25. The End Of Judgement


As Stephen opened his eyes a green light flashed in them and all of the hall was filled with the turbulent winds.

"Seems like you all have forgotten your place"

With a voice full of authority Stephen spoke and everyone in the hall looked at him in horror.

Most of the people in the hall are mostly S-rank awakeners which are considered to be the strongest on the planet but all now knelt to a single pressure all at once.

They looked up and saw their patriarch one of the 9 SS-rankers in the world sitting there on his throne with majesty.

His eyes were glowing with green colour while he was enveloped by a special light-green aura with an image of a green colour western dragon forming behind him looking down at them.

The stare of their patriarch made them all shudder in fear and their body got covered with cold sweat.

This was the strength of the true powerhouse, ninth strongest human and a being with power above all the S-rankers, A True SS rank Awakener.

"I wanna see who dares to punish my grandson"

Stephen said with a voice full of authority, everyone who heard him felt a shiver running down their spines.

"I have tolerated you all till now, but it seems like everyone here has forgotten their place"

"This is the Morrison family, here only the one who has strength is allowed to make any decision"

Stephen's aura was getting more intense as he spoke and everyone lowered their heads.

Releasing a long breath he retrieved his aura and as he did everyone was finally able to breathe.

"Everything that happened today was all under the jurisdiction of the Judgement Throne, what Lucifer did today was nothing out of the code of the Morrison family"

"It was the other's fault for being weak"

"From today on Joseph and Seline (Albert's parents) are exiled from the family"

"Call the doctors, as soon as Lucifer is done have all kids admitted to the hospital"

"Any objections"

Ares who was gasping for air was not convinced by this and wanted to retort to his father but as he raised his head his eyes were met by the eyes of his father who was staring at him coldly.

Ares wanted to say something but seeing his father's angry look he wasn't able to say anything and remained silent.

Supporting his wife he went back to his seat.

No one in the hall had the guts to say anything after experiencing Stephen's anger once.

Everyone shook their heads and silently took their seats and resumed watching on Lucifer.

Lucifer had caught Albert and began torturing him, everyone shut their eyes tightly seeing the brutal sight and Albert's parents whose hands were restrained by mana cuffs which were specially created for awakeners and mouths were closed couldn't do anything as they watched their only son being tortured brutally before dying.

Everyone saw Lucifer crushing all the bones in Albert's limbs and breaking his spine but making sure not to kill him.

They watched him sever his limbs and stomped brutally over his balls completely destroying them.

He plucked out Albert's little wiener and forcefully made Albert swallow his own severed penis.

Finally the torture ended with Lucifer ripping out Albert's heart and crushing it in his palm.

The dome disappeared and the medic team went on their jobs to treat the kids and transport all of them to the hospital.

Everyone was brutally beaten and needed at least a few months of time to recover physically and as for mentally no one could tell their state.

Sarah who was in the most serious condition required at least 6 months to recover and only if she awakens during this period of time will her recovery increase but what everyone is most worried about is the mental health of their kids once they wake up.

Everyone left the hall and Lucifer was called out by Stephen to meet him.