8. System

At the age of 17, those who are born with the awakening Potential could awaken their status and gain the ability to store mana within themselves and use magic of their respective element.

The people who are born with the awakening Potential are very rare but within a family like Morrison family with great genes and Awakener background this is a common thing.

Sarah who grew up to know about her real parents, even though she never met them wanted to avenge them but Ares and Elizabeth prohibited her from that as they know of the danger behind that incident.

On the planet earth Morrison families have a great influence but then also there are still some powers who are stronger than the Morrison family.

Sarah who got to know this understood the danger but it didn't extinguish her fire of revenge and hence she wanted to become stronger.

To become stronger after becoming an awakener one needs to spend a lot of resources but because the Morrison family practices the rule of giving best of all to only the person who will be selected as the heir to the next patriarch.

For Sarah to become the next patriarch she befriended all the young ones of the Morrison family and created a goddess-like image of herself and made everyone support her but there was one thing that still stood in her way.

Her monster of a brother is the most talented individual of the Morrison family to deal with him she used a lot of bad tricks taking the advantage of his innocence and low presence making him slowly fall into her traps and destroy his whole life.

'A goddess?'

Today at the competition she asked one of her friends to secretly attack Lucifer with a soul bomb and destroy his awakening potential.

Later in the judgement his awakening potential was damaged and he couldn't awaken in his lifetime, the one who did this was just given a light punishment because of Sarah's request and Lucifer the most talented genius of the Morrison family became the waste of the Morrison family.

His misery didn't end there as Sarah used her trickery to sew more traps and made his life a living hell.

After suffering this all his innocence all washed away and instead of innocence a true evil was born in his heart, he used his wits and became the patriarch of the clan and planned multiple assassination events for Sarah but all failed as she was protected by the protagonist of the story, Lucifer who didn't back down trailed them to the ends of the world and planned multiple attacks and finally died at the ending of the novel.

At the moment of the death I was transmigrated into his body and later brought back to his past with all wishes i asked that son of a bitch during our chat.

"Hey system, no i forgot that this should be a non intelligent system"

[Hello Host]

"Hm System?"

[Yes Host]

"Aren't you supposed to be a non intelligent one, how could you respond"

[The higher being thought that it would be an inconvenience for the host so he decided to make me semi-conscious one which would be dependent on the host's order to perform its functions]

'Thank god the idiot atleast thought of something useful'

"System, explain to me what's going on and what was my sudden outburst at that time?"

[Yes Host]

[After your death the Higher being transmigrated your soul into the body of Lucifer Morrison in the future and after you received his memories the system brought the host back to the past]

[As the host soul is very weak compared to the previous owner he got the control over your body at that time and the system after merging the souls of both destroyed the consciousness of previous Lucifer and erased all the previous emotions which the host had]


I don't know what to say at this point, i was still in the process of digesting all of the information that the system gave me.