 5 sharp thin spikes the chain was black and the mace head didn't have no spikes but it did have 3 sharp edges the second I pulled this out the shadows want down the handle and the mace head burst with frost the last thing to not was that the chain holding the mace head was longer then most I spun this mace behind me before swinging down at Lamia she used her tail to block it but my mace head literally toor off her scaled flesh the area around the wound also got a bit of frost on it but I wasn't don't I used my other hand to pull the mace head back up this time she couldn't react fast enough and my mace head slammed into her chest with so much force it threw her off her feet she hit the ground and started to roll a few times she stopped her self with her sword but that's when she threw up green blood that looked like it had ice in it she looked down to her chest and I seen a hole in her chainmail and clothes that showed her home chest was purple with frost forming on it you she hissed your a son of Hades how can you use ice I smiled doesn't matter tell me how do you like my new toy and I started to spin the chain around in a circle I haven't given it a name yet you should feel honored your the first monster who has tasted it's sting it may not be as versatile as my other weapons but it definitely makes up for that in power all though I don't think I am doing this weapon justice sense I ant us to it no matter the best teacher is live combat so let's start again and like that my wings was on my back as I thrust the mace head at her sadly Lamia dipped to the side no matter I spun around using ly left wing to fing it back at her she ducked under it but that's exactly what I wanted my shadow demon appeared next to her swinging down my sickle sword down at her neck but she was able to raise her sword to block it even at that odd angle no matter I jumped up spinning this time used my right ring and left hand to twist the chain so it shot down at her chest with full force no she screamed in Layla's voice but this time there was no hesitation my mace head slammed into her chest so hard the mace head it self sank into her chest she screamed in pain and anger as frost covered her body before puff she burst into monster ashes and ice shards I landed on the ground flipping the mace head back at me I cot it I smiled down at my creation nodding I could get us to you as I put it back in my bag my shadow demon walked over to me he handed back my stuff before sinking back into my shadow I turned around to see the battle was over I had killed the last enemy I walked over to my pistol picking it up before pointing it in the air yelling fuck yea we won yall yeeha and I shot twice and like that they all yelled some stomped there feet some slammed there weapons together some shot a few times in the air but they all yelled yeeeha and lets just say the next three days was nothing but a full swing party that I and Layla was drunk for a lot of it.