Sneaking In

Jiang Ming looked at Zhou Wenxiu. The latter also shook her head in confusion. This kind of thing had never happened before.

Jiang Ming simply got up, walked out of the courtyard, and walked in the direction of the bell.

There were already many people in front of him, and there were also screams coming from within the crowd. Jiang Ming pushed through the crowd and walked forward. He suddenly saw a man tied to a tree being whipped.

"Mr. Dong?"

Jiang Ming looked at the burly figure who was tied up and was puzzled.

In front of Mr. Dong, Li Yong stood tall in full armor. His expression was stoic with a trace of ruthlessness. He fiercely whipped Mr. Dong again, causing his skin to split open, and he screamed repeatedly.

Jiang Ming looked at this scene and felt a little confused. Wasn't the Old Snake Gang with the rebel army?