33. Races

"Let's see the races I can get"(Lucifer)

As soon as Lucifer muttered a large purple translucent screen that belonged to the system appeared before his eyes.

It was filled with golden words which had the name and the description of the different races in the world.

All these races were divided into 7 categories common, rare, royal, epic, legendary, myth, and primordial.

And their racial advantages were divided into lesser, average, moderate, higher, and apex.


Type: Common

The standard intelligent form of life can be termed as the definition of being average.

Average Mana Talent

Lesser Mana Capacity

Moderate Intelligence

Average Body Talent]

These are the stats of humans, and in some special cases, higher talents and special features may be found but only in some, and those who had them are referred to as a genius.


Type: Rare

Greater Mana Talent

Moderate Mana Capacity

Moderate Intelligence

Lesser Body Talent

Unique: Underwater Breathing]


Type: Royal

Lesser Mana Talent

Average Mana Capacity

Average Intelligence

Higher Body Talent]


Type: Common

Lesser Mana Talent

Lesser Mana Capacity

Lesser Intelligence

Moderate Body Talent]

[Dragon (Wild)

Moderate Mana Talent

Moderate Mana Capacity

Lesser Intelligence

Higher Body Talent

Unique: Dragon's Breathe

Dragon's Rage]

'Monsters are also included?'(Lucifer)

Lucifer was quite surprised by this but in a certain sense, we could also refer to these monsters as certain lesser intelligent beings.

Lucifer didn't mind much of these monsters and continued to look at the other races and one race caught his eye.


Type: Royal

Moderate Mana Talent

Moderate Mana Capacity

Average Intelligence

Moderate Body Talent

Unique: Body Of Pleasure]

Lucifer silently pinned this race amongst the ones he has chosen but isn't quite sure to choose this race.

It is amongst thousands of demonkind races and is quite infamous amongst the other races as for why?

Everyone is intelligent enough I guess.


Type: Epic

Higher Mana Talent

Higher Mana Capacity

Moderate Intelligence

Moderate Body Talent]

One of the most successful civilizations belongs to the eleven folks and controls a vast amount of resources.

This race is mainly known for its charm and talent in magic and is also divided into hundreds of subcategories depending upon origin and the element.


Type: Epic

Average Mana Talent

Moderate Mana Capacity

Apex Intelligence

Average Body Talent]

The most intelligent race which mostly indulges in wine and craftsmanship, this race isn't much involved in combat but then also it's amongst the ruling races of the universe.


Type: Rare

Average Mana Talent

Lesser Mana Capacity

Apex Intelligence

Lesser Body Talent]

Another Intelligent race is one of the weakest races but then also due to its intelligence, it's quite a respected race.


Type: Legendary

Apex Mana Talent

Higher Mana Capacity

Moderate Intelligence

Average Body Talent

Unique: White Angelic Wings]

[Fallen Angels

Type: Legendary

Average Mana Talent

Average Mana Capacity

Higher Intelligence

Apex Body Talent

Unique: Black Angelic Wings]

'The almighty angels'(Lucifer)

A secluded race that doesn't like to have much contact with the outside world and is quite known for its talent for magic and body.

Unlike fantasies of the previous world, the angels and the fallen Angels don't have any enmity between them but they are quite competitive.

[Storm Dragon

Type: Legendary

Higher Mana Talent

Higher Mana Capacity

Moderate Intelligence

Apex Body Talent

Unique: Storm Element]


Type: Legendary

Higher Mana Talent

Higher Mana Capacity

Average Intelligence

Apex Body Talent

Unique: Colossal Body]


Type: Myth

Apex Spirit Talent

Unique: Elemental Body Manifestation

Nigh Immortality]


He was tempted to change his race to Spirit or angelic race but Lucifer wanted to see which are the best races in the world.

But then also he pinned the spirit race as a choice.

Spirits are a very special race that lives in their dimension and rarely come in contact with any other beings.

Only Spirits can use the spirit magic or form a contract with any other beings making others also able to use their spirit magic as Michael did.

Speaking of spirits didn't Stephen also has some connections with them? I will ask about it to him later.

