Cooperation (3)

Jiang Ming's eyes widened. Talisman-making had incredibly high profit margins! As expected, these skills paid more than farming! 

If Jiang Ming helped make ten talismans a day, he would get at least five spirit stones. That meant that in a month he could easily make half what he did from alchemy. 

Moreover, Jiang Ming also had some preliminary understanding of talisman-making. Even a beginner talisman master could produce more than thirty pieces a day. Even if the two of them needed to work slowly, they would make at least twenty pieces a day. Even when they took into account their failure rate, the profits were staggering. 

To be honest, Jiang Ming was a little tempted. After all, he was now trying to break through the bottleneck of his martial arts realm and was short of spirit stones. This was a risk-free opportunity. Thus, it was worth a try.