12. A Hope To Change


This voice was of none other than the mother of Lucifer, Elizabeth Morrison.

If it was the previous Lucifer he would've jumped in the excitement that his mother talked to him but unfortunately for Elizabeth he wasn't the Lucifer she even wanted to meet.

Hearing her voice instead of excitement a pure rage and disgust was born in his heart as he knew why she was here.

Lucifer didn't look back at her in the fear that he would lose control over himself, even if the previous Lucifer is dead, the resentment and some emotions of him is still there inside of his soul.

Lucifer continued walking towards his room ignoring the call of his mother.

'Calm Down, Calm Down'

As the message sounded Lucifer felt his rage subsided but didn't completely disappear.

"Lucifer! Lucifer!"

'Hey system what's happening? didn't you say that the previous Lucifer is dead about what's happening to me now'

[Host the previous Lucifer is dead it's just that with the merging of the souls some emotions of Lucifer are still there within you and can't be removed completely]

'So what should I do now?'

[It is advised that the host should increase the Mind Stability skill to a further level ]

"Lucifer Stop!"

Elizabeth who was following Lucifer couldn't understand why her son was behaving like this, after following him for a while she just ordered him to stop.

'Maybe she would change'

Lucifer thought as he heard Elizabeth's order to stop.

'It may be for something else'

Don't know why Lucifer who inherited the emotions of previous Lucifer saw a hope that this conversation wouldn't be the same as his memories

Lucifer halted his steps once again and without turning back he looked at her from his shoulders with a cold and emotionless eyes which made Elizabeth shudder.

She didn't know why but looking at him like this she felt her heart sting, her son who just a few days no, a year ago always had sparkling eyes whenever he saw her now what could have happened to him to become so cold?

Ignoring the pain she felt, she smiled at Lucifer for now she had a more important thing to talk about.

"Congratulations Lucifer for winning to tournament"

Lucifer didn't say anything but just kept staring at her with cold eyes.

'Yes It's different'

Lucifer thought and the hope in his heart grew hoping that there would be a chance that his mother would change.

The pain in Elizabeth's heart grew more as Lucifer didn't respond to him and just kept staring at her with cold eyes which were getting colder and colder by every second pass.

She didn't know why but she felt that if she continued on the topic she was going to say she would lose something very important to her.

"That Lucifer at t-todays competition co-could you could you please-"

'It didn't change at all'

Lucifer clenched his hands and the anger and resentment in his heart grew more.

He knew where this conversation would lead, he knew what the reason for her sudden visit to him is.

Elizabeth who was stared at by Lucifer felt guilty for some reason as she continued to speak but stuttered and was not able to continue on what she was speaking.

"-that could you forgive Albert he didn't know about the consequences of using soul bomb, Sarah said th-"

"Get Lost"

Elizabeth who was looking down due to guilt was surprised hearing the Lucifer's words, Lucifer spoke in a soft yet indifferent tone but with her high level she was clearly able to hear what he said, she looked up in surprise as she met her son's eyes which were filled with disappointment and disgust towards her.

The coldness and indifference in his voice made a shiver run down through her spine and felt as if she was being stared at by a monster.

"Get Lost"

This time Lucifer said it loud at her face and looking back to the front he resumed his walk leaving the stunned Elizabeth alone who was unable to recover from the shock.

Elizabeth stared at her son departing and came out of shock looking at him she felt that she had lost something that was precious to her.

She wanted to say something but was unable to even voice out anything.

Lucifer walked calmly towards his room.

'What could I even expected'

Tears rolled down his cheeks as he walked.