Leaving (1)

Late at night, Jiang Ming was lying in his room, digesting the news he got from Feng He.

"The Black Rock Ruins are gradually collapsing. However, the original restrictions have partially been restored. Most of the areas can only be entered by those in the Qi Refinement Realm. According to Feng He, there are only five to six years until the next time the remains will be fully opened. This might also be the last time the Black Rock Ruins will be opened. After that, it will be completely destroyed, and everything will cease to exist!"

Jiang Ming recalled some ancient books that he had read. It was said that a long time ago, when the black stone monument first appeared, it would only allow people in the Qi Refinement Realm to enter. Later, as time passed, the restrictions were gradually damaged, and it could only allow stronger cultivators to enter.