A Happy Reunion and a Farewell (1)

Jiang Ming looked at the busy figure in the medicine shop. 

More than twenty years had passed, and his old friend had experienced a great many things. Her face was still delicate and sweet, but there were some crow's feet at the corners of her eyes. 

Time truly was cruel. 

Jiang Ming looked at the figure and left slowly. 

A moment later, he reappeared outside the medicine shop. This time, he revealed his true appearance. However, he had aged himself up appropriately. 

Jiang Ming walked in slowly, and the sales attendants were still greeting him warmly until the figure in the medicine shop turned around and saw Jiang Ming. 

The sunlight outside the window shone on the two of them. It was as if they were coated with a layer of golden light. 

Jiang Ming looked at the surprised woman in front of him and grinned. "Long time no see, brat!"