41. Results!

(A few days ago)

(Issac's Villa)

"Why didn't you tell me this earlier?"

Ares asked Issac who was sitting in front of him.

In the past few days the people who were supporting Ares were gradually decreasing.

The people who changed their opinions on him were quite few and were nothing to notice but then also caught Ares's attention which caused him to have a check on the situation, making him discover Issac's activities.

After getting discovered by his cousin Issac confessed everything and told him about the demands of the kidnapper.

Listening to Isaac's situation Ares frowned and pondered on the intentions of the kidnapper.

What would be his motive?

There are thousands of enemies of the Morrison family out there in the world who would always try to have their control over the patriarch of the family.

Though having control over Issac after he becomes the patriarch would be very beneficial to them, but if he gives his family back how could the kidnapper have any leverage over Issac.

'Something is wrong here'

The kidnapper just doesn't want the control over the family..no he didn't want anything with the family he just wants the position of the patriarch given to Issac.

'Is he targeting me?'

Ares couldn't help but think but this is just a speculation of his, but his instincts told him he is right.

Ares wanted to think more about this but halted his train of thoughts for a moment and focused more on rescuing Isaac's family.

From that day Ares and Issac jointly searched for Jessica and Hayley in secret and at the same time tried their best to find the identity of the kidnapper.

Just two days before the crowning ceremony they finally found the trace of Jessica and Hayley, finding them disfigured and in coma in a small government hospital and sending an immediate rescue team consisting of their trustful subordinates and mercenaries trained by the family to bring them both back safely.

They also found that the kidnapping was just a bluff of the opposite party but they still weren't able to identify who this kidnapper is and will resume their search for him after the crowning ceremony.



Everyone in the hall was dumbfounded by Issac's declaration of granting his votes to Ares.

Everyone knew of his activities of blackmailing voters and were shocked by his decision to give all of his votes to Ares.

Chatters broke out in the hall and the quiet hall was filled with murmurs of voters.


Stephen stepped in and released his pressure silencing everyone in the hall.

Issac also sat back at his seat and looked at Ares who was looking at him with a smile of gratitude on his face.

Issac has already got his family back and has no use for being the patriarch now so he gave up the position to Ares.

"Thank you"

Ares said to Issac who just nodded in response.

"Now that the voting is over its time for the results"

Stephen said silencing everyone in the hall.

All the lights of the great dome went off and not only of the great dome but also of the whole island went off.

A great magic circle formed in the sky gathering the attention of everyone present on the island and formed a beautiful golden holographic screen hovering in the middle of the sky.

All over the island various golden shimmering particles began to appear which lit up the whole island making it look ethereal.

At the beach Lucifer also looked up at the holographic screen calmly.

"Members of the Morrison Family it's about time I Stephen Morrison the current patriarch of this great family finally stepped down from my position and let the next generation decide their future by themselves"

"Today I, Stephen Morrison will step down from the seat of the patriarch of the Morrison family and let the next patriarch selected by you all take the charge"

"Here I present to you all the results of today's voting ceremony and the name of the next patriarch of the Morrison Family"

Stephen's voice rang on all corners of the island and many who heard him shed tears looking at their old patriarch who ruled over them for so many years finally stepped down from his seat.

Everyone held their breaths as they looked at the letter appearing on the holographic projection.

Lucifer also looked at the holographic screen announcing the results determining their next patriarch and his phone rang alerting him of a new notification.


(Above the Ocean)

The transport aircraft of the Morrison family was heading its way to Morrison Island carrying Jessica and Hayley safely in the care of medical experts and escorting fighter jets.


Suddenly an explosion rang and two of the four fighter jets guarding the transport aircraft were bombarded with missiles causing them to burst.

"Red Alert! Red Alert! We are under attack I repeat we are under attack"

"All cadets get in their position and get ready to fight"

The red alert rang and all mercenaries took their positions and took their combat stance.

Everyone held cold weapons in their hands but were all coated with mana and were ready to be engaged in combat anytime.


The explosions kept ringing and a hole was formed on the mouth of aircraft and a few men clad in black assassin uniforms entered the aircraft and engaged in combat.

All men were above Rank B in terms of strength and engaged in fierce combat.

The mercenaries of the Morrison family who were trained since childhood in combat were having an upper hand but the assassins who entered were no less skilled.

Inside the room where Hayley and Jessica were treated doctors all kneeled quietly and prayed for their safety as the mercenaries guarded them.

The sounds of clashes rang throughout the aircraft and suddenly the gate of the room they were blasted open revealed three figures of assassins covered in blood.

The guards immediately started to attack them using their weapons.

"Water Blade!"

"Flame Arrows!"

"Earthen Claws!"

"Water Shield"

The mercenaries launched a barrage of spells towards the enemy protecting the crowd.

"Fall Back!"

One of the assailants suddenly spoke and all others heeded his command and started leaving the room.

The same happened in other areas of aircraft and the enemy started to retreat and successfully escaped the aircraft.

"Captain, the enemy has retreated. Our side has suffered no damage and 7 has lost their lives."

"15 of us have received some serious injuries and the majority have suffered some minor injuries"


As the Captain of the mercenary group was checking the status of damage a scream of one of the nurses was overheard by him.

The captain along with the soldiers quickly ran in the direction of the room in which all doctors and the two targets of protection were protected.

"What happened?"


The nurse was unable to say anything and pointed at the direction of the beds in which Jessica and Hayley laid.

Both of them had a fine line of blood on their necks which was bleeding without any rest and their heads seemed to be decapitated.

Looking at them like this the captain was horrified.


"Sir Ares"

"Hmm? Robert"

"Sir captain Graham is online there is a problem"


"Yes Sir"

As everyone was busy looking at the holographic screen awaiting the results a middle aged man ran to Ares handing him his phone.

Ares quickly took the phone and placed it on his ear listening to what Captain Graham did whom he assigned the task of escorting Jessica and Hayley back had to say to him.

Hearing Captain's report Ares's face couldn't help but turn pale.

"Ares is something wrong?"

Looking at Ares's face turning pale Issac who was beside him couldn't help but ask in worry.

"J-jessica and Hayley they...they both-,"

"What happened to them both"

Hearing Jessica and Hayley's name from Ares's mouth a bad feeling couldn't help but emerge in his heart.

"T-they both-"

Ares didn't know how to tell Issac that his wife and daughter were both beheaded under the protection of one of the best trained men under him.

Ares just handed Issac the phone and moved away from him.


Sounds of fireworks attracted his attention and Ares looked up at the holographic screen where the results were going to be announced.

Everyone on the island held their breaths and excitedly looked at the screen which would tell them the name of their new leader.

It didn't take long and the projection announced the results of the voting.

[4. Issac Morrison: 0 Votes]

[3. Emma Morrison: 12 Votes]

[2. Ares Morrison: 27 Votes]

[1. Hermes Morrison: 211 Votes]