[ Celestial Elves

Type: Myth

Apex Mana Talent

Apex Mana Capacity

Moderate Intelligence

Moderate Body Talent

Unique: Celestial Force Cultivation]

The celestial or royal elves have a unique cultivation method that can use the energy of a star to level them up.

[Royal Demon

Type: Myth

Apex Mana Talent

Higher Mana Capacity

Moderate Intelligence

Apex Body Talent]


The ruling race of the universe and every one of their race belongs to the royal demon family of the demon empire.

Looking at the benefits this race provides Lucifer wanted to choose this race but.

This race is also the biggest red flag in the whole novel because our protagonist belongs to this race though he is a hybrid of a royal demon and a human which enhanced his talents to another level this race is which he gets categorized into so this troublesome race isn't in his conclusion.

'Let's filter it to the Primordial category'(Lucifer)


type: Primordial

Apex Mana Talent

Apex Mana Capacity

Higher Intelligence

Higher Body Talent

Unique: Rise from the ashes

Elemental Wings

Mana Dominance]

Secluded yet one of the most powerful races, having absolute control over mana they are the best mages in the world but that isn't what makes them unique it's their skill rise from the ashes.

After their death, they can reborn in the presence of their respective element making them literal Immortal but in exchange, they will lose all their powers and memories and have to restart from their infancy.


Type: Primordial

Apex Mana Talent

Apex Mana Capacity

Moderate Intelligence

Apex Body Talent

Unique: Wolf Transformation

Lethal Bite

Mana Devourer]

The most ferocious race is near extinction.

Their bite doesn't have any cure and kills anyone in the world.

They have low fertility causing their population to decline but then also they aren't a force to reckon with due to their strength.

Their skill mana devour can devour the mana in their surroundings and use it to strengthen their physical body.

[Royal Spirit

Type: Primordial

Apex Spirit Talent

Unique: Spirit Authority

Nigh Immortality]

The king of all spirits and the head of the spirit dimension.

They are almost Immortal, a spirit can be killed but it will be reborn back just like a phoenix and lose its memories and powers but have an edge over phoenixes as they don't age.

[True Dragons

Type: Primordial

Apex Mana Talent

Higher Mana Capacity

Higher Intelligence

Apex Body Talent

Unique: True Dragon Transformation

True Dragon Scales

True Dragon Eyes

True Dragon Roar]

The race comprises true dragons which is the absolute king of dragons and can rival phoenixes and Fenrir in terms of strength.


Type: Primordial

Lesser Mana Talent

Lesser Mana Capacity

Lesser Intelligence

Lesser Body Talent

Unique: Ultimate Regeneration

Infinite Stamina

True Immortality]


Slime is the most common monster which is considered worthless by everyone.

Lucifer was baffled finding that the weakest creature in the whole universe can rival true dragons and phoenixes in terms of evolution.

This information refreshed his worldview.

[Sacred Lion Of Order

Type: Primordial

Apex Mana Talent

Higher Mana Capacity

Higher Intelligence

Apex Body Talent

Unique: Element Order]

The most unique existence in the universe and the only intelligent species who have the element order which is much like the holy element a branch element of primal light element.

They are almost on the brink of extinction like Fenrir and are respected by everyone in the world because of their righteous spirit.

Looking at so many species Lucifer was having a hard time choosing the race he wanted, every race has its share of advantages and disadvantages it's really hard to choose any one of them.

In this world unlike the cultivation novels where the protagonist can have thousands of bloodlines a person could only have one bloodline or be a hybrid.

Hybrids have a very high potential but then also are despised by both the purebreds being a hybrid is similar to being an enemy of two races altogether just like Michael who is constantly hunted down by demons and humans alike after his hybrid identity was revealed.

'Hey System can you give me any advice(Lucifer)

[Host is advised to choose one of the primordial races because of the high benefits ]

'But they are all so awesome'(Lucifer)

[Then why don't you create a new race for yourself?]

'Wait I can create a new race '(Lucifer)

[Yes host, you can use the features of the other races to create a new race for yours but it will be limited to the primordial level as it is the highest in the universe]


Time for your suggestion and votes