
[The mutations of the elements are as follows:

Plant element is mutated with holy or life element. While the Metal element is mutated with Destruction element]

'The what??!!!'

The Holy element in this novel world is considered one of the rarest and most respected elements. It is closely associated with the concept of life, purity, and divine power. It is said to possess powerful healing abilities, capable of restoring health and vitality to injured or ill individuals.

One of the most well-known spells associated with the Holy element is the "Blessing of Healing," which can heal wounds, diseases, and other physical afflictions. Another powerful spell is the "Sacred Shield," which creates a protective barrier around the caster or allies, deflecting incoming attacks and providing immunity to harmful status effects.

However, what sets the Holy element apart from other magical elements is its unique nature. Unlike other forms of magic, Holy magic cannot harm or kill unawakened humans due to their lack of mana. Any other form of magic or mana would result in mana poisoning, which can be fatal to unawakened humans. This makes Holy magic a highly sought-after skill for healers, as it allows them to heal others without risking unintentional harm.

You can just imagine how much prestige just a person weilding this elements has. The holy elemental users are first of all very rare and if someone is discovered possessing this element he/she will be directly declare him as a saint or something while some crazy religious organisations will deem the weilders as the messenger of God or something.

[Due to the holy element mutation, the plant element's attack power has been weakened but the healing properties as well as support and control abilities are vastly improved.]

Hearing this piece of news from the system Lucifer frowned slightly but his expression soon returned to normal.

Lucifer already has a lot of attack powers from his other elements so there isn't any reason to worry about attack powers.

He had already decided to use this element for support and healing for which he lacked before.

But above all he is exited to have holy element on him the most as he could use it to gain acknowledgement of pantheon which is an organisation which is inclined towards religious beliefs and charity.

It's a really powerful power and full of religious fanatics who sees holy element as a divine blessing of god's.

But Lucifer immediately dropped that idea knowing how much chaos is surrounded that place and is quite dangerous for current Lucifer who is very weak.

{A/N: A small description about mutated elements.

Mutated elements are special elemental variants which is combination of more than one element.

A person weilding mutated element can manipulate the elements of which mutation they are combined of.

Though the attack power, defense, control or any other stats the elements originally should have would be a lot different because of the mutations.

In short it means a person weilding a mutated element can master skills, magic and everything of all the elements he possesses.}

The next is metal element, this element in this world is known for its exceptional defensive capabilities and is considered the best element for defense. Metal magic is closely associated with the properties of metal, such as strength, durability, and rigidity. Metal mages can create armor, shields, and other defensive structures out of metal, which makes them nearly impervious to physical attacks.

One of the most well-known spells associated with Metal magic is "Iron Skin," which creates a layer of metal around the caster's body, providing them with enhanced durability and resistance to physical attacks. Another powerful defensive spell is "Metal Shield," which creates a shield made of metal that can deflect incoming attacks and provide protection to the caster and their allies.

Metal magic also allows for the creation of various defensive structures, such as walls, barriers, and fortresses. The "Metal Wall" spell creates a sturdy barrier made of metal that can block incoming attacks, while the "Fortress" spell creates a large, impenetrable structure made of metal that can protect the caster and their allies from harm.

In addition to defensive spells, Metal magic also has offensive capabilities. Metal mages can create sharp metal blades, spikes, and other weapons out of thin air, which they can use to impale or slice through their enemies. The "Metal Blade" spell creates a sharp blade made of metal that can be thrown at an opponent, while the "Metal Spike" spell creates a sharp spike that can impale multiple targets.

This is one of the common elements specialising in defense and potrayed slightly weak in the novel but then also is an amazing element in terms of defense.

'Destruction element? It was never mentioned in the novel or any time in previous Lucifer's memories'

The system began to introduce the destruction element to Lucifer listening to which his eyes couldn't help but widen.

The Destruction element in this world is the opposite of the Creation element and is known for its incredible attack power. Destruction magic is closely associated with chaos, entropy, and destruction. It is an inherently unstable element that can be challenging to master, but those who can harness its power are capable of unleashing devastating attacks that can obliterate even the strongest opponents.

One of the most well-known spells associated with Destruction magic is "Annihilation," which unleashes a powerful burst of energy that can obliterate anything in its path. Another potent spell is "Ravage," which creates a massive explosion that can destroy entire buildings or even cities.

Destruction magic also allows for more precise attacks, such as "Disintegrate," which can break down objects or structures into their constituent atoms, or "Pulverize," which can shatter solid objects into dust or rubble.

However, what makes Destruction magic so powerful is also what makes it so dangerous. The chaotic and unstable nature of the element means that even a small mistake can have disastrous consequences. Uncontrolled or improperly channeled destruction magic can result in unintended collateral damage, such as unintended destruction or even injury to the caster.

This mutation gave extra increased to defensive capablities of his metal element while adding it's destructive powers as well making it capable of displaying overpowered offence.

'Damn this is too op'

Lucifer couldn't help but get excited hearing the description of his elements and just wanted to try them out but he couldn't try them yet as he was still inside the aircraft.

Calming his excitement down Lucifer looked at the description of his storm element which has gone under a new mutation.

The storm element is a powerful combination of wind, lightning, and water, creating a potent force of nature. It is characterized by its unpredictability and intensity, making it both awe-inspiring and terrifying.

The wind component of the storm element represents its ability to move and manipulate objects. It is the force that can lift objects off the ground, push them in a particular direction, or create a swirling vortex. The wind of a storm is often accompanied by a deafening sound, creating a sense of chaos and disorientation.

The lightning component of the storm element represents its electrical energy. Lightning bolts are a visible manifestation of this energy, and they are often accompanied by thunderclaps. The electrical energy of the storm element can be incredibly destructive, capable of tearing apart trees and buildings.

The water component of the storm element represents its fluidity and adaptability. The water of a storm can take on many forms, from raindrops to floods, and it can move in any direction. Water can also conduct electricity, making it a potent conductor for the lightning component of the storm element.

Storm dragons are innately attuned to the storm element, and they are able to harness its power to great effect. They can summon winds to create powerful gusts or create electrical storms that can strike their enemies with lightning bolts. They can also summon rain and floods to create barriers or sweep their foes away. The storm element is a versatile and formidable power, and those who wield it must be careful to control its chaotic energies

This was the coolest element he had seen in the novel that was the reason he chooses it at first just thinking about to create a cool character.

This is a really advance and powerful element and along with ice element mutation in the novel it was just amazing.

'Fire and death element'

Every otaku in existence know what fire element is after all this is the most overused and cliche element the protagonist gets in almost everynovel so Lucifer didn't bothered about its description instead he looked at the death element with curiousity as this was also one of the elements that were never mentioned in the novel or in the memories he got.

The death element is often portrayed as an opposing force to a holy or life-giving element, and is associated with darkness, decay, and destruction. It may be depicted as a particularly powerful and dangerous force, capable of causing widespread devastation and bringing about the end of life itself.

Some examples of how a death element might be portrayed in fiction include:

Ability to drain life force or vitality from living beings, causing them to weaken or die.

Control over negative emotions such as fear, despair, and hopelessness, which can be used to manipulate and influence others

Power to manipulate or control the forces of decay and destruction, such as corrosion, erosion, and entropy.

Ability to summon and command undead creatures or spirits, who may serve as loyal minions or weapons of destruction

Resistance or immunity to holy or life-affirming powers, making them difficult to defeat or overcome.

Overall, a death element represents the opposite of a holy element in many ways, and similar to destruction element but is very different from it.

'Man another OP element.'

With this new mutation the attack power and versatility of the storm element has been increased by leaps and bounds though the defense is decreased by alot it doesn't matter much as he has gained another element which would focus on defense.

Lucifer is thinking of metal element. Though it had gotten such a powerful mutation increasing its attack power Lucifer wants the metal element to focus more on defense for his overall development.

He may say that metal element would be focused more on defense but he won't waste it's destructive potential and will also learn some of its offensive spells and try to focus on its offensive abilities though he would still give more priorities to defense for this element.

'Metal element huh? looking at it I couldn't help it but remember her'

'Her' in Lucifer's thoughts refers to one of the secondary heroines who was introduced in the novel at the same time when Lucifer was.

That heroine was not one of the main heroines and originally had very little potential in her.

She also weilded the metal element and was the only heroine weilding this. According to the novel she was very weak at first after she awakened and had least talent of all heroines but was somehow able to get a legacy of a very strong powerhouse and became overpowered.

'That legacy was really strong'

Remembering the details of her power from the novel and the memories Lucifer couldn't help but earn for that legacy.

'If possible I want to get my hands on that legacy before her'

[Quest Triggered:....]


Hey guys!

Yeah yeah I said that I won't be uploading but looking at the number of chapters I couldn't help but write one more.

Yes guys we have finally completed 50 chapters alas.....

So on this occasion I would like to propose an idea.

Since I'm getting a lot of ideas about new stories I would just share my ideas with you all at the end of each chapters.

If I don't then I just simply didn't thought of anything

At the end of the second volume I would start another novel mainly replace a few which I don't plan to continue to write like my prodigy system, Fate Devouring System and Author System with them.

If anyone else gets inspired by my ideas and want to adopt them to write a new novel I don't mind anything and feel free to write them.

So the idea for today is....


"This is the king you all think so highly off?"

An young man wearing a golden armour muttered as he looked at the soldiers and the civillians who looked at him like he was a devil.

Stepping on the emperor's face a large grin formed on his face as he looked at the crowd.

Transmigrated into a parallel world of magic which was still in mediaeval era in the body of a young Duke whose parents were assassinated by the order of royal family and fiancee who was one of the princess of the empire broke of the engagement with as he turned into a ruthless tyrant whose conquest was only to unite the whole world under his name using any means possible.


#Ruthless Mc


#Cold MC

#Arrogant MC




