38. Issac Morrison

(February 26th)



In the middle of the field, two figures could be seen fighting each other with their swords.

Both of them were holding a sword in each hand and every swing they made looked unreal and beautiful.

Their speed was so fast that a normal human would have a hard time keeping up with their pace and all they could see would be a blur but for everyone around them it was no big deal to keep up with their fight and enjoy the beautiful display of their skills.

The woman with long white hair and mesmerizing golden eyes parried the attack made by the handsome white-haired boy and proceed to swing her sword straight toward his neck.

The boy easily evaded the attack by taking a step back and thrusting his sword straight toward the neck of the woman.

The woman was unable to defend herself this time and the sword stopped a centimeter away from the woman's neck.

"You lose"(Lucifer)

A soft yet masculine voice entered her ears and the woman couldn't help but pout cutely looking at the handsome man in front of him.

"This is your seventh loss this week Aunt"(Lucifer)

The figures were none other than Lucifer and Emma who were practicing their sword skills.

"Hmmph you won just because I was restricted by these damn restrictors"(Emma)

"Once you awaken I would show you what's true Swordsmanship is"(Emma)

Lucifer couldn't help but chuckle looking at his aunt complaining.

The two maids approached them and handed them towels and unlocked two red-colored bracelets from Emma's hands.


Special cuffs are made up of rare metals and designed to restrain mana in the wearer's body.

These restrictors are mainly used to handle the awakened criminals and are imported to Earth from the channels of Mystique Corporation.



Lucifer Morrison

Species: Human

Affinities: Storm, Space, Time







Charm: B+

Innate Powers: Heart Of Mana(Locked), The Sin Of Sloth (Locked), The Sin Of Pride (Locked), The Sin Of Lust (Locked), The Sin Of Gluttony (Locked), The Sin Of Wrath (Locked), The Sin Of Greed (Locked), The Sin Of Envy (Locked)

Titles: The Returner, One From The Other World, Fateless, Fate Severer, Dominator

Skills: Database, Regeneration(Lvl.4) Tyranny(Lvl.2), Hacking (Lvl.9), Programming (Lvl.9), Battle Instinct(Lvl.9), Combat Mastery(Lvl.7), Mind Stability (Lvl.5), Soul Recovery(Lvl.1), Soul Resistance (Lvl.3), Pain Resistance (Lvl.8), Etiquette (Lvl.7), Advanced Acting(Lvl.7)

Mana Technique:(None)

Mana Skills:(None)


Over the past month under the guidance of his aunt and grandfather, Lucifer has been leveling his combat-related skills at a very fast pace.

All his weapon-related skills combined with the unarmed combat together created a new skill called Combat Mastery which makes him proficient in all types of combat.

Most of Lucifer's skills stopped upgrading after level 7 since it has reached his body's limit and couldn't upgrade them further though a few skills which aren't purely based on his body kept upgrading.

[1896: 57: 24]

'79 Days more'

He also found a timer feature in the system which would help him keep tabs on the day of his awakening.

Wiping off the sweat Lucifer and Emma under the escort of the servants went inside the manor and started having their usual chat.

They were currently inside Emma's manor for their usual training.

"Even if you have won against me remember that it's because of that I was restricted, don't get this win get over your head"(Emma)

"After you awaken your strength and body capabilities will improve by leaps and bounds and in front of powerful mana Techniques these skills will become useless"(Emma)

'Well she is partly right that I shouldn't slack off'(Lucifer)

Skills are very valuable and the core foundation for one to use mana technique-related weapons but Emma didn't know of it yet as she hadn't gone out of the planet.

Though Stephen had also ventured out of the planet it seems like he hasn't made any contact with the teaching secrets which are controlled by the giant institutes.

'Tut tut' (Notification)

"Hmm oh it seems like Issac has returned from the ruins of Elderville"(Emma)

{A/N: Issac: A cousin of Emma}

"You mean Uncle Issac?"(Lucifer)

Issac Morrison, Lucifer's uncle and also known as one of the strongest men of the Morrison family and stand on an equally strong footing as Ares in the terms of strength.

Issac is also one of the candidates for the seat of patriarch but gave up halfway through as he doesn't have any interest in being the patriarch.

"Oh yeah you probably wouldn't know about it yet"(Emma)

"Your Aunt Jessica and cousin Hayley went to visit Hayley's maternal house in Elderville"(Emma)

"And unfortunately were caught in a monster stampede which was lead by an S-rank beast"(Emma)

"It was a quite disastrous event and your aunt and cousin both went missing after that"(Emma)

"Many people assumed that they both are dead but since their body hasn't been found they are declared missing"(Emma)

"Issac lead a team of our mercenary group and slayed the beast and is currently searching for them both"(Emma)

'So that incident happened already'(Lucifer)

It was one of the plots in the novel in which when Michael's school lead them on a school trip he successfully picked up a fight with an S rank beast Three Headed Crocodile.

This incident caused a great stampede and increased Michael's fame as a hero who helped the rescue team kill an S-rank beast and successfully formed a connection with an S-rank powerhouse who helped in his rise.

'Tch he caused the whole incident but is hailed as a hero'

And the S-rank powerhouse was none other than Issac Morrison.

They both parted ways and met after a year when Lucifer discovered Hayley who was in a coma in a hospital and contacted Issac who then became his backer and helped him a lot.

'Issac he was a troublesome guy'(Lucifer)

From previous ones' memories, Issac was a troublesome guy to deal with and also was very loyal to Michael.

'I think it's better to make him my pawn'(Lucifer)

Leaving Emma's manor Lucifer went to his house and thought about the newly formed plan.

Entering his room which was neat as always he sat on his study table and chair and opened his laptop.

He had practiced and read a lot about hacking and programming this past month and with his system he had already leveled these skills to level 9.

He had already discovered the bugs his grandfather had asked Joseph to install in the laptop he tampered with them to show Stephen only what Lucifer wanted him to see.

With the novel's reference and the database skill he still remembered the name of the hospital and hacked into their system and went through their patients' files who were admitted in the last 2 months and found the one, he was looking for.

A 12-year-old kid was found on the shore of the river and had her face disfigured.

'I found her and it seems that Aunt Jessica is still alive and is admitted to the same hospital as Hayley'(Lucifer)

Jessica was already dead before Michael could reach them but it seems she is still alive but is in the comma.

The hospitals nowadays are quite advanced but not all have the same level as the one at the Morrison family.

The hospital Jessica and Hayley were admitted to was a government hospital.

Since their faces were disfigured and are still under the treatment they both have yet to be identified.

For proof of their identity, Lucifer hacked into the system of the Morrison family and used the recorded DNA data from the hospital which is compulsory for the hospital to record, and proceeded to match them.

The results came quickly and it was a proper match.

'Now it's time for plan 2'(Lucifer)

Lucifer sent a mail from an incognito email ID to Issac regarding Hayley and Jessica's fake kidnapping.