The Legend (2)

Everyone was in an uproar. This was the first time someone had challenged the empire like this! 

Fang Zishuang's eyes lit up as well, and she almost joined the cheers. However, on second thought, she was also a citizen of the Cloud Empire and quickly shut her mouth. 

"Such courage. Looks like another Grandmaster is going to fall today!" 

Liu Huaji walked forward step by step, and his blood Qi became more and more vigorous. "Hand over the King of Medicine and I'll leave you with an intact corpse!" 

Behind Jiang Ming, another aura suddenly burst out. 

A black-robed figure stood with his hands behind his back. His hair and beard were all white, but he exuded a majestic temperament and looked at Jiang Ming indifferently. 

"Is this the emperor of the Cloud Empire, Zhang Yuanhe?" 

Many people cried out in surprise. They did not expect that the founding emperor of the Cloud Empire would actually come here personally for the King of Medicine.