Departure (2)

Behind the crevice was a cliff that had suddenly broken off. Jiang Ming stood on the edge of the cliff and saw only darkness in front of him. The void was actually filled with endless turbulent wisps of fog of several colors. There were even wisps of silver and golden fog that danced in the sea of fog.

Even Jiang Ming, who was a Foundation Establishment Realm martial artist, felt a burst of fear when he saw the silver and golden fog. If he was contaminated by it, his body might not be able to withstand it!

Jiang Ming even suspected that there might be an even more terrifying power in the depths of this place.

Only the gray and black fog seeped out of the crevice.

"Is this the origin?" Jiang Ming was shocked and could not believe the scene in front of him was real.

How could such a huge space be hidden under the mountain range and not be discovered?