Attacking the Old Snake Gang

When the smell of blood entered his nose, Jiang Ming quickly sped up and rushed into the clinic.

There was no one in the hall. Jiang Ming rushed straight to the backyard and saw a scene that left him dumbfounded.

Dr. Sun, who was usually old and frail, was now brandishing a walking stick and fighting with a masked man in black.

On the other side, there were already two men in black lying on the ground. They had a few bleeding wounds. They were clearly dead.

"And you said you didn't know martial arts," Jiang Ming could not help but mutter internally.

Just as he was in a daze, Dr. Sun had already struck the last person with his walking stick, sending him flying into a corner in the distance.

The man's mask also fell off, revealing his face.

Jiang Ming recognized this person. He was an apprentice in Dr. Sun's clinic. He was usually honest and unassuming. He did not expect that he would do such a thing.