Meeting an Old Friend in the Soul Suppressing River (1)

In the boundless snowfield, Jiang Ming walked alone and continued to move toward the deepest part. 

It had been about three days since Jiang Ming had destroyed the camp. He had crossed mountain ranges one after another and even encountered many demonic beasts and dangerous places. However, he still could not find anyone. 

If it were not for the traces of battle along the way, Jiang Ming would have suspected that he had gone the wrong way. 

Jiang Ming looked at the sky. The strange flames that spanned the sky were the same as three days ago. There was still no change. 

It seemed that he was indeed very far away from that higher-level area. This made Jiang Ming feel a little relieved. It was always good not to go to a more dangerous place. 

He hoped that he could find traces of Wu Hen before he reached that area. 

Suddenly, Jiang Ming's eyes moved slightly. He heard a thunderous sound, like the roar of a demonic beast, shocking his soul.