The Truth of the Immortal Encounter

In the small house, Jiang Ming did not seem to see the black dog's resentful eyes and said lightly, "As long as you take the antidote in time, you won't die. Can you write?" 

The black dog stared at Jiang Ming for a long time, as if it wanted to protest. In the end, it could only nod its head in humiliation when it thought of this human's brutal means. 

Jiang Ming was not surprised. If he could think of teaching Master Si how to read and write, it was impossible for the person who trained this black dog to not think of it as well. 

He immediately threw over a paper and a pen and shouted, "I'll ask, and you'll answer. What is your name? Where are you from? Where is your master, and why do you want to kill me?" 

"I'm not here to kill you." The black dog was shocked and quickly wrote down an answer. 

"You still dare quibble?!" Jiang Ming slapped the table, "If you lie again, I'll chop off your legs and stew them. Tell me everything you know!"