Mana Techniques

(Lucifer's POV)

Still inside the pillar of light, I kept receiving weird notifications from the system.

[The Blessing of Angels Is Taking Effect]

{A/N: Yes, this is where the blessing will take effect.}

[The host's Elements are undergoing mutations.]

[Storm Element is undergoing mutation.]

[Trying to analyze the blessing.]




[It has been detected that the host is currently too weak.]

[Removing the limiter.]


[The blessing has been successfully analyzed.]

"What's going on, System?" I asked.

[It has been detected that the skill Blessing of the Angels, which was used on the host, is taking its final effect and trying to mutate the elements currently possessed by the host.]

[So, the system has tried to maneuver the effect of the blessing to amplify its effect and mutate the element with desirable mutations with multiple elements favoring the host.]

[Does the host wish to continue?]

"Yes," I replied.

Understanding the situation, I didn't hesitate and let the system resume what it was doing before.

[Blessing analysis is successful.]

[Amplifying the blessing.]

[Amplification of the blessing is successful.]

[It has been detected that the element storm already has an ice Elemental mutation in it.]

[Checking for other compatible elements to mutate.]

[Element Destruction Is Compatible.]

[Element Death and Fire Is Compatible.]

[Host, please decide the direction of mutation.]

Looking at the notifications in front of me, it was baffling, but I managed to keep up with it and looked at the two possible mutations I could get with the compatible elements.

"System, compare both the paths of mutations."


[The possible mutation with death provides the host with the power of the destruction element along with the storm and ice element. Death is an almost extinct element with only a few bearers of it.]

[The second option of mutation gives the host additional powers of fire and death with the storm element, which are very powerful and destructive elements, increasing the attack power of the user.]

"Can I have both mutations altogether?"

[Answering the host, no, it's not possible.]


Looking at the two possible mutations, I couldn't decide which one to choose for the moment, but after properly analyzing both elements, I finally chose the direction of mutation I would go with.

"System, choose the fire and death one."

[Yes, Host.]

[Selecting the mutation direction.]

[Combining the elements...]


[Element Storm has undergone successful mutation.]

[Host has successfully awakened.]

[Heart of Mana is unlocked.]

[The Sin of Sloth is unlocked.]

[Bearer of Sin title acquired.]

[Ruler of Sin title acquired.]

[Strongest Awakener title acquired.]

[The Original Devil title acquired.]

[Progenitor title acquired.]

[Mana's Child title acquired.]

[Hidden Quest: Awakening is completed.]

[Host is rewarded with two random elemental awakening cards.]

[Distributing Rewards...]

[Using random elemental awakening cards...]

[Congratulations, Host, for getting the element Plant.]

[Congratulations, Host, for getting the element Metal.]

{A/N: Yes more elements as you requested and also mutated hehehe}

[Congratulations, Host, for getting 9☆ type Mana Technique: Sovereign Of Time]

[Congratulations host for getting 9☆ type Mana Technique: Conqueror Of Space]

[Congratulations host for getting 9☆ type Mana Technique: The Emperor Of Death Storms]

[Congratulations host for getting 9☆ type Mana Technique: Unbreakable Shield Of Destruction]

[Congratulations host for getting 9☆ type Mana Technique: Holy Dryad Of Life]

Lucifer closed his eyes and focused his mind, trying to absorb the immense amount of knowledge being implanted into his brain all at once. As the knowledge flooded in, Lucifer's head began to ache with a dull throb. He felt as though his mind was expanding, stretching to accommodate all the new information. The pain was not unbearable, but it was enough to make him wince and grit his teeth.

Despite the discomfort, he continued to concentrate, pushing himself to absorb as much of the mystical knowledge as possible. His breathing grew shallow as his mind raced, taking in the secrets of the universe and the mysteries of the ages.

After what felt like an eternity, the influx of knowledge began to slow, and Lucifer felt a sense of relief wash over him. The headache began to recede, and he opened his eyes, feeling both exhilarated and drained.

Although his eyes showed his exhaustion, the wild grin on his face conveyed the opposite.

For the first time in his life, Lucifer felt such excitement. The rewards granted by the system were too good, making it even difficult for him to keep his calm. He had an urge to laugh wildly like an evil villain but composed himself, suppressing his smile, though a small smile still remained on his face.

"It is detected that the host's awakening is complete. The system is putting on the limiter once again," read the message from the system. The system had already explained to him about the limiter, so he didn't say anything.

The limiter of the system is a safety feature, making the system's ability dependent on Lucifer's brain and the commands he gave it. Removing the limiter would make the system independent and capable of doing almost anything, but it would no longer be under Lucifer's command. This is a safety feature that higher beings have added to the system to help Lucifer during his toughest times or during his awakening.

Initially, this annoyed Lucifer, but he realized that the system could make him overpowered, reckless, and dependent. He reasoned with himself and accepted it.

Lucifer watched the mana techniques he received from the system. These mana techniques pave the path for the cultivation of mana and grant the practitioner better understanding of elements and such.

The cultivation techniques are classified into different grades starting from 1☆ to 9☆. The 1☆ star technique is the simplest to practice and has the least power and weak foundation. On the other hand, 9☆ is the hardest to master but the best in the world, providing practitioners with the strongest base.

People in the world believe that the higher the grade of the technique, the better the chances of reaching higher levels. But this is just a myth. It is partially correct to say that one would have a better chance of advancing in levels through the guidance of the technique, but in reality, it all depends on the practitioner's talent.

The 9☆ techniques are very rare and only a few handful of them exists, in the novel it was mentioned that there are a total of 23 9☆ techniques in existence counting the protagonist's itself and are all strict security of the strongest powers in the universe preserving them for their lineage and personal forces.

Usually, it is hard to understand these techniques, particularly the concepts of 9☆ grade techniques. But thanks to the system, the knowledge of the technique was directly implanted into Lucifer's mind.

"Two more elements, eh?" Lucifer looked at the next reward given by the system.

"What do you mean by the hidden quests?" he asked.

"Hidden quests are special quests assigned to the host by the system, in which the host has to perform certain actions or fulfill certain conditions to trigger them and obtain rewards. These quests are similar to normal quests, but the system does not provide any hints related to these quests to the host. This function was made by the higher beings and was meant to be a secret until the host himself discovers it.


Hey guys!

I will update the Auxiliary chapter later as I'm feeling lazy right now so don't complain about that in the comment section please.

Oh yeah and I would not be releasing any new chapters for a while now as you no studies so yeah for now I will be seriously invest my time in studying though sometimes in between I would release some chapters but it would be rare.

Sorry guys but you all know how important it is.

Oh yeah and give me a lots of powerstones please.