The Rabbit Fakes the Tiger's Might

In the forest, a fat white rabbit was holding a ginseng root in its paws and gnawing on it like it was a carrot. 

Under its butt, a big multi-colored tiger was lazily lying on a stone, basking in the sun. It shook its head from time to time to shake off the bits of meat that the rabbit had eaten. 

Suddenly, the ferocious tiger let out a low roar and stood up abruptly, staring at the forest in front of it. 

The fat rabbit was also shocked. It hurriedly stuffed the ginseng under its butt, and its little claws clutched the tiger's fur tightly. 

The grass swayed, and a figure slowly walked out. 

"Master Si, you're so impressive!" Jiang Ming looked at this scene and smiled. 

He had been training in the mountains and picking herbs for the past few days. It was not until today that he finally met this infamous group of beasts. 

The tiger opened its bloody mouth, and a fierce aura leaked out. It was about to pounce on this ignorant human